Welfare is Unconstitutional

Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

The Constitution consists of enumerated powers and implied powers.
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

The Constitution consists of enumerated powers and implied powers.
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broadly the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to interpret it.

In other words, if you agree it's with their power but if you don't agree it's not. Got it.

The next time you start ranting about guns, look at the 2nd amendment. It doesn't have to be interpreted. It's clear about what it means. Social welfare has to be twisted to get where you are.
You give the govt an inch, they take a mile.
We have given them a mile, and now look..
I wonder how much of our budget is spent on things that are actually Constitutional? 15%? 20%?

That's really a red herring, or a non sequitur, or one of those things lol

That military spending is 'constitutional' does not automatically make any amount of military spending a good thing.
You give the govt an inch, they take a mile.
We have given them a mile, and now look..
I wonder how much of our budget is spent on things that are actually Constitutional? 15%? 20%?

That's really a red herring, or a non sequitur, or one of those things lol

That military spending is 'constitutional' does not automatically make any amount of military spending a good thing.
The Constitution consists of enumerated powers and implied powers.
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.

It can mean groups of individuals, such as the general public, the general population, etc.
You give the govt an inch, they take a mile.
We have given them a mile, and now look..
I wonder how much of our budget is spent on things that are actually Constitutional? 15%? 20%?

That's really a red herring, or a non sequitur, or one of those things lol

That military spending is 'constitutional' does not automatically make any amount of military spending a good thing.

Do you know what makes military spending constitutional? Perhaps you should look at Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. It's WRITTEN there for you to so. I'm still waiting on just one of you bleeding hearts to show me the words food stamp, Section 8, Medicaid, or the like in the same Article and Section. Can you?
The Constitution consists of enumerated powers and implied powers.
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broadly the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to interpret it.

In other words, if you agree it's with their power but if you don't agree it's not. Got it.

The next time you start ranting about guns, look at the 2nd amendment. It doesn't have to be interpreted. It's clear about what it means. Social welfare has to be twisted to get where you are.

The 2nd amendment is VERY unclear about what it means. That's why we have laws that (constitutionally) apply detail to the 2nd amendment.
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.

It can mean groups of individuals, such as the general public, the general population, etc.

You really have twisted yourself in a pretzel to be a bleeding heart.

If you care so much for those you claim to care for, why don't you personally provide them with what you say they should have?
You give the govt an inch, they take a mile.
We have given them a mile, and now look..
I wonder how much of our budget is spent on things that are actually Constitutional? 15%? 20%?

That's really a red herring, or a non sequitur, or one of those things lol

That military spending is 'constitutional' does not automatically make any amount of military spending a good thing.

Do you know what makes military spending constitutional? Perhaps you should look at Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. It's WRITTEN there for you to so. I'm still waiting on just one of you bleeding hearts to show me the words food stamp, Section 8, Medicaid, or the like in the same Article and Section. Can you?

I can. General welfare, and the necessary and proper clause.
So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.

It can mean groups of individuals, such as the general public, the general population, etc.

You really have twisted yourself in a pretzel to be a bleeding heart.

If you care so much for those you claim to care for, why don't you personally provide them with what you say they should have?

I don't have to because the voters have done so, constitutionally.
You give the govt an inch, they take a mile.
We have given them a mile, and now look..
I wonder how much of our budget is spent on things that are actually Constitutional? 15%? 20%?

That's really a red herring, or a non sequitur, or one of those things lol

That military spending is 'constitutional' does not automatically make any amount of military spending a good thing.
I know. I was including military spending in my estimation that came out of my ass. lol
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.

It can mean groups of individuals, such as the general public, the general population, etc.
Half the population gets some sort of welfare. The other half pays for it. Half isnt general.
If we all got welfare it would be different. And also impossible.
what "implied" powers?

So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broadly the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to interpret it.

In other words, if you agree it's with their power but if you don't agree it's not. Got it.

The next time you start ranting about guns, look at the 2nd amendment. It doesn't have to be interpreted. It's clear about what it means. Social welfare has to be twisted to get where you are.

The 2nd amendment is VERY unclear about what it means. That's why we have laws that (constitutionally) apply detail to the 2nd amendment.

Shall not be infringed is very clear. The details are by those that don't understand that.
So, basically, the only argument is the raping of the meaning of the word "general" to mean something it doesnt actually mean. Awesome
Get an amendment folks
So you start a thread expressing what you think is your genius about the Constitution and you know nothing of implied powers?


google it.
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.

It can mean groups of individuals, such as the general public, the general population, etc.
Half the population gets some sort of welfare. The other half pays for it. Half isnt general.
If we all got welfare it would be different. And also impossible.

Exactly. Doesn't the general public or general population mean everyone? I can't count the number of times someone with the same beliefs as NYCarbineer as said living in a society means contributing to that society. If that's what he believes, why is he OK with half the population getting something from a pot to which they don't contribute?
You give the govt an inch, they take a mile.
We have given them a mile, and now look..
I wonder how much of our budget is spent on things that are actually Constitutional? 15%? 20%?

That's really a red herring, or a non sequitur, or one of those things lol

That military spending is 'constitutional' does not automatically make any amount of military spending a good thing.

Do you know what makes military spending constitutional? Perhaps you should look at Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. It's WRITTEN there for you to so. I'm still waiting on just one of you bleeding hearts to show me the words food stamp, Section 8, Medicaid, or the like in the same Article and Section. Can you?

I can. General welfare, and the necessary and proper clause.

I asked could you show me the words I asked for. You didn't. Can you?
all implied powers do is give congress the means to fulfill their enumerated powers.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to legislate on behalf of the general welfare, welfare in this case meaning essentially 'wellbeing', and general meaning 'general'.

That is a broad mandate limited only on how broad the Congress via legislation and the courts via interpretation want to make it.
yes. General doesnt mean individual.

It can mean groups of individuals, such as the general public, the general population, etc.

You really have twisted yourself in a pretzel to be a bleeding heart.

If you care so much for those you claim to care for, why don't you personally provide them with what you say they should have?

I don't have to because the voters have done so, constitutionally.

Thanks for proving you claims don't amount to anything. Just meaningless words.
Federal programs have stretched from north to south, east to west and everywhere in between and NONE of it is constitutional. Phones, daycare, gas money, food stamps, checks, subsidized rent..
None of this is an enumerated power of the Federal Govt. There also hasnt been an amendment to address this.
BTW, for you "general welfare" rapists, "general" isnt a single person. Or even local or regional.

Notice you don't mention corporate welfare. The great glaring oversight.

It's always the poor that are the problem, not the free money that is shoveled into the pockets of the already wealthy.

Just like Jesus would do eh?
Corporate welfare is corporate investment...Pelosi called welfare people investment... Job creating corporate investment is a good thing.

No it's corporate welfare. Any corporation that is standing on it's own carries it's own capitalization or can get loans to cover business expenses and expansion. Crony capitalism is when Republicans hand out taxpayer money to corporations that can't make it on their own and aren't in an emerging market.

It is welfare for the wealthy, not some fake noble endeavor to 'create jobs'. That is a Stalinistic double-speak phrase that could come straight out of Orwell's 1984.
I am against corporate welfare as well.
I am against loans and bailouts of any sort. They are illegal. Plus, i dont think it is the citizens responsibility.
I also like how you completely ignore the OP and bring up other things. Why dont you comment on the constitutionality of individual welfare?

Why don't you leave the United States, you hate the government, hate its citizens and hold an ideology which lacks any bit of pragmatism? Go find some county which pleases you, I'm certain you won't be missed.

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