Welcome to tyranny.

I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the governmedemocrats.ycontinue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them. Remember the movie The Boy in a Plastic Bubble? He faced certain death if he exposed himself to the dangers of ordinary life. You might have to live in a Plastic bubble. You might well have to pay a price for being so delicate through no fault of your own.

There are children so highly allergic to peanuts that merely being exposed to peanut butter breath can kill them. There are parents of these children that want to make peanuts illegal. Anyone caught with peanuts is guilty of attempted murder. We don't listen to people like that. We take some precautions and give a few warnings. Those with such allergies understand that someone they pass on the street might have peanuts.

To answer your question am I okay with that? Yes. I'm fine with it. If you are that fragile it is you that must live in a sterile hamster ball. Not everyone else.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
So I take it you have now embraced the deficit whole heartily.
You are now saying the opposite of what you were yelling was one of your many criticisms of Trump.
Lol, the republicans have brainwashed you to believe their government is more important than your life.

I don't know why I'm laughing, it's really not funny.
And you have not only been brainwashed to believe that the democrats care about you but that you can blame republicans for everything that they do. I would say that is sad but it is more tragic then sad.
So answer the question little one. Are you now embarrassing a higher deficit and now willing to give Trump a pass on his deficit?
I'm afraid you're confused. Your post is half garbled nonsense and half republican regurgitation.

Take a deep breath and try again
So you just can't bring yourself to take a stance on the deficit. Manly because you either way it would show you for the idiot you are.
Deficits pale by comparison to human life.

Shame on you for even attempting this distraction.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
So lets turn that around just a little. Is it alright to take other people's house and car and savings away just so you aren't inconvenienced?
Is it ok to increase our national debt just so you aren't inconvenienced?

I think there can be a happy middle ground to this. I say keep it this way until there are easily enough N-95 masks for everybody. If the mask you wear isn't an N-95, it isn't providing adequate protection. It's only helping stop the spread of the virus if you have it.
Once again do you consider your needs above many others?

Not at all. I'm just thinking of what could work for everybody. Like I said, something in the middle. Hey, I have an IRA in the market too. My last statement said I lost around 25%. Not happy. What I want to see is to make sure our medical personnel are well protected, our first responders, and then people like myself who are at a high fatality risk get these masks. If I have some protection being that I live in an area with high infection rates, I'll be glad to wear a mask for a year or whenever to see this economy rip roaring again.

I understand we can't live like this until August. Too much economic damage to recover from.
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them. Remember the movie The Boy in a Plastic Bubble? He faced certain death if he exposed himself to the dangers of ordinary life. You might have to live in a Plastic bubble. You might well have to pay a price for being so delicate through no fault of your own.

Actually, that was just a movie with John Travolta, who believes in a whole lot of crazy...

Yes, it's unfortunate that because of Trump's incompetence, a lot of people are losing their jobs... but the alternative would mean a lot of dead people and they'd STILL lose their jobs.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
So I take it you have now embraced the deficit whole heartily.
You are now saying the opposite of what you were yelling was one of your many criticisms of Trump.
Lol, the republicans have brainwashed you to believe their government is more important than your life.

I don't know why I'm laughing, it's really not funny.
And you have not only been brainwashed to believe that the democrats care about you but that you can blame republicans for everything that they do. I would say that is sad but it is more tragic then sad.
So answer the question little one. Are you now embarrassing a higher deficit and now willing to give Trump a pass on his deficit?
I'm afraid you're confused. Your post is half garbled nonsense and half republican regurgitation.

Take a deep breath and try again
So you just can't bring yourself to take a stance on the deficit. Manly because you either way it would show you for the idiot you are.
Deficits pale by comparison to human life.

Shame on you for even attempting this distraction.

"Shame on you"

This is Leftism.

It's not that they WILL LOSE, it's that they are already losing. See: the beaches in Florida today.

Remember: politics is downstream of culture. For decades now these cats have positioned themselves as shaming, nagging, Puritanical, holier-than-thou preachers. Now they're on huge doses of steroids.

Americans are gonna hate this more than ever, because the Puritans have shown their whole bloomers this time.

This is delicious, Horseman. I love it, because I see it unfurling.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the governmedemocrats.ycontinue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them. Remember the movie The Boy in a Plastic Bubble? He faced certain death if he exposed himself to the dangers of ordinary life. You might have to live in a Plastic bubble. You might well have to pay a price for being so delicate through no fault of your own.

There are children so highly allergic to peanuts that merely being exposed to peanut butter breath can kill them. There are parents of these children that want to make peanuts illegal. Anyone caught with peanuts is guilty of attempted murder. We don't listen to people like that. We take some precautions and give a few warnings. Those with such allergies understand that someone they pass on the street might have peanuts.

To answer your question am I okay with that? Yes. I'm fine with it. If you are that fragile it is you that must live in a sterile hamster ball. Not everyone else.

Let me put it this way: Given the fact people can get over this virus in three weeks, if we could keep everybody home for three weeks, not go outside your house period, the virus would be completely wiped out in our country in three weeks, providing we let nobody in our country.

Of course that isn't possible. We need our doctors and nurses to attend to patients. We need our fire department and police. We need to buy food. But the idea of this shutdown is to get as close to that ideal situation as we can.

Let's say that we open up the economy way too soon, and this hits us twice as hard, perhaps taking those fatality figures into the millions. We would have to do this all over again, and everything we suffered for in vain. I don't want to see that either.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
So I take it you have now embraced the deficit whole heartily.
You are now saying the opposite of what you were yelling was one of your many criticisms of Trump.
Lol, the republicans have brainwashed you to believe their government is more important than your life.

I don't know why I'm laughing, it's really not funny.
And you have not only been brainwashed to believe that the democrats care about you but that you can blame republicans for everything that they do. I would say that is sad but it is more tragic then sad.
So answer the question little one. Are you now embarrassing a higher deficit and now willing to give Trump a pass on his deficit?
I'm afraid you're confused. Your post is half garbled nonsense and half republican regurgitation.

Take a deep breath and try again
So you just can't bring yourself to take a stance on the deficit. Manly because you either way it would show you for the idiot you are.
Deficits pale by comparison to human life.

Shame on you for even attempting this distraction.

"Shame on you"

This is Leftism.

It's not that they WILL LOSE, it's that they are already losing. See: the beaches in Florida today.

Remember: politics is downstream of culture. For decades now these cats have positioned themselves as shaming, nagging, Puritanical, holier-than-thou preachers. Now they're on huge doses of steroids.

Americans are gonna hate this more than ever, because the Puritans have shown their whole bloomers this time.

This is delicious, Horseman. I love it, because I see it unfurling.
You're delusional.

And still supporting my point very well.
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them. Remember the movie The Boy in a Plastic Bubble? He faced certain death if he exposed himself to the dangers of ordinary life. You might have to live in a Plastic bubble. You might well have to pay a price for being so delicate through no fault of your own.

Actually, that was just a movie with John Travolta, who believes in a whole lot of crazy...

Yes, it's unfortunate that because of Trump's incompetence, a lot of people are losing their jobs... but the alternative would mean a lot of dead people and they'd STILL lose their jobs.
Actually is is the very TRUE story of David Vetter.

What's unfortunate is that we had a democrat president that paid a Chinese biolab 3.7 million dollars to come up with this virus as the democrat final solution.

Still it is just a flu virus and will likely kill about 60,000 of the immunodeficient like any other flu. The only benefit to democrats is it allowed them to create this dempanic and break the nation's economic spine.
Two of our local hospitals are pretty much empty. Without income they are laying off doctors, nurses and especially specialists.
Two of our local hospitals are pretty much empty. Without income they are laying off doctors, nurses and especially specialists.

Then what they should do is open it up to elective surgeries that people are waiting to get. Hip replacements, knee replacements, hernias and so forth can be carried out now if they have so many empty beds.
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them.
Blame the virus, not the authorities trying to prevent it from destroying more people's lives.

I blame democrats for their manufactured hysteria. I don't know a single person that had the virus. I know of anesthesiologists who are out of work, people in agony whose joint replacement surgery cancelled. I know of women who cannot get reconstructive surgery from cancer. I know of three hospitals that are all but empty waiting for the virus surge that never came.

I know all these people but not ONE that had the virus. The experts tell me plenty of people got the virus. They just never got sick.
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them.
Blame the virus, not the authorities trying to prevent it from destroying more people's lives.

I blame democrats for their manufactured hysteria. I don't know a single person that had the virus. I know of anesthesiologists who are out of work, people in agony whose joint replacement surgery cancelled. I know of women who cannot get reconstructive surgery from cancer. I know of three hospitals that are all but empty waiting for the virus surge that never came.

I know all these people but not ONE that had the virus. The experts tell me plenty of people got the virus. They just never got sick.

And that's the danger of this thing. I hope they perfect that antibody test. Then everybody can be tested to see if they had it or not, and perhaps donate blood so it can be infused in people that are susceptible to the virus.
What's unfortunate is that we had a democrat president that paid a Chinese biolab 3.7 million dollars to come up with this virus as the democrat final solution.
Hey, did you hear about the child sex
I blame democrats for their manufactured hysteria.
That's an old talking point. Get with the program. With over 600K cases in the US that false narrative has been replaced with blaming China, the WHO, and with Trump hypocritically encouraging nitwits to break with social distancing protocols in contradiction to official government policy.

BTW, if not for the media and Dems circulating information about the virus early on the outbreak would be worse.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the governmedemocrats.ycontinue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them. ...

What means "It is not okay" in such a context? It is what it is. It is a natural catastrophe like an avalanche or a volcanic outburst - all over the world in many places. And this "fire" starts to burn again when people are doing what's wrong and it starts to stop when people are doing the right things. So what has this discussion to do with justice or injustice or anything what someone whishes or not wishes or what someone wants or not wants? Your people need help. Help them. And if you need help - let others help you. And don't forget to kill Corona - and not your own people.

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The corona virus like H1N1, swine flu, bird flu, hanta, SARS and MERS is never going to go away. It will become part of the flu cycle. Like every other flu it will have a death toll. It will have a death toll every year like every other virus.

The difference is, corona virus is exceptionally mild. Most people who have It never know they have it.

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