Welfare queens buying food with EBT and sending to relatives overseas!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
And the big-eared ape in our WH loves it. Racist obozo thinks it's great when whites are taxed out of their hard earned dollars to feed deadbeat non-whites here and even overseas.

NY food stamp recipients are shipping welfare-funded groceries to relatives in Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti |

July 21, 2013

Food stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout — with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded benefits to ship food to relatives in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Welfare recipients are buying groceries with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and packing them in giant barrels for the trip overseas, The Post found.

The practice is so common that hundreds of 45- to 55-gallon cardboard and plastic barrels line the walls of supermarkets in almost every Caribbean corner of the city.

The feds say the moveable feasts go against the intent of the $86 billion welfare program for impoverished Americans.

A spokeswoman for the US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service said welfare benefits are reserved for households that buy and prepare food together. She said states should intervene if people are caught shipping nonperishables abroad.
in my opinion, if caught their access to entitlements should be revoked forever. Obviously they are doing well enough to be sending food to other countries.
And the big-eared ape in our WH loves it. Racist obozo thinks it's great when whites are taxed out of their hard earned dollars to feed deadbeat non-whites here and even overseas.

NY food stamp recipients are shipping welfare-funded groceries to relatives in Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti |

July 21, 2013

Food stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout — with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded benefits to ship food to relatives in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Welfare recipients are buying groceries with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and packing them in giant barrels for the trip overseas, The Post found.

The practice is so common that hundreds of 45- to 55-gallon cardboard and plastic barrels line the walls of supermarkets in almost every Caribbean corner of the city.

The feds say the moveable feasts go against the intent of the $86 billion welfare program for impoverished Americans.

A spokeswoman for the US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service said welfare benefits are reserved for households that buy and prepare food together. She said states should intervene if people are caught shipping nonperishables abroad.

Well ... those nasty thieving *******!

As usual you missrepresent the truth. The article makes it clear that only SOME of the non perishable food is purchased with EBT funds.

You make it sound like they are commiting a crime. You make it sound like someone is just using thier EBT to fill up these barrels and making money or something.

The article says that a few people are taking MONTHs to fill a barrel which they send to very poor people.

Clearly the TRUTH is that even the few that use thier EBT to toss a few cans of soup and a package or two of rice into a barrel every month until it is filled up use the vast majority of thier food stamp alotment on thier own needs.

You are an asshole. The poor helping the desperately poor is not a bad thing. People helping people is not the problem in America. The biggest problem in our country is assholes like you.

You really need to line every wall in every room in your house with mirrors so you never lose sight of what a real piece of shit looks like.
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in my opinion, if caught their access to entitlements should be revoked forever. Obviously they are doing well enough to be sending food to other countries.

I think that they still need to eat, and you can't take away their EBT cards because they'd starve - just reduce their benefits. If they continue to send food overseas, reduce it even more until they get it through their head that it won't be tolerated.
in my opinion, if caught their access to entitlements should be revoked forever. Obviously they are doing well enough to be sending food to other countries.

I think that they still need to eat, and you can't take away their EBT cards because they'd starve - just reduce their benefits. If they continue to send food overseas, reduce it even more until they get it through their head that it won't be tolerated.

and... i really don't care if they ever eat again...on tax payer dollars. They clearly do not need food if they have enough to send over seas.

sorry, in my opinion anyone caught once abusing the system should be barred forever from benefiting from that system ever again. A lifetime bouncing may make them think twice before stealing in the first place
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These are like the old "Buying Lobsters with Food Stamps" stories you heard when you were a kid.

It's not enough that these poor people are getting free food, but they are somehow getting something better than what you are getting... huff...huff...huff.
Honest to God, what incredible nitwits you USMB's racists are.

You'll fall for any story, however ridiculous, as long as it gives you the change to hate somebody.

What pathetic little lives ya'll must live.
Honest to God, what incredible nitwits you USMB's racists are.

You'll fall for any story, however ridiculous, as long as it gives you the change to hate somebody.

What pathetic little lives ya'll must live.

HAHAHA. The board notes that you never mentioned the issue and merely called the other side "wacists". That's all you liberals ever have.
The site that "ShootsSpeed" got this info IS rascist.

If I was on EBT and had desperately poor relatives in Ireland I would do what I could to help them.

That is the nature of most Americans. We try to help starving people thruout the world. We don't need a government edict to approve of this kind of action.

I bet this prick OP would love to pick and choose who gets food and who must starve to death.

This moron cannot distinguish between "welfare queens" driving around in new Cadillacs and truly poor people socking away a few cans of food over several months to aid desperately poor people.

I commend these people because the aid they give goes exactly where it is needed. If some of the food is purchased though EBT then the administraiters should be happy thier program is going to those that need it the most regardless of where they live.
If they use one penny of taxpayer money to send something to someone in another country it's a penny too much. We're paying through the ass here to support generations of irresponsible fucking morons and not interested at all about their friends or relatives elsewhere. Screw 'em. Find some other country willing to take care of them. We're nearly tapped out.
Honestly though, white politicians let him get away with it, so they're just as much to blame.

Everybody knows it's whites that's running things at the upper end of government and it'll likely always be that way.
If they use one penny of taxpayer money to send something to someone in another country it's a penny too much. We're paying through the ass here to support generations of irresponsible fucking morons and not interested at all about their friends or relatives elsewhere. Screw 'em. Find some other country willing to take care of them. We're nearly tapped out.

No, we are not "nearly tapped out". You are either knowingly lying or you are a moron. If we can spend trillions going around the world butt hurt because we were incompitant and allowed some muslim idiots to attack us then we have plenty of money to do good.

Much of the world's poverty is the result of the U S backing multinational corporations that interfere in the politics and natural resources of these poor countries. Water rights is a good example. Something we take for granted here. like access to water, is used as blackmail in some countries.

As far as Haiti is concerned we(our government) has already established that the people there should get our help.

Much of the world's poverty is the result of the U S backing multinational corporations that interfere in the politics and natural resources of these poor countries. Water rights is a good example. Something we take for granted here. like access to water, is used as blackmail in some countries.

HAHA. You don't know what wealth is. Wealth is people with technical skills - businessmen and scientists. Men that can do things and make things and grow things and fix things. Africans can't do things like that and that is why africa is in the stone age and always will be.

Much of the world's poverty is the result of the U S backing multinational corporations that interfere in the politics and natural resources of these poor countries. Water rights is a good example. Something we take for granted here. like access to water, is used as blackmail in some countries.

HAHA. You don't know what wealth is. Wealth is people with technical skills - businessmen and scientists. Men that can do things and make things and grow things and fix things. Africans can't do things like that and that is why africa is in the stone age and always will be.

The OP is about an article primarily surrounding poor Americans sending a little food to Haiti and the Dominican Republic niether of which are on the continent of Africa.

Your hating on Black people has been duly noted once again.
HAHA. You don't know what wealth is. Wealth is people with technical skills - businessmen and scientists. Men that can do things and make things and grow things and fix things. Africans can't do things like that and that is why africa is in the stone age and always will be.

The OP is about an article primarily surrounding poor Americans sending a little food to Haiti and the Dominican Republic niether of which are on the continent of Africa.

Your hating on Black people has been duly noted once again.

I responded to a post about WORLD poverty and africa is part of the world. Get your butt outta your head.
And the big-eared ape in our WH loves it. Racist obozo thinks it's great when whites are taxed out of their hard earned dollars to feed deadbeat non-whites here and even overseas.

NY food stamp recipients are shipping welfare-funded groceries to relatives in Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti |

July 21, 2013

Food stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout — with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded benefits to ship food to relatives in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Welfare recipients are buying groceries with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and packing them in giant barrels for the trip overseas, The Post found.

The practice is so common that hundreds of 45- to 55-gallon cardboard and plastic barrels line the walls of supermarkets in almost every Caribbean corner of the city.

The feds say the moveable feasts go against the intent of the $86 billion welfare program for impoverished Americans.

A spokeswoman for the US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service said welfare benefits are reserved for households that buy and prepare food together. She said states should intervene if people are caught shipping nonperishables abroad.

Well ... those nasty thieving *******!

As usual you missrepresent the truth. The article makes it clear that only SOME of the non perishable food is purchased with EBT funds.

You make it sound like they are commiting a crime. You make it sound like someone is just using thier EBT to fill up these barrels and making money or something.

The article says that a few people are taking MONTHs to fill a barrel which they send to very poor people.

Clearly the TRUTH is that even the few that use thier EBT to toss a few cans of soup and a package or two of rice into a barrel every month until it is filled up use the vast majority of thier food stamp alotment on thier own needs.

You are an asshole. The poor helping the desperately poor is not a bad thing. People helping people is not the problem in America. The biggest problem in our country is assholes like you.

You really need to line every wall in every room in your house with mirrors so you never lose sight of what a real piece of shit looks like.

because fraud is the American way, right?

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