Off road, off grid

After a few years on the road, I've had to adjust to being close - around people again. If it weren't for a few serious medical issues, I would've stayed on the road with a small home base somewhere. Aging is not for the weak. :auiqs.jpg:

I had a vehicle much smaller than a camper and loved it. I'd sit on the roof (where I built a deck).
I am not sure I can ever get use to the closeness of shared walls. I am k8ndvof miserable with it. Oh, well I must keep flipping properly till I get enough to buy a farm. Then comfort of home without those close neighbors. I will keep putting up with it till back on farm.
I am not sure I can ever get use to the closeness of shared walls. I am k8ndvof miserable with it. Oh, well I must keep flipping properly till I get enough to buy a farm. Then comfort of home without those close neighbors. I will keep putting up with it till back on farm.
Interesting. Good luck with it all.
Not sure these people qualify as "off grid" but I guess they do go off road- I remember in 02 maybe 03 a girl I was dating, and I, thought about and looked into living in an RV- at the time there were maybe (at least accessible on line) a couple dozen groups that did full time RV living. Some of them earned money in different ways by working "shows" selling trinkets and stuff at malls, etc..

The numbers of people using RV's full time has increased, a lot. It brings to mind a saying I use- adapt or die. Humans can be pretty resourceful- necessity is the mother of invention.

Off-road, off-grid: the modern nomads wandering America's back country

I always liked a nomad life style- I think that was the reason I enjoyed driving big trucks over the road after I retired from a real job-
Wonder what happened to


Thanks, a little luck never hurt. Hope your medical conditions improve. So far I have been lucky in that respect. I am old so not as strong nor fast as I use to be but so far healthy for my age. Not sure I have any pull with the big guy but I will pray for a good out come for you.
I'm tough. I'm a survivor. Shit crept up on me. I've been lucky. Found stuff before an event (attack/stroke etc). More angry at it all than anything.

I've always lived with the idea that people should go out and get what they want, no matter how simple or difficult. Go for it. While out on the road, I've met quite a few like me. Never thought I'd get to where I am now. It's all good.
I'm tough. I'm a survivor. Shit crept up on me. I've been lucky. Found stuff before an event (attack/stroke etc). More angry at it all than anything.

I've always lived with the idea that people should go out and get what they want, no matter how simple or difficult. Go for it. While out on the road, I've met quite a few like me. Never thought I'd get to where I am now. It's all good.
Still hoping for healthier out come for you. Sounds as if all in in hand that is good.
The problem with these types of things is where can one park and leave it? This is for weekenders
I’m over this fantasy, for now. I have everything I need and more. Hunting season coming up. I just spent Saturday and Sunday getting ready. Food plot. It’s an entire field bigger than a food plot. Cut it, till it, fertilizer, seed it walking with one of those seed spreaders. On Sunday morning 7-11am we got our 10,000 steps in for the day. But it was fun.

The bes person to be is not the property owner. The bes is to be the brother or friend. No one wants to hunt by themselves. Well, I do enjoy that too. But you need help and want hunting buddies. So, I’m lucky enough to have a brother with 65 acres.

What changed? I was kicking myself I’ve never been to the UP. Michigan. We went a couple weeks ago and it was nice but where we stay is better and has all the amenities. Lol.
Thanks, a little luck never hurt. Hope your medical conditions improve. So far I have been lucky in that respect. I am old so not as strong nor fast as I use to be but so far healthy for my age. Not sure I have any pull with the big guy but I will pray for a good out come for you.
Do you ea blueberry? I guess they are an amazing super food. Antioxidants

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