
Oh.mi.gawd. Chris Matthews is a gift that keeps on giving:

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: "Yeah, but he says his wife knew. He laid it out on her."

JOHN FEEHERY, Republican strategist: "Which is a terrible, terrible mistake."

MATTHEWS: "Well, maybe she's partly responsible if she knew about it?"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews On Weiner's Wife: "Maybe She's Partly Responsible"

So now it's BLAME THE WIFE time?

Mathews is such a fucking mysoginist... and a loon.
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.

yes, but, now hes stuck with the fact that he attempted to perpetrate a scam. If he made those calls from his office, well, he may have to be punished for that, stupid , sure, but he has made his own bed.

I could care less if he has phone sex or swaps photos, whatever, him and his wife can deal with it, but, I take the same stance here I took ala Clinton; I wasn't so much offended he was getting hummers in the oval office, I was however offended he was stupid enough, once caught to lie about it, while under oath to boot. I don't want a dummy representing me, I'll take the smart guy thank you, one who is smart enough to know when to fish or cut bait, OR, not get caught.
This is an interesting development. Usually, the MSM would bury a story for a prominent Democrat. But here ABCNews.com has a Flashback of Weiner's "Web of Lies".

Flashback: Weiner's Web of Lies | Video - ABC News

This story is not going to be brushed aside, especially if Breitbart has more material to post.
Oh.mi.gawd. Chris Matthews is a gift that keeps on giving:

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: "Yeah, but he says his wife knew. He laid it out on her."

JOHN FEEHERY, Republican strategist: "Which is a terrible, terrible mistake."

MATTHEWS: "Well, maybe she's partly responsible if she knew about it?"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews On Weiner's Wife: "Maybe She's Partly Responsible"

So now it's BLAME THE WIFE time?

That is as low as they can get. Now if weiner does not answer that and defend his wife......:evil:
So Not Shocked.

Did the guy actually do anything wrong, besides use poor judgement, which, as a liberal Democrat, really isn't terribly unique.

Apparently he thinks so... I imagine his wife would think so too...

Personally, I don't think it's conduct that I would accept in a congressperson I supported...

He got caught... I'm sure there are others out there who are doing shit they're not supposed to do... I'd treat them the same way if they got caught...

So, isn't that why these guys are up for re-election: To either be rejected or accepted by their constituants?

If his constituants like seeing their representative's banana hammock, then who are we to judge?

Hell, this could be the start of a wonderful new trend: Candidates campaigning in their underwear. The only winners of any future elections would be Victoria Secret models.
So another idiot politician let's his little head do the thinking and endangers or destroys a promising political career.

What's with these guys? Whether Dem or Repub, it seems as soon as they get a little success or power, they act like fools.

And what's really sad is that little dishonest shit Breitbart FINALLY got one story right where he didn't have to exaggerate, tell half the truth or present an edit out of context.

Way to go, Congressman Weiner...you dope!
Did the guy actually do anything wrong, besides use poor judgement, which, as a liberal Democrat, really isn't terribly unique.

Apparently he thinks so... I imagine his wife would think so too...

Personally, I don't think it's conduct that I would accept in a congressperson I supported...

He got caught... I'm sure there are others out there who are doing shit they're not supposed to do... I'd treat them the same way if they got caught...

So, isn't that why these guys are up for re-election: To either be rejected or accepted by their constituants?

If his constituants like seeing their representative's banana hammock, then who are we to judge?

Hell, this could be the start of a wonderful new trend: Candidates campaigning in their underwear. The only winners of any future elections would be Victoria Secret models.

hummmmm,, I can think of a few elected officials and a few perspective candidates I would not mind seeing....:eusa_whistle::eusa_hand:
This is an interesting development. Usually, the MSM would bury a story for a prominent Democrat. But here ABCNews.com has a Flashback of Weiner's "Web of Lies".

Flashback: Weiner's Web of Lies | Video - ABC News

This story is not going to be brushed aside, especially if Breitbart has more material to post.

So now he HAS brought in marriage and family and criticized the interviewer for implying that he would violate that and for dragging that poor innocent girl into it, etc.

I wonder if that will pass the hypocrisy test. :)
And he allegedly used TAXPAYER RESOURCES and conducted some of his sexcapades during work hours.

In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”

The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says:
And he allegedly used TAXPAYER RESOURCES and conducted some of his sexcapades during work hours.

The woman who carried on a nine-month sexting relationship with Rep. Anthony Weiner is a 40-year-old Las Vegas blackjack dealer named Lisa Weiss.

Following a bombshell joint investigation by RadarOnline.com and Star magazine, Weiss agreed to come forward and be the first woman named of the six who the congressman admitted to sending lewd messages and photos.

What’s more, the blonde woman has revealed details that show the liberal congressman lied during his tear-jerking confession Monday at a press conference in New York and that he DID use government resources for his extra-marital activities.


In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”

The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says:
Last edited:
And he allegedly used TAXPAYER RESOURCES and conducted some of his sexcapades during work hours.

In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”

The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says:

If true,he will have to be removed from office. He may have committed crimes. An official investigation will have to take place.
And he allegedly used TAXPAYER RESOURCES and conducted some of his sexcapades during work hours.

In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”

The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says:

If true,he will have to be removed from office. He may have committed crimes. An official investigation will have to take place.

Pelosi already announced that an investigation would take place, including finding out if government "resources" were used.

Radar has an interview with a woman who claims that she had phone sex with Weiner while he was in his Congressional Office.

And he allegedly used TAXPAYER RESOURCES and conducted some of his sexcapades during work hours.

In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”

The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says:

You do realize that individual phone calls don't cost anything anymore in the days of digital phones, right?

Be that as it may, you all were right, I was wrong.

Weiner is a douche.

Not because he's a bit on the kinky side, but because he so blatantly lied about it.
Dagnammit! Go away for a couple of hours and come back and there is something like 25 pages on this. I'm not reading them, sorry.

Well, I guess the word is out. It was a picture of him. He posted it and stated there were six other women he sent things to after getting married. He lied about sending the photo. But he is not resigning.

Well, up until this point I have been saying so what and reserving the right to change my mind if further details came out. Those details have come out and now I say he should resign and not drag this crap on any longer.

And he allegedly used TAXPAYER RESOURCES and conducted some of his sexcapades during work hours.

In an explicit exchange on March 3 -- the same day he voted on a health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives -- Weiner bemoaned that he had to end their conversation because he was “off to class.”

The casino worker, who said she once worked as a Democratic campaign worker, also claimed she had steamy phone sex with Rep. Weiner -- using a Government telephone.

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says:

You do realize that individual phone calls don't cost anything anymore in the days of digital phones, right?

Be that as it may, you all were right, I was wrong.

Weiner is a douche.

Not because he's a bit on the kinky side, but because he so blatantly lied about it.

It must really SUCK to be you today. The phone sets cost money. The office infrastructure costs money. Weiner's salary costs money.

But here you are, trying to make excuses.

Yep. It must really SUCK more than usual to be you today.

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