Welfare queen wins nearly $200 million powerball - Is this right?

Article doesn't say she's black or on welfare but the video shows she's black and she's an unemployed mother of 4 kids so i figure.....People on welfare should not be allowed to win a lottery. That money is for the kids not for gambling. At the very least she should have to pay back the state the welfare money they've paid her.

Unemployed mom of 4 wins Powerball in North Carolina Money - Home

feb 13 2015
and the Powerball winner is ... an unemployed mother of four kids.

Marie Holmes, 26, of North Carolina is one of the three winners who picked the combination that won them the $564.1 million jackpot: 11-13-25-39-54-19.

"I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I seen the ticket," said Holmes, in an interview with local TV affiliate WECT. "My uncle actually sold me the winning ticket."

Holmes, who used to work at McDonald's and WalMart, said she no longer has to worry about providing for her son and three daughters.

Is Shitstain suffering from class envy? LOL!
Always wondered why rich people qith lots of dispoable income don't just buy millions of tickets at a time? Statistically that should work. :)

If you have that kind of bankroll you can make more in Vegas.

In my opinion, good capitalists should believe that Perfection In Capital management is a "holy grail".

"Good Capitalist" is an oxymoron. Capitalism is evil incarnate, but the best we've come up with.
You missed the point. Us working whites give her welfare so she can take care of her kids. It's not meant for gambling. THINK

So now white people are the only people that work?
That doesn't fly very well with some on the left; we know it is a fixed Standard trick on the part of the right, just like their alleged, Protestant work ethic which is continually getting bailed out by third worlders with a third world work ethic who may not be Protestant.
Always wondered why rich people qith lots of dispoable income don't just buy millions of tickets at a time? Statistically that should work. :)

If you have that kind of bankroll you can make more in Vegas.

In my opinion, good capitalists should believe that Perfection In Capital management is a "holy grail".

"Good Capitalist" is an oxymoron. Capitalism is evil incarnate, but the best we've come up with.
My good comrade, capitalism is only useless to the right; the left knows we should Use capitalism for all of its worth.
Always wondered why rich people qith lots of dispoable income don't just buy millions of tickets at a time? Statistically that should work. :)

If you have that kind of bankroll you can make more in Vegas.

In my opinion, good capitalists should believe that Perfection In Capital management is a "holy grail".

"Good Capitalist" is an oxymoron. Capitalism is evil incarnate, but the best we've come up with.
My good comrade, capitalism is only useless to the right; the left knows we should Use capitalism for all of its worth.

Think of myself as fence straddling, buttsore, moderate. :) But a system that rewards greed and a tiny minority leaving the overwhelming majority less-well off is not a fair system. But compared to previous attempts at economy, it's better than other systems.

Much as I love the Star Trek idea of abolishing money, on Earth, I can't help but notice they seem to have money in Deep Space Nine (gold pressed latinum,) and money when dealing with species that still use it. So I'm not sure it's possible to completely abolish money and thereby inequal wealth. It's a neat idea, just don't think it could work.
Always wondered why rich people qith lots of dispoable income don't just buy millions of tickets at a time? Statistically that should work. :)

If you have that kind of bankroll you can make more in Vegas.

In my opinion, good capitalists should believe that Perfection In Capital management is a "holy grail".

"Good Capitalist" is an oxymoron. Capitalism is evil incarnate, but the best we've come up with.
My good comrade, capitalism is only useless to the right; the left knows we should Use capitalism for all of its worth.

Think of myself as fence straddling, buttsore, moderate. :) But a system that rewards greed and a tiny minority leaving the overwhelming majority less-well off is not a fair system. But compared to previous attempts at economy, it's better than other systems.

Much as I love the Star Trek idea of abolishing money, on Earth, I can't help but notice they seem to have money in Deep Space Nine (gold pressed latinum,) and money when dealing with species that still use it. So I'm not sure it's possible to completely abolish money and thereby inequal wealth. It's a neat idea, just don't think it could work.

All that is required is sufficient morals for free, to achieve a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth by following this social Contract and Constitution for our Body politic:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The odds of winning the lottery are at least 1 in 200 million.

The Sobering Odds Of Winning The Lottery Jackpot NPR

So you're saying, it's good to be number one?

I am not saying anything other than buying millions of tickets like Delta suggested would still drain your money quick, unless you could buy hundreds of millions of tickets.

I'm sure any undergraduate math major could give us the statistics and proability of success. :) Only so many outcomes of the lottery. If there's say 1 trillion possible number combinations and you bought (for the sake of illustration) 500 billion tickets, you'd expect to win 50% of the prizes/money.
She won 200 million. 50% will be taken in taxes right up front. Then all her capital gains will be taxed again and again. She should thank her Gawd she's a democrat! :) I'm lovin it!
The odds of winning the lottery are at least 1 in 200 million.

The Sobering Odds Of Winning The Lottery Jackpot NPR

So you're saying, it's good to be number one?

I am not saying anything other than buying millions of tickets like Delta suggested would still drain your money quick, unless you could buy hundreds of millions of tickets.
That is the thing, you cant buy them fast enough to scam the system.
If so, computers would win all the big jackpots.
I hope she helps out family and close friends and maybe some donations to a few charities....
Beyond that...She bought a ticket and won....
She won 200 million. 50% will be taken in taxes right up front. Then all her capital gains will be taxed again and again. She should thank her Gawd she's a democrat! :) I'm lovin it!
shit....i will gladly take all that pain and suffering for what she is going to end up with...
I hope she helps out family and close friends and maybe some donations to a few charities....
Beyond that...She bought a ticket and won....

Bought with your tax dollars. That money was meant for raising her 4 pickaninnies not for gambling. Welfare recipients should not be allowed to keep any lottery winnings. THINK

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