
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

Nah.....the Democrat way is deny, deny, deny....and make counter-accusations.
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.

The way I look at it Jill, if you're an elected official, you don't have a "personal life." You give that up when you're elected to serve the people who elected you 24/7. There's no "down time." You have to be willing to serve anytime you're in office. And that means behaving yourself and setting a good example.

Just my .02 worth....
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.

The way I look at it Jill, if you're an elected official, you don't have a "personal life." You give that up when you're elected to serve the people who elected you 24/7. There's no "down time." You have to be willing to serve anytime you're in office. And that means behaving yourself and setting a good example.

Just my .02 worth....

As I noted in post #1226:

He is in violation of the House Ethics Rules:

* * *

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


If Bitter Pillian thinks Weiner's behavior and evasive lies reflect CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives, then that says a great deal about her ethics.
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.

He's not just anyone on a board. He is a US Congressman who can be compromised by something like this. He has abused his office. Man, you really are dumb fucks.

Nope. He admitted it so unless there's more out there he can't be blackmailed.

SNL is gonna have a skit about this in the works......trust me.
I hope no tax payer dollars are wasted on a criminal investigation. Any charges are likely to result in a hung jury.
well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.

He's not just anyone on a board. He is a US Congressman who can be compromised by something like this. He has abused his office. Man, you really are dumb fucks.

Nope. He admitted it so unless there's more out there he can't be blackmailed.

SNL is gonna have a skit about this in the works......trust me.

Yes, there is more out there and I predict he will resign soon.

A few minutes ago, on National TV, WEANIE WEINER publicly and unequivocally admitted the OBVIOUS......i.e., guilty on ALL charges.

WEANIE WEINER apologized profusely, and babbled repeatedly about taking responsibility but.......he adamantly claimed that he would NOT resign.

On a much lesser note, but to round out the picture to understand how the various segments of our society feel about this bizarro behaviour (even for a LIEberrhoid), I wondered if any segment of our society would actually ENVY this LIEberrhoid Wierdo.

There are established, almost certified authorities, on the matter of LEZBOS.

I wonder if these "DICKLESS WONDERS" who fancy themselves as "husbands" in these fantasy QUEER "Marriages" would be ENVIABLE as hell of WEANIE WEANER and his (ahem) bulge ......even to so far as to EAGERLY go thru all this justifiable condemnation by the Nation ?

I am sincerely curious.
Holding on makes more sense when you see blind loyalty from Jillian and Rinata. It is telling that Pelosi sees him as cannon fodder at this point. Not a good sign Mr. Weiner.
He's not just anyone on a board. He is a US Congressman who can be compromised by something like this. He has abused his office. Man, you really are dumb fucks.

Nope. He admitted it so unless there's more out there he can't be blackmailed.

SNL is gonna have a skit about this in the works......trust me.

Yes, there is more out there and I predict he will resign soon.

In that case CNN or MSNBC has a job waiting for him in about a year.
More on the upCUMMING House Ethics Investigation:

“I am deeply disappointed and saddened about this situation; for Anthony’s wife, Huma, his family, his staff and his constituents,” Pelosi said in a statement released on Monday night.

“I am calling for an Ethics Committee investigation to determine whether any official resources were used or any other violation of House rules occurred.”

Israel added: “Congressman Anthony Weiner engaged in a deep personal failure and inappropriate behavior that embarrassed himself, his family, and the House. Ultimately, Anthony and his constituents will make a judgment about his future .

“To remove all remaining doubt about this situation, I agree with Leader Pelosi’s request that the House Ethics Committee use its authority to begin an investigation.”

Nancy Pelosi calls for Anthony Weiner ethics inquiry - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

If he used his office computer or taxpayer funded blackberry, he's toast.
Democrats do usually desperately cling to power even after they're busted. I mean Ted Kennedy actually killed a young girl while Drink Driving yet went on to serve 40yrs. in Government. The Weiner Man will hang on for as long as he can but he still might not survive. Many more young girls are coming forward with perv stuff he sent them. I'm actually betting against the Weiner Man surviving. I guess we'll see though.
Wonder if they will move his office to the basement? Leadership has little hints they are ticked off.
Kennedy was *cough* American "Royalty" *cough*.

Weiner's just a little dick.

Video of girl receiving "tweet pics" from Rep Weiner

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iys86OcXPY8&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪Laughing Girl‬‏[/ame]

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