Welcome to tyranny.

Still it is just a flu virus and will likely kill about 60,000 of the immunodeficient like any other flu.

Only if we can slow down the spread. If we don't, it could be ten times that amount.

You don’t understand. The pretend reality is that the things we have done have only been harmful to the economy. They haven’t REALLY saved lives. Everyone that was gonna die from this has died and we just wasted weeks of our awesome economy.
Still it is just a flu virus and will likely kill about 60,000 of the immunodeficient like any other flu.

Only if we can slow down the spread. If we don't, it could be ten times that amount.

You don’t understand. The pretend reality is that the things we have done have only been harmful to the economy. They haven’t REALLY saved lives. Everyone that was gonna die from this has died and we just wasted weeks of our awesome economy.

And your evidence of this claim is what? Well, I guess I should have known that LoneLaugher on USMB knew more than Dr's Fuci and Birx.
That's an old talking point. Get with the program. With over 600K cases in the US that false narrative has been replaced with blaming China, the WHO, and with Trump hypocritically encouraging nitwits to break with social distancing protocols in contradiction to official government policy.

When did Trump do that? I've watched several of his news conferences, and anytime social distancing came up, he said we will have to be doing that for a while, even when the restrictions are loosened.
Still it is just a flu virus and will likely kill about 60,000 of the immunodeficient like any other flu.

Only if we can slow down the spread. If we don't, it could be ten times that amount.

You don’t understand. The pretend reality is that the things we have done have only been harmful to the economy. They haven’t REALLY saved lives. Everyone that was gonna die from this has died and we just wasted weeks of our awesome economy.

And your evidence of this claim is what? Well, I guess I should have known that LoneLaugher on USMB knew more than Dr's Fuci and Birx.

Please, fool. get your sarcasm meter fixed. It is embarrassing. See that word "pretend"?
Just got home from Fleet Farm for some "essentials".
Store was far more packed than Christmas season with masses of folks shopping. A small minority of people were wearing masks. Really got the sense seeing so many people there and at the several big box stores nearby, that most have had it with the restrictions and are going about their life.
I seriously doubt they were all Conservative.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.

Have you seen the food lines? Its like the Great Depression "soup lines" but in cars.
An unemployment check doesn't buy much.
We need to start working as soon as possible.

Actually unemployment is paying pretty well, so well I'm afraid a lot of people are not going to want to return to work.

If you made an average wage in my state, you'll get in the area of 400 bucks a week. The feds are contributing another 600 bucks a week on top of that. When you consider taxation you're not going to pay (SS,FICA, Medicare) that's about what somebody makes working for 60K a year.

That $1,200 or $2,400 stimulus is a one-time payment. They have been shutdown about 1-2 months, unemployment has a 2-week waiting period too (or used to?).
Considering the mortgage, car payments, food, and utilities, those are starvation wages. Open up the economy ASAP!!
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.

Have you seen the food lines? Its like the Great Depression "soup lines" but in cars.
An unemployment check doesn't buy much.
We need to start working as soon as possible.
Especially when many of them haven’t gotten unemployment checks yet.
By November, the economy will be in such bad shape that Trump won't even show his face outside of the White House.

That's what the Democraps are hoping, anyway. And really, that was the whole point to all this, to overhype and exploit this virus, in order to create a situation destructive to the economy, destructive to everyone's well-being, and to try to blame President Trump for the results, in hopes that it will help them in the next election.
By November, the economy will be in such bad shape that Trump won't even show his face outside of the White House.

That's what the Democraps are hoping, anyway. And really, that was the whole point to all this, to overhype and exploit this virus, in order to create a situation destructive to the economy, destructive to everyone's well-being, and to try to blame President Trump for the results, in hopes that it will help them in the next election.

Congress could care less about the virus and the states going bankrupt.
If we go back to work the states get some revenue.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.

Have you seen the food lines? Its like the Great Depression "soup lines" but in cars.
An unemployment check doesn't buy much.
We need to start working as soon as possible.

Actually unemployment is paying pretty well, so well I'm afraid a lot of people are not going to want to return to work.

If you made an average wage in my state, you'll get in the area of 400 bucks a week. The feds are contributing another 600 bucks a week on top of that. When you consider taxation you're not going to pay (SS,FICA, Medicare) that's about what somebody makes working for 60K a year.

That $1,200 or $2,400 stimulus is a one-time payment. They have been shutdown about 1-2 months, unemployment has a 2-week waiting period too (or used to?).
Considering the mortgage, car payments, food, and utilities, those are starvation wages. Open up the economy ASAP!!

No, this is separate from the stimulus check. For four continuous months, the feds are adding an additional 600 dollars to your state unemployment, and who knows, in four months, they may extend it further.
Who is turning out to be more correct about this virus? Was the modeling correct, or are we finding out, like in CA, that a lot more people than we thought actually have been exposed and this is driving down the mortality rate?

And on top of that, it's now coming out that the death rate from the virus has been artificially inflated, by counting as COVID-19 deaths those who were found or strongly suspected to be infected with the virus, but who died from causes having nothing to do with it.

Epidemiologically, the point to the shutdown is turning out to be to protect people from being infected with this virus, who are already infected with it anyway. So in practical terms, it's doing nothing, except destroying the economy, and everyone's livelihoods.
Just got home from Fleet Farm for some "essentials".
Store was far more packed than Christmas season with masses of folks shopping. A small minority of people were wearing masks. Really got the sense seeing so many people there and at the several big box stores nearby, that most have had it with the restrictions and are going about their life.
I seriously doubt they were all Conservative.

That's what the stimulus check was supposed to do, stimulate shopping. I guess another win for Trump.
What happened to the geniuses who tried to argue that only laws that are in the Bill Of Rights are laws that citizens must obey?

They all left without leaving even a weak argument. How odd.
Imagine my surprise.

Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders
I'm still waiting for someone to show us where judicial review exists in Article III.
You probably already know that it was actually determined by the Supreme Court in 1803, Marbury v. Madison. If no one had the power to strike down unconstitutional laws and executive orders, the Constitution wouldn't mean squat, would it?

Why, yes. Yes, I do. And you're likely aware of my opinion of that skullduggery. Heh heh.

Perhaps it'll make for lively discussion in the CDZ at some point.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
So I take it you have now embraced the deficit whole heartily.
You are now saying the opposite of what you were yelling was one of your many criticisms of Trump.
Lol, the republicans have brainwashed you to believe their government is more important than your life.

I don't know why I'm laughing, it's really not funny.
And you have not only been brainwashed to believe that the democrats care about you but that you can blame republicans for everything that they do. I would say that is sad but it is more tragic then sad.
So answer the question little one. Are you now embarrassing a higher deficit and now willing to give Trump a pass on his deficit?
I'm afraid you're confused. Your post is half garbled nonsense and half republican regurgitation.

Take a deep breath and try again
So you just can't bring yourself to take a stance on the deficit. Manly because you either way it would show you for the idiot you are.
Deficits pale by comparison to human life.

Shame on you for even attempting this distraction.
Ok so we will put you down as being good with deficits. So all the times you played the deficit card against Trump was just your normal unintelligence.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
So lets turn that around just a little. Is it alright to take other people's house and car and savings away just so you aren't inconvenienced?
Is it ok to increase our national debt just so you aren't inconvenienced?

I think there can be a happy middle ground to this. I say keep it this way until there are easily enough N-95 masks for everybody. If the mask you wear isn't an N-95, it isn't providing adequate protection. It's only helping stop the spread of the virus if you have it.
Once again do you consider your needs above many others?

Not at all. I'm just thinking of what could work for everybody. Like I said, something in the middle. Hey, I have an IRA in the market too. My last statement said I lost around 25%. Not happy. What I want to see is to make sure our medical personnel are well protected, our first responders, and then people like myself who are at a high fatality risk get these masks. If I have some protection being that I live in an area with high infection rates, I'll be glad to wear a mask for a year or whenever to see this economy rip roaring again.

I understand we can't live like this until August. Too much economic damage to recover from.
Well I am at least glad you understand that we can't live with everyone hiding under the bed forever. But are you going to be upset because Florida is opening up now? Are you going to be crying that Texas will be by May?
I saw my IRA down also but I just stopped taking an out until it comes back.
The people I care about is the family with a house payment, a car payment and probably living paycheck to paycheck. The little bit they got in a stimulus check is not going to go far. So do we keep spending on the Feds credit card just little bits of money or do we force everyone of them to get use to shelters, breadlines and welfare?
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
So lets turn that around just a little. Is it alright to take other people's house and car and savings away just so you aren't inconvenienced?
Is it ok to increase our national debt just so you aren't inconvenienced?

I think there can be a happy middle ground to this. I say keep it this way until there are easily enough N-95 masks for everybody. If the mask you wear isn't an N-95, it isn't providing adequate protection. It's only helping stop the spread of the virus if you have it.
Once again do you consider your needs above many others?

Not at all. I'm just thinking of what could work for everybody. Like I said, something in the middle. Hey, I have an IRA in the market too. My last statement said I lost around 25%. Not happy. What I want to see is to make sure our medical personnel are well protected, our first responders, and then people like myself who are at a high fatality risk get these masks. If I have some protection being that I live in an area with high infection rates, I'll be glad to wear a mask for a year or whenever to see this economy rip roaring again.

I understand we can't live like this until August. Too much economic damage to recover from.
Well I am at least glad you understand that we can't live with everyone hiding under the bed forever. But are you going to be upset because Florida is opening up now? Are you going to be crying that Texas will be by May?
I saw my IRA down also but I just stopped taking an out until it comes back.
The people I care about is the family with a house payment, a car payment and probably living paycheck to paycheck. The little bit they got in a stimulus check is not going to go far. So do we keep spending on the Feds credit card just little bits of money or do we force everyone of them to get use to shelters, breadlines and welfare?

As I was saying to Kyzr, unemployment with the federal contribution is pretty generous at this time. I'm sure there will be many people making more money sitting at home than they did working. So I'm really not concerned on how they pay their bills.

I'm not too worried about my IRA either. It's invested with a very fine company, and I have no immediate plans to use it. My real concern is that we don't have a relapse of this problem, only tenfold. Not only am I at high risk, both of my parents are in their late 80's, and they have plenty of medical problems themselves. The more people in my environment that has this thing, the higher risk of me or a member of my family catching it.

The President and our Governors are having to perform a balancing act. There is no right or wrong decision here. If we move too fast, that could be devastating to our health. If we move too slow, it may be devastating to our economy. I feel for those leaders right now. No matter what they decide, you can't blame them one way or the other.

I also feel that this debt should be repaid by all of us once we get things back on track. I think we should have a federal consumption tax until everything we are spending on today slowly gets paid back tomorrow. Say ten cents on every dollar spent. Yes, it will take quite a bit of time to repay it, but I think it's something we need to do in order to secure our financial future.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
So lets turn that around just a little. Is it alright to take other people's house and car and savings away just so you aren't inconvenienced?
Is it ok to increase our national debt just so you aren't inconvenienced?

I think there can be a happy middle ground to this. I say keep it this way until there are easily enough N-95 masks for everybody. If the mask you wear isn't an N-95, it isn't providing adequate protection. It's only helping stop the spread of the virus if you have it.
Once again do you consider your needs above many others?

Not at all. I'm just thinking of what could work for everybody. Like I said, something in the middle. Hey, I have an IRA in the market too. My last statement said I lost around 25%. Not happy. What I want to see is to make sure our medical personnel are well protected, our first responders, and then people like myself who are at a high fatality risk get these masks. If I have some protection being that I live in an area with high infection rates, I'll be glad to wear a mask for a year or whenever to see this economy rip roaring again.

I understand we can't live like this until August. Too much economic damage to recover from.
Well I am at least glad you understand that we can't live with everyone hiding under the bed forever. But are you going to be upset because Florida is opening up now? Are you going to be crying that Texas will be by May?
I saw my IRA down also but I just stopped taking an out until it comes back.
The people I care about is the family with a house payment, a car payment and probably living paycheck to paycheck. The little bit they got in a stimulus check is not going to go far. So do we keep spending on the Feds credit card just little bits of money or do we force everyone of them to get use to shelters, breadlines and welfare?

As I was saying to Kyzr, unemployment with the federal contribution is pretty generous at this time. I'm sure there will be many people making more money sitting at home than they did working. So I'm really not concerned on how they pay their bills.

I'm not too worried about my IRA either. It's invested with a very fine company, and I have no immediate plans to use it. My real concern is that we don't have a relapse of this problem, only tenfold. Not only am I at high risk, both of my parents are in their late 80's, and they have plenty of medical problems themselves. The more people in my environment that has this thing, the higher risk of me or a member of my family catching it.

The President and our Governors are having to perform a balancing act. There is no right or wrong decision here. If we move too fast, that could be devastating to our health. If we move too slow, it may be devastating to our economy. I feel for those leaders right now. No matter what they decide, you can't blame them one way or the other.

I also feel that this debt should be repaid by all of us once we get things back on track. I think we should have a federal consumption tax until everything we are spending on today slowly gets paid back tomorrow. Say ten cents on every dollar spent. Yes, it will take quite a bit of time to repay it, but I think it's something we need to do in order to secure our financial future.

Let’s not forget that you said that you would not work if you could receive enough money from “welfare”. That’s you. A “conservative”.

You project.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
So lets turn that around just a little. Is it alright to take other people's house and car and savings away just so you aren't inconvenienced?
Is it ok to increase our national debt just so you aren't inconvenienced?

I think there can be a happy middle ground to this. I say keep it this way until there are easily enough N-95 masks for everybody. If the mask you wear isn't an N-95, it isn't providing adequate protection. It's only helping stop the spread of the virus if you have it.
Once again do you consider your needs above many others?

Not at all. I'm just thinking of what could work for everybody. Like I said, something in the middle. Hey, I have an IRA in the market too. My last statement said I lost around 25%. Not happy. What I want to see is to make sure our medical personnel are well protected, our first responders, and then people like myself who are at a high fatality risk get these masks. If I have some protection being that I live in an area with high infection rates, I'll be glad to wear a mask for a year or whenever to see this economy rip roaring again.

I understand we can't live like this until August. Too much economic damage to recover from.
Well I am at least glad you understand that we can't live with everyone hiding under the bed forever. But are you going to be upset because Florida is opening up now? Are you going to be crying that Texas will be by May?
I saw my IRA down also but I just stopped taking an out until it comes back.
The people I care about is the family with a house payment, a car payment and probably living paycheck to paycheck. The little bit they got in a stimulus check is not going to go far. So do we keep spending on the Feds credit card just little bits of money or do we force everyone of them to get use to shelters, breadlines and welfare?

As I was saying to Kyzr, unemployment with the federal contribution is pretty generous at this time. I'm sure there will be many people making more money sitting at home than they did working. So I'm really not concerned on how they pay their bills.

I'm not too worried about my IRA either. It's invested with a very fine company, and I have no immediate plans to use it. My real concern is that we don't have a relapse of this problem, only tenfold. Not only am I at high risk, both of my parents are in their late 80's, and they have plenty of medical problems themselves. The more people in my environment that has this thing, the higher risk of me or a member of my family catching it.

The President and our Governors are having to perform a balancing act. There is no right or wrong decision here. If we move too fast, that could be devastating to our health. If we move too slow, it may be devastating to our economy. I feel for those leaders right now. No matter what they decide, you can't blame them one way or the other.

I also feel that this debt should be repaid by all of us once we get things back on track. I think we should have a federal consumption tax until everything we are spending on today slowly gets paid back tomorrow. Say ten cents on every dollar spent. Yes, it will take quite a bit of time to repay it, but I think it's something we need to do in order to secure our financial future.
Well I have to give you credit for understanding the need to open up and for being cautious. I myself have only once taken unemployment and at the time I was extremely glad that I found a job just as I got my one and only check.
Not real sure that we will ever repay our debt. Too many are excited for it to keep climbing higher.
I feel sorry for the small business that only has a few employees. They will never survive a long shutdown and if they take out a loan that is just more hanging around their neck. They have employees that if they go under those employees have no job to go back to.
All my folks are long dead but my wife has numerous medical problems. I am healthy but am in the age category that is supposed to be at risk. Both of us are more worried about people and businesses then we are about ourselves.
Hope you do well

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