Welcome To Republican Trickle Down


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Congress members are sleeping on the job — and defending their right to do it. They complain they are too “poor” to afford housing in D.C.

Members of the House receive a salary of $174,000 a year — a figure that hasn’t increased in nearly a decade.

Wow, they haven’t had a raise in nearly ten years, well, boo hoo. How long have the Republicans fought to keep all American workers’ wages low? How often have Democrats helped them? Most American workers live on less than they made ten years ago.

Killing unions, subsidizing corporations moving of their factories to China, Mexico, and other second and third world countries, so the fat cats can enjoy higher profits and pass the savings on to consumers. Oh, that’s right, consumer prices keep going up.

To the Republicans complaining about their “poverty”, welcome to the American Dream you created as lap dogs to the super rich and corporate heads. As your conservative base so often reminds anyone who will listen, poverty, homelessness, and poor health are personal choices.

So, live with your choice, collect your $174,000 a year, and be grateful you have a job. There must be many doorways in D.C. where you can sleep. Quit stinking up the offices taxpayers provide for your work. And quit using the electricity, heat, and TV cable also paid for by the taxpayers for use while you toil so tirelessly to screw over working people and retirees.

Congressmen are sleeping in their offices to save money: 'I can't afford an apartment'


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