Weirdo teacher sacked for hateful behaviour to pupils

This game is fun. Now that we can compel others to call us by certain names and pronouns, we can have a lot of fun. Naturally, the usual suspects will wail, "That's not what we meant!", but who's going to listen to them?
My personal pronoun is God,
This game is fun. Now that we can compel others to call us by certain names and pronouns, we can have a lot of fun. Naturally, the usual suspects will wail, "That's not what we meant!", but who's going to listen to them?
I feel my gender is Piss on Welsh, Tit better follow it
Who is trying to be more authoritative, the Speaker of the House who has said and done nothing to force people to live by his standards or an internet keyboard jockey who spews hate speech at others for not living by his standards?
The courts agree with me. The people who dont are just religious wierdos. They lost. And the kids are safe in that school.

Not just that school. He is banned from working with kids. He now has time to reflect on his hateful life choices.
Standard bigot response.

Your side created a non-issue designed to garner a rational response you could get angry about.

It's called picking a fight for no reason.

Calling yourselves victims because you cannot get along with rational human-beings.
The courts agree with me. The people who dont are just religious wierdos. They lost. And the kids are safe in that school.

Not just that school. He is banned from working with kids. He now has time to reflect on his hateful life choices.
Not all of the courts. Only isolated activist judges that were placed there by Marxists.
Bigotry has no place in the classroom.
It's not bigotry.

Bigotry is hating someone because of their race, religion, age, class, or sex they are. Not because they want to call themselves non-binary.
You're just making up reasons to hate people.
If you have to tell everyone what sex you are obviously you're a nutcase and are simply trying to create insanity around you. People who just want to cause chaos wherever they go.

Wanna know what a demon looks like?

Watch this:

It's not bigotry.

Bigotry is hating someone because of their race, religion, age, class, or sex they are. Not because they want to call themselves non-binary.
You're just making up reasons to hate people.
If you have to tell everyone what sex you are obviously you're a nutcase and are simply trying to create insanity around you. People who just want to cause chaos wherever they go.

Wanna know what a demon looks like?

Watch this:

She’s not crazy

Just a perfectly normal lib

Now he is appealing the decision. It sounds like he has a lot of issues. The school is well rid of him.
Mr Lister said that, as a teacher, he had an “obligation to teach facts” and said college policies went beyond the Equality Act and claimed they were “illegal” as a result.

His case is that he teaches facts but is relying on his religous beliefs to back it up. You couldnt make this shit up.

I hope that he loses and that the kids are kept safe.
The courts agree with me. The people who dont are just religious wierdos. They lost. And the kids are safe in that school.

Not just that school. He is banned from working with kids. He now has time to reflect on his hateful life choices.
You are an authoritarian who is trying to force people to live by your standards. IOW, no different from your image of Johnson. Might want to think about that.

Sorry, but you did this to yourself.

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