

Weiner- 'To the best of my knowledge they were all adults'...

"I don't know the exact ages of the women," he said. "But they're all adults, at least to the best of my knowledge, they were all adults and they were engaging in these conversations consensually. Someone could theoretically have been fibbing about [their age] and that's a risk."

What a loser.

How much is this kind of behaviour is fueled by the left knowing they are held to lower standards by the MSM?

Quite a bit no doubt....
I wonder if any segment of our nation would be envious of WEANIE WEINER and his predicament ?

How do the DICKLESS WONDERS who fancy themselves as "husbands" in the fantasy QUEER "marriages" feel about WEANIE WEINER ....... aren't some of them uncontrollably eager to be WEANIE WEINER with his (ahem) bulge even though it would mean undergoing the contempt of the Nation ?
In other news, 66% of Daily Kos posters believe that the Press Conference was fake.

Daily Kos: NEW DETAILS: Weiner's Press Conference was FAKE!!

Oh yes the "tin-foil hat " radical left will be out tonight

But the theory is so...compelling.

So how do I know today's press conference was a hoax? There are ten reasons:

1) Today's press conference was supposedly held at a Sheraton hotel in New York City. Well, I went to websites various New York area Sheratons this morning. Not one of them indicated that Rep. Weiner was going to give a press conference there this afternoon. Not a ONE.

2) Anthony Weiner does not look like that. Go to his website - he has more hair and his complexion is not that dark. Also, having heard him speak many times, I know he does not talk like the guy in the press conference. He's a lot more combative, louder, and funnier.

3) YFrog.

4) Last week, Anthony Weiner said he could not say with "certaintude" that the photo was his. Many people here rightly assumed that he knew the photo was not his, but couldn't say so, because the FBI was involved. Because as you know, if you've asked the police to investigate something, that last thing you would want to do is proclaim your innocence. They hate that. Anyhow, the Feds surely would have known that Weiner making a statement would have compromised their whole investigation. And Andrew Breitbart, knowing this, had a press conference with a fake Weiner - so as to keep the FBI off his scent.

5) Who does this help? Clarence Thomas, Dana Loesch, Dana Bash, and some guy named Wolfe. Think about it. Add it up.

6) Normally, during press conferences of this nature, the spouse of the so-called apologetic Congressman is in attendance. But not this time. Why not? Obviously they couldn't find a lookalike for her.

7) Don't you think he would have apologized using Tweet Deck?

8) During the press conference, the shadow behind him didn't always match the image of the person pretending to be Congressman Weiner.

9) I've created better fake press conferences using only iMovie, a couple of Apps on my EVO, and a cardboard cutout.

10) Anthony Weiner would never do anything like this.
Speaking of not resigning, don't forget:

U.S. Sen. David Vitter exposed for his "wearing baby diapers fetish" and hiring prostitutes to babysit him.:cuckoo:

Gee, don't they just make you proud to be an American?

We trust these people to run our government, country and lives??? We need our heads examined!

In other news, 66% of Daily Kos posters believe that the Press Conference was fake.

Daily Kos: NEW DETAILS: Weiner's Press Conference was FAKE!!

Oh yes the "tin-foil hat " radical left will be out tonight

But the theory is so...compelling.

So how do I know today's press conference was a hoax? There are ten reasons:

1) Today's press conference was supposedly held at a Sheraton hotel in New York City. Well, I went to websites various New York area Sheratons this morning. Not one of them indicated that Rep. Weiner was going to give a press conference there this afternoon. Not a ONE.

2) Anthony Weiner does not look like that. Go to his website - he has more hair and his complexion is not that dark. Also, having heard him speak many times, I know he does not talk like the guy in the press conference. He's a lot more combative, louder, and funnier.

3) YFrog.

4) Last week, Anthony Weiner said he could not say with "certaintude" that the photo was his. Many people here rightly assumed that he knew the photo was not his, but couldn't say so, because the FBI was involved. Because as you know, if you've asked the police to investigate something, that last thing you would want to do is proclaim your innocence. They hate that. Anyhow, the Feds surely would have known that Weiner making a statement would have compromised their whole investigation. And Andrew Breitbart, knowing this, had a press conference with a fake Weiner - so as to keep the FBI off his scent.

5) Who does this help? Clarence Thomas, Dana Loesch, Dana Bash, and some guy named Wolfe. Think about it. Add it up.

6) Normally, during press conferences of this nature, the spouse of the so-called apologetic Congressman is in attendance. But not this time. Why not? Obviously they couldn't find a lookalike for her.

7) Don't you think he would have apologized using Tweet Deck?

8) During the press conference, the shadow behind him didn't always match the image of the person pretending to be Congressman Weiner.

9) I've created better fake press conferences using only iMovie, a couple of Apps on my EVO, and a cardboard cutout.

10) Anthony Weiner would never do anything like this.

This is so LOONY it must be a satire.
Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Brian Williams on ABC for instance said he wasn't covering the Weiner story because he had more pressing and urgent stories present. Which included a lengthy segment on Sarah Palin and Paul Revere. :)

Seriously, Jillian is right that what Anthony Weiner does in private that isn't illegal is his business and should not figure into the body politic. Once the story broke however, knowing that a U.S. Congressman was taking that kind of risks not as a private citizen but as a U.S. Congressman, and then the lies and willingness to accuse a private citizen knowing that person was dishonestly accused. . . .

I'm sorry but I think most normal people would have to question Congressman Weiner's judgment, honesty, and ethics. We can and should hold our elected leader to higher standards than most because their judgment, honesty, and ethics has far more implications and consequences than exists for most of us.
Oh yes the "tin-foil hat " radical left will be out tonight

But the theory is so...compelling.

So how do I know today's press conference was a hoax? There are ten reasons:

1) Today's press conference was supposedly held at a Sheraton hotel in New York City. Well, I went to websites various New York area Sheratons this morning. Not one of them indicated that Rep. Weiner was going to give a press conference there this afternoon. Not a ONE.

2) Anthony Weiner does not look like that. Go to his website - he has more hair and his complexion is not that dark. Also, having heard him speak many times, I know he does not talk like the guy in the press conference. He's a lot more combative, louder, and funnier.

3) YFrog.

4) Last week, Anthony Weiner said he could not say with "certaintude" that the photo was his. Many people here rightly assumed that he knew the photo was not his, but couldn't say so, because the FBI was involved. Because as you know, if you've asked the police to investigate something, that last thing you would want to do is proclaim your innocence. They hate that. Anyhow, the Feds surely would have known that Weiner making a statement would have compromised their whole investigation. And Andrew Breitbart, knowing this, had a press conference with a fake Weiner - so as to keep the FBI off his scent.

5) Who does this help? Clarence Thomas, Dana Loesch, Dana Bash, and some guy named Wolfe. Think about it. Add it up.

6) Normally, during press conferences of this nature, the spouse of the so-called apologetic Congressman is in attendance. But not this time. Why not? Obviously they couldn't find a lookalike for her.

7) Don't you think he would have apologized using Tweet Deck?

8) During the press conference, the shadow behind him didn't always match the image of the person pretending to be Congressman Weiner.

9) I've created better fake press conferences using only iMovie, a couple of Apps on my EVO, and a cardboard cutout.

10) Anthony Weiner would never do anything like this.

This is so LOONY it must be a satire.

It's the Daily Kos.
Oh yes the "tin-foil hat " radical left will be out tonight

But the theory is so...compelling.

So how do I know today's press conference was a hoax? There are ten reasons:

1) Today's press conference was supposedly held at a Sheraton hotel in New York City. Well, I went to websites various New York area Sheratons this morning. Not one of them indicated that Rep. Weiner was going to give a press conference there this afternoon. Not a ONE.

2) Anthony Weiner does not look like that. Go to his website - he has more hair and his complexion is not that dark. Also, having heard him speak many times, I know he does not talk like the guy in the press conference. He's a lot more combative, louder, and funnier.

3) YFrog.

4) Last week, Anthony Weiner said he could not say with "certaintude" that the photo was his. Many people here rightly assumed that he knew the photo was not his, but couldn't say so, because the FBI was involved. Because as you know, if you've asked the police to investigate something, that last thing you would want to do is proclaim your innocence. They hate that. Anyhow, the Feds surely would have known that Weiner making a statement would have compromised their whole investigation. And Andrew Breitbart, knowing this, had a press conference with a fake Weiner - so as to keep the FBI off his scent.

5) Who does this help? Clarence Thomas, Dana Loesch, Dana Bash, and some guy named Wolfe. Think about it. Add it up.

6) Normally, during press conferences of this nature, the spouse of the so-called apologetic Congressman is in attendance. But not this time. Why not? Obviously they couldn't find a lookalike for her.

7) Don't you think he would have apologized using Tweet Deck?

8) During the press conference, the shadow behind him didn't always match the image of the person pretending to be Congressman Weiner.

9) I've created better fake press conferences using only iMovie, a couple of Apps on my EVO, and a cardboard cutout.

10) Anthony Weiner would never do anything like this.

This is so LOONY it must be a satire.

Don't you think that if this were a phony press conference that Rep. Weiner would have been on the air before they finished it denying that it was him?

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Brian Williams on ABC for instance said he wasn't covering the Weiner story because he had more pressing and urgent stories present. Which included a lengthy segment on Sarah Palin and Paul Revere. :)

Seriously, Jillian is right that what Anthony Weiner does in private that isn't illegal is his business and should not figure into the body politic. Once the story broke however, knowing that a U.S. Congressman was taking that kind of risks not as a private citizen but as a U.S. Congressman, and then the lies and willingness to accuse a private citizen knowing that person was dishonestly accused. . . .

I'm sorry but I think most normal people would have to question Congressman Weiner's judgment, honesty, and ethics. We can and should hold our elected leader to higher standards than most because their judgment, honesty, and ethics has far more implications and consequences than exists for most of us.

I mostly agree. However, at least one of the sex phone calls made was from his office. Also, he really set himself up for blackmail, which is never a good idea for a person serving in his capacity.
This is so LOONY it must be a satire.

Don't you think that if this were a phony press conference that Rep. Weiner would have been on the air before they finished it denying that it was him?


Well yeah...but..but..but...BREITBART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps that will lead to a secondary poll/inquiry at the Daily Kos:

"What have Republicans done with the REAL Weiner?"
Rep. Weiner should not resign.

I rant this through the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:


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