
Rep. Weiner should not resign.

Obviously I disagree. Can you give your reasons why?

I don't think he should resign over the picture or the fact that he has done this in the past. I think he should resign because of the lies... the repeated lies. IMHO he has lost all credibility and honor, even what little of those a Congressman has to start with.

Rep. Weiner should not resign.

I rant this through the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:


and there ya go, Moonbat is genuine!!
Rep. Weiner should not resign.

I rant this through the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:

But...but...but...but....Think of the chiiiiilllllldrrrreeeennnnnn!
Weiner spent 3 days trying to destroy Andrew Breitbart over this.

I think Weiner needs to go down as an example to those who would resort to slander.
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Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Brian Williams on ABC for instance said he wasn't covering the Weiner story because he had more pressing and urgent stories present. Which included a lengthy segment on Sarah Palin and Paul Revere. :)

Seriously, Jillian is right that what Anthony Weiner does in private that isn't illegal is his business and should not figure into the body politic. Once the story broke however, knowing that a U.S. Congressman was taking that kind of risks not as a private citizen but as a U.S. Congressman, and then the lies and willingness to accuse a private citizen knowing that person was dishonestly accused. . . .

I'm sorry but I think most normal people would have to question Congressman Weiner's judgment, honesty, and ethics. We can and should hold our elected leader to higher standards than most because their judgment, honesty, and ethics has far more implications and consequences than exists for most of us.

I mostly agree. However, at least one of the sex phone calls made was from his office. Also, he really set himself up for blackmail, which is never a good idea for a person serving in his capacity.

Actually using the US Gov't phone like that- would be illegal.
Furthermore, there is the additional problem that Weiner can not say in all "certitude" that the girls were of legal age....

not good Rep Weiner

Since ALL politicians pass some type of morality via law upon us- I would say that Yes at times- their private behavior counts and is relevant to the political discussion.

If he was not married; all these girls were of age and he did not use gov't time or resources to do this then one could make the
argument it does not matter as much.
But that is not this case..
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Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Brian Williams on ABC for instance said he wasn't covering the Weiner story because he had more pressing and urgent stories present. Which included a lengthy segment on Sarah Palin and Paul Revere. :)

Seriously, Jillian is right that what Anthony Weiner does in private that isn't illegal is his business and should not figure into the body politic. Once the story broke however, knowing that a U.S. Congressman was taking that kind of risks not as a private citizen but as a U.S. Congressman, and then the lies and willingness to accuse a private citizen knowing that person was dishonestly accused. . . .

I'm sorry but I think most normal people would have to question Congressman Weiner's judgment, honesty, and ethics. We can and should hold our elected leader to higher standards than most because their judgment, honesty, and ethics has far more implications and consequences than exists for most of us.

I mostly agree. However, at least one of the sex phone calls made was from his office. Also, he really set himself up for blackmail, which is never a good idea for a person serving in his capacity.

Actually using the US Gov't phone like that- would be illegal.
Furthermore, there is the additional problem that Weiner can not say in all "certitude" that the girls were of legal age....

not good Rep Weiner

The underage thing is definitely looming for him.
Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Brian Williams on ABC for instance said he wasn't covering the Weiner story because he had more pressing and urgent stories present. Which included a lengthy segment on Sarah Palin and Paul Revere. :)

Seriously, Jillian is right that what Anthony Weiner does in private that isn't illegal is his business and should not figure into the body politic. Once the story broke however, knowing that a U.S. Congressman was taking that kind of risks not as a private citizen but as a U.S. Congressman, and then the lies and willingness to accuse a private citizen knowing that person was dishonestly accused. . . .

I'm sorry but I think most normal people would have to question Congressman Weiner's judgment, honesty, and ethics. We can and should hold our elected leader to higher standards than most because their judgment, honesty, and ethics has far more implications and consequences than exists for most of us.

I mostly agree. However, at least one of the sex phone calls made was from his office. Also, he really set himself up for blackmail, which is never a good idea for a person serving in his capacity.

Actually using the US Gov't phone like that- would be illegal.
Furthermore, there is the additional problem that Weiner can not say in all "certitude" that the girls were of legal age....

not good Rep Weiner

Which is extra bad as he was one of the co-sponsors of KIDS:

Along with several colleagues in Congress, we introduced & passed the KIDS (Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators) Act of 2007, a bill to require sex offenders to register their e-mail and instant message addresses with the National Sex Offender Registry. The “Kids Act’ implemented one of my six recommendations to keep a closer eye on sex offenders both near school grounds and online. I also proposed stricter GPS tracking of sex offenders, tougher enforcement of registration laws and more public disclosure of sex offender data.

Anthony Weiner - New York's 9th District
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

why do you care about their private lives if they do nothing illegal?

other than to feel holier than thou, i mean.
Good point. I can't help but think if Weiner was a Republican that all the rightwingloons would forgive him. Like they did that preacher gone wild, Larry Craig, Vitter, etc.

But hey, they need their fun, as hypocritical as it shows them to be.
Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

You're wrong (a situation to which you are obviously accustomed).

The reason to keep posting the pics is that they are newsworthy. Weiner thought he could play and manipulate the press. If he had a shred of decency, he would have resigned. As he hasn't, the rest of the pics will inevitably be published.

Weiner is keeping this story alive.
I hope he goes right ahead and publishes them. It will show him to be nothing but a dick, kind of like you, Dicca.

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Brian Williams on ABC for instance said he wasn't covering the Weiner story because he had more pressing and urgent stories present. Which included a lengthy segment on Sarah Palin and Paul Revere. :)

Seriously, Jillian is right that what Anthony Weiner does in private that isn't illegal is his business and should not figure into the body politic. Once the story broke however, knowing that a U.S. Congressman was taking that kind of risks not as a private citizen but as a U.S. Congressman, and then the lies and willingness to accuse a private citizen knowing that person was dishonestly accused. . . .

I'm sorry but I think most normal people would have to question Congressman Weiner's judgment, honesty, and ethics. We can and should hold our elected leader to higher standards than most because their judgment, honesty, and ethics has far more implications and consequences than exists for most of us.

LIEberrhoid Pissalian's predictable opinion shocking as it may be is, of course, understandable because she's part of the DAILY KOS - type slime.
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.
Good points. Weiner and Brietbart both have maturity issues.

Oh, well.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

You're wrong (a situation to which you are obviously accustomed).

The reason to keep posting the pics is that they are newsworthy. Weiner thought he could play and manipulate the press. If he had a shred of decency, he would have resigned. As he hasn't, the rest of the pics will inevitably be published.

Weiner is keeping this story alive.
I hope he goes right ahead and publishes them. It will show him to be nothing but a dick, kind of like you, Dicca.


Poor Rabid Ravi. She can't handle that some of us have standards and support the truth being told.

A member of the GOP who did this would have resigned quickly. Instead, Weiner has caused far more damage to himself and those who misguidedly trusted him by his lies and evasions.
In other news, 66% of Daily Kos posters believe that the Press Conference was fake.

Daily Kos: NEW DETAILS: Weiner's Press Conference was FAKE!!

Betcha RDeanieWeanie and TM are among them !!!

It actually surprises me how silent TDM has been throughout this thread. One post from her in over 1600? In a few months though and for the next ten years, she will be telling us how much of a saint he was.

I looked it up, rdean has four posts as well.

Surprising! If Weiner had been a Republican I would guess TDM would have in the neighborhood of 250 posts in this thread most of them saying the exact same thing.

He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

You're wrong (a situation to which you are obviously accustomed).

The reason to keep posting the pics is that they are newsworthy. Weiner thought he could play and manipulate the press. If he had a shred of decency, he would have resigned. As he hasn't, the rest of the pics will inevitably be published.

Weiner is keeping this story alive.
I hope he goes right ahead and publishes them. It will show him to be nothing but a dick, kind of like you, Dicca.


Isn't it just like the LIEberrhoid crunt Ravi to take a swipe at someone making a righteous criticism about her fellow LIEberrhoidal slime ?
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.
Good points. Weiner and Brietbart both have maturity issues.

Oh, well.

Name dropping as a strategy in debate and discussion is rather weak.

You must strive to come up with better arguments rather than "your side does it", which is really all we have heard for three years from liberals.

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