
Democrats do usually desperately cling to power even after they're busted. I mean Ted Kennedy actually killed a young girl while Drink Driving yet went on to serve 40yrs. in Government. The Weiner Man will hang on for as long as he can but he still might not survive. Many more young girls are coming forward with perv stuff he sent them. I'm actually betting against the Weiner Man surviving. I guess we'll see though.

Liberals live in shame a lot. They need a group collective of liars to make themselves feel better about their positions. That's why it's not much of a surprise that Weiner won't resign.

Weiner is used to feeling like shit. I bet he's heard more Weiner jokes in the last couple of weeks then he did during grade-school and high-school.
I'm sure Obama felt pretty much the same way when it was discovered that he attended a racist church for 20 years. He really showed then what he's really like when he said he always knew he had less of a chance then other conventional candidates.

Look what the media did for him?

It all depends on how much the left feels they need to support Weiner.

If they feel so, then he's gonna be around.

A GOP official would get the axe like yesterday.
Did he break any Laws? This is the next question. If he used official Computers for any of his perv stuff,he broke the Law. An official investigation is warranted.

New Rep Weiner Campaign song

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39YUXIKrOFk]YouTube - ‪Right Said Fred - I`m Too Sexy (The Original)‬‏[/ame]
So Not Shocked.

Did the guy actually do anything wrong, besides use poor judgement, which, as a liberal Democrat, really isn't terribly unique.

Yes. Please refer to post #1226.


He is in violation of the House Ethics Rules:

* * *

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


If Bitter Pilly thinks Weiner's behavior and evasive lies reflect CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives, then that says a great deal about her ethics.

You wanna apply that rule every time Shiela Jackson Lee opens her mouth?

Commmmmooooooooon! Get real.
Sheila talking like a moron is not nearly the same as Weiner sending crotch shots over the internet and then engaging in days of lying about it in the press.
So happy I soon wont have to hear his whiney gay ass on the boob anymore. Just profoundly annoying.......typical limpwrister style trying to be a tough guy when you know he's one of those that got his lunch pail tossed around the schoolyard a few hundred times!!!

Still.......the demise of Olbermann was even more enjoyable.........another guy who was perpetually picked last for the team, thus, they end up spending the rest of their lives being passive-aggressive.

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Sorry, bub.

Talking like an idiot is not as bad as Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it.
Sorry, bub.

Talking like an idiot is not as bad as Talking like an idiot AND sexting AND posting dirty pics AND lying about it.

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