
Oy Vey!

Rep. Anthony Weiner used an unflattering Jewish sexual stereotype during another Facebook sexting session with a middle-aged woman, RadarOnline.com and Star magazine are exclusively reporting in a joint newsgathering operation.

In a salacious new transcript of a conversation the embattled Democrat had with the woman, who lives in Nevada but does not want to be identified, the shamed politico asked whether his social networking pen pal gave “good” oral sex.

“You give good head?” the embattled and married New York congressman asked the woman on March 16, this year.

She responded: “I’ve been told really good...and i love doing it.”

At that point, 46-year-old Weiner declared: “wow a jewish girl who sucks (bleep)! this thing is ready to do damage.”...

Weiner Used Jewish Sexual Stereotype To Facebook Sexting Partner | Radar Online

But Remember, It was JUST A JOKE.
well, look like wieners in hot water:eek:


With mustard and relish.

I'm hungry now.
Me. I didn't.

I don't care too much about the peccadillos as much as the inane policy.

If I cared about the peccadillos...I would have to put myself in time out.

If Weiner were a conservative Republican, you could swap half the comments here with the other half,

and all the cons and libs would be properly re-aligned.

Are you claiming you don't comment when a conservative gets caught in a scandal?


it's about the hypocrisy on the right... not the indiscretions... unless we're talking about a public official hitting on children.
Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

I don't think anyone is drooling over such a tiny thing.:lmao:

or..."its all much ado about nothing"......should wiener be mad if someones says that?:lol:
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

why do you care about their private lives if they do nothing illegal?

other than to feel holier than thou, i mean.

I can't wait til you have to face the fact that his activities violate the house ethics rules..
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

why do you care about their private lives if they do nothing illegal?

other than to feel holier than thou, i mean.

It isn't a holier than thou thing, but there probably is a bit of pay back in it. When the Democrats absolutely trash and crucify ANY Republican caught saying or writing or doing ANYTHING the least bit questionable, and demand his/her head on a platter, it's difficult to not enjoy turning the tables a bit. The level of visciousness has reached unprecedented proportions in recent years and there's a lot of us who are more than a little sick of it.

So when you have an attack dog like Anthony Weiner who has ranted and raved some of the most ugly, hateful, and viscious and indefensible attacks on others getting caught with his drawers down literally, that won't go unpunished.

Why should we care? Maybe in the grand scheme of things it isn't that big a deal. Why do you care of a Republican is a hypocrite? Why should we care if a Democrat is a pervert?
If he used official Computers for any of his perv stuff,he has violated the Law. An official investigation is warranted.
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:
This silliness will soon be forgotten.

We need new silliness.

Someone out there do something stupid...please
The House Leadership appears less than happy with Weiner:

Weiner said he did not think he violated the Constitution with his actions, but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has asked for an ethics committee meeting to see if Weiner has broken any House rules.

Through a spokesman, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer urged Weiner to "be truthful and put the facts on the table."

Weiner Admits To Sending Racy Messages, But Will Not Resign - NY1.com
Imagine GWB making such a confession.


The impeachment/gallows toys would be rolled out.

Weiner - resign.
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.
you know, this whole thing is sooo stupid, he should have just said yea, I sent it and so what? mind your biz.....this would be over now.....

I said it twice and I'll say again, the cover up is almost always wurst than the offense.....:eusa_whistle:

well, if he had done anything illegal to cover it up that would certainly be true. but near as i can tell, he didn't do anything illegal...

i'm sure no one on this board has ever gotten caught doing something and said "huh? not me. musta been someone else"... which is really all that i can see he did. stupid? yes... he should have been smarter than that and i thought he was. i actually thought he didn't want people tip-toeing through his computer b/c he was looking at guys and didn't want to be outed. apparently i was wrong about that. but i still couldn't give a flying about people's personal life if it has nothing to do with positions they take publicly.

He's not just anyone on a board. He is a US Congressman who can be compromised by something like this. He has abused his office. Man, you all really are dumb fucks.
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