
Sorry, bub.

Talking like an idiot is not as bad as Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it.

That's not what the Rule you posted said:

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.

Sorry, bub.

Talking like an idiot is not as bad as Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it.

That's not what the Rule you posted said:

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it does not REFLECT CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives.
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Sorry, bub.

Talking like an idiot is not as bad as Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it.

That's not what the Rule you posted said:

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it does not REFLECT CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives.
Talking like an d

Niether does talking like an idiot:

Eleven percent of Americans say they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in Congress, down from 17% in 2009 and a percentage point lower than the previous low for Congress, recorded in 2008.
Man,New York sure does seem to love their weird little Democrat Pervs. Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man. Come on New York,get it together.
Man,New York sure does seem to love their weird little Democrat Pervs. Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man. Come on New York,get it together.

What do you expect from a state which imported the carpetbagging Clintons?
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

Nah.....the Democrat way is deny, deny, deny....and make counter-accusations.

Well you're already seeing the new spin now. If you take ANY position on personal ethics or traditional values or family values and you are anything less than an exemplary, upstanding, perfectly righteous person in every detail, you can be crucified because you will be a hypocrite. Most especially if you have an R after your name.

But so long as a person doesn't promote anything positive or good or decent or right of a personal nature, he or she can be as crude and lewd and immoral as he chooses and that's fine.

And of course, any proof of Congressman Weiner's own little hypocrisies will be unaddressed and skimmed over and deflected just as he tried to do with his crotch shot problem with the press.

It's a fascinating thing to watch actually. :)
Man,New York sure does seem to love their weird little Democrat Pervs. Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man. Come on New York,get it together.

That's because these politicians are all friends. They are a tight knit group and most normal people cant penetrate the ranks of the political elites.
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

That's a nasty thing to say. But it's so you, isn't it???
Quelle Nonsurprise, Brainrotta doesn't grok Ethics and Morality.
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

That's a nasty thing to say. But it's so you, isn't it???

What's nasty about it? In fact, what's wrong about it?
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

That's a nasty thing to say. But it's so you, isn't it???

Well isn't that the argument some on your side are giving us? Congressman Weiner hasn' run on or promoted any family values or personal morality stuff so therefore it doesn't matter what he does in his spare time and it shouldn't make any difference to his professional status? I can refer you to the specific comments that sort of go along those lines if you like.

But then the fact that he accuses the Republicans or specific Republicans of the most hateful and horrendous things I suppose is okay too so long as he hasn't accused them of tweeting their dick to some young chick they're not married to.
So it was was him. Anyone shocked?

So Not Shocked.

Did the guy actually do anything wrong, besides use poor judgement, which, as a liberal Democrat, really isn't terribly unique.

Apparently he thinks so... I imagine his wife would think so too...

Personally, I don't think it's conduct that I would accept in a congressperson I supported...

He got caught... I'm sure there are others out there who are doing shit they're not supposed to do... I'd treat them the same way if they got caught...
Weiner represents everything that is wrong with New York, all of America actually. Greedy, slimey, Carpetbagging, bottomfeeding vile disgusting perverted politicians. Just like his buddy Spitzer. The arrogant asshole claimed recently that he planned on making a political comeback. Then we have the Weiner man refusing to resign. Maybe that hack Blago can make a comeback? These sick fucks sit around all day sending pitcures of themseves on the internet with their office doors locked while getting themselves off. Weiner probably visits some dirty bathhouse every night. ~BH
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The party line from the left seems to be that you can act any way you want, as long as you don't profess to have any ethics or morals whatsoever.

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