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I lived in a house in Orange, Ca. where some weird stuff was going on.
Our dryer had a push button on/off feature, and it would go on in the middle of the night several times a week. Also, I had a stereo that would turn on all by itself on numerous ocassions. Lastly, there would be cups and silverware that would be falling on the floor from the drainboard in the kitchen. Never had this happen before and never had it happen since.....only in this house in Orange.
I lived in a house in Orange, Ca. where some weird stuff was going on.
Our dryer had a push button on/off feature, and it would go on in the middle of the night several times a week. Also, I had a stereo that would turn on all by itself on numerous ocassions. Lastly, there would be cups and silverware that would be falling on the floor from the drainboard in the kitchen. Never had this happen before and never had it happen since.....only in this house in Orange.

So you at least have an open mind about it? In our current house, the former occupant (who bought the house new) was a little old lady named Mrs. Baird who we understand was something of a character. We bought the house from her estate after she passed. But every now and then, when there is no obvious wind blowing, the front door opens. And we find cupboards open that we could have sworn had been closed before. And sometimes we hear noises like dishes or pots and pans being slightly jostled in the kitchen. And it is a standing joke that it is just Mrs. Baird puttering around. Not something we take all that seriously and not at all frightening. Real? Who knows. Probably not. But I too try to keep an open mind.

After our most beloved little dog passed we locked down the doggie door and gave away or threw away all his stuff. But sometimes we still hear the doggie door snap like it did when he came through and could swear we hear his claws clicking on the tile floor in the kitchen. Real? Again probably not. But that one it is comforting to keep an open mind about. :)
I didn't really believe in the stuff until I started working where I do. I have heard girls laughing at night when no one is around. There is also one room where every resident who moves in sees children.
Also one day right before a lady died it sounded like someone was trying to turn the door knobs on a few rooms.

Do you work at a hotel...or apartment complex or something? I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious as to what your full experience was.

I work at an assisted living. This is on the memory care side.
When I was about 7, we lived with my grandmother and great grandmother in a old colonnial style home that had an attic that you could reach through a flight of steps via the walk in closet in my great grandmothers room. Well, come to find out a doctor and his wife had built that home and apparently still had some strong ties to the attic, where the doctor supposedly had hung himself not long after his wife had passed.
Every once in a while we all would be downstairs enjoying the evening watching the television and out of no where we would here this 'thud' coming from the attic...NO ONE was upstairs. We all had speculated that the 'thud' must have been from him getting cut down....lights would flicker on and off, hangers in our closets would rattle...and one night, I was awakened out of a deep sleep and actually saw a man standing at the doorway into my room, and he apparently was just as curious about me as I was about him because he looked dead at me (no pun intended)...I had closed my eyes cuz at 7 ghosts scared the absolute shit out of me, and when I looked again he had vanished...and so it went on the entire time my grandmothers occupied the home...which was about 20 years.
The house has since been torn down.
I have had a lot of experience of psychic people, I attended spiritualist churches since the 1960s, and I had a lot of convincing messages. I went to trance lectures at the spiritualist association in London throught the 1970s. I have also been involved in several guru cults, and had some personal psychic experiences.

Even after all that evidence of survival after death I still have doubts.
I'll tell you all what happened to me and my ex-wife when we were stationed in Okinawa and living in Base Housing on Kadena AB in a future thread. I guarantee you some here will refuse to believe it after they read it.

The future is now :) can't wait to read this one. Post it up!!!
I wanted to get a doctorate in the paranormal...

... but my advisor said with my grades...

... I didn't have a ghost of a chance.
cereal_killer said:
Oooooo this could get scary :) Enjoy the forum, I for one like a good paranormal discussion.
Thank you for this base! (I love stuff like this)
Well we had this house. In Hawtrey. Many now understand this. But at the time, it was a moment.
How do you even begin to explain what it's like. You guys know me for true. One thing you know, I'm not a liar.

Neither is Traveler.

We bought this house. Well, who wants to hear a ghost story?
i wanted to get a doctorate in the paranormal...

... But my advisor said with my grades...

... I didn't have a ghost of a chance.

That's too sweet. but waltky for true we lived for a time with demons. Thank god we had catahoulas who protected us through this time period. My cats as well, pyewacket and nitro and draper.

We bought the house like all good people do. Little did we know what would come our way. Hell came with the house.
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How do you even begin to explain what it's like. You guys know me for true. One thing you know, I'm not a liar.

Neither is Traveler.

We bought this house. Well, who wants to hear a ghost story?

I told mine, let's hear yours

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