Weisselberg Indicted

Perhaps there is a little bit of hard ball being played.
Well of course! They are throwing the book at the CFO. With his cooperation, the other dominoes fall.

It seems we all forgot that the feds gave this guy limited immunity for his cooperation while Trump was President. All of that material was passed to State investigators.
He's "cooperating" only in the same sense that the victim of a mugger cooperates then the later points a gun at the former.
Maybe if the "victim" was charged with 15 felonies.

Haha....you are so desperate. It is making you say very stupid things.
Maybe what "if the victim was charged with 15 felonies?" Being charged with bogus crimes is exactly what makes him the victim, you dumb asshole.
, it was because the Mayor didn't want them to be prosecuted.
Yes, and i described why. Pay attention!
Of course, you have no evidence to support your obviously idiotic claim.
Dont need to show any. You have none and your declarations are based in your emotional cultism, while mine are based in reason. So i am doing just fine here.
Yeah, you do. We don't need to accept your claim that the charges weren't substantiated. Can you name any other riot where 90% of the charges were dropped before the the people arrested ever saw a judge? Your claims are simply brazen lying. You know you are spewing bullshit.
Being charged with bogus crimes
Oh look, another declaration based solely in emotional cultism. Then when he flips on Trump, you will be calling him a criminal and a liar that cannot be trusted. Rinse, repeat. Your act is old and tired.
You mean like your claim that the charges against the Portland rioters were dropped because there couldn't be substantiated?
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
Obviously, you believe that he is guilty. Should he be found so, he will deal with the consequences. I do not, though, take it on faith that he's guilty of crimes because Orange Man Bad.
Update please. Is Trump in cuffs yet?
No. Do why don’t y’all stop falsely saying that they’re going after Trump.
Wait. What? Vance hasn’t been going after Trump? Explain why he needed Trump’s tax returns, Fuckstick?
You are a fucking joke.
Because those records demonstrated that Weisselberg committed tax fraud.
So you really want to try to sell that Vance has been going after Weisselberg all this time instead of Trump?

Like I said, you are a fucking joke.
He was going after evidence of crimes and he has found plenty.

Now we know why Trump was trying to hide his records for so long.
You are a hack moron.

Tell us again he wasn’t going after Trump.:laughing0301:
If he’s going after Trump, why hasn’t he charged him?
He found no crimes by Trump, Moron.

Dimtards have started dozens of threads about how Vance is gonna get Trump, especially after he got his returns. I don’t recall you once trying to correct them.

Why didn’t you?
We all know that Dims are the criminals.
Some are! And when they’re prosecuted, I’m grateful that we live in a country where the politically powerful can face the consequences of their actions.

Unlike you, because you want us to live in a country where Republicans are allowed to commit crimes.
Yet you have failed to address Al Sharpton’s crimes.
Yeah, you do. We don't need to accept your claim that the charges weren't substantiated.
Unfortunately for you, since you come with zero evidence (as usual), i really don't. And since i am not trying to reason a bleating Trump sheep out of a position he didn't reason himself into in the first place, i feel no compulsion whatsoever to do your futile troll exercises. I am perfectly fine letting everyone make up their own minds.
Yeah, you do. We don't need to accept your claim that the charges weren't substantiated.
Unfortunately for you, since you come with zero evidence (as usual), i really don't. And since i am not trying to reason a bleating Trump sheep out of a position he didn't reason himself into in the first place, i feel no compulsion whatsoever to do your futile troll exercises. I am perfectly fine letting everyone make up their own minds.
Since you have provided no evidence to support your idiotic claim, why should I have to provide any evidence that it's false? It's false on its face. Claims without evidence are worth about as much as Dim accusations of racism.

You aren't trying to reason at all.

Everyone will make up their mind, and the rational ones will conclude that you're spewing horseshit.
No, I want all criminals to be sent to prison. That's where all Democrats belong.
Ah, so when you accuse others of political prosecution, you’re only mad because they got the party wrong, huh?

You have no principles.

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