Welfare queens buying food with EBT and sending to relatives overseas!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqomgtEiNUw]Tax Fraud Queen Gets 21 Years In Prison! Bragged On Facebook That She Was Untouchable) - YouTube[/ame]
The OP is about an article primarily surrounding poor Americans sending a little food to Haiti and the Dominican Republic niether of which are on the continent of Africa.

Your hating on Black people has been duly noted once again.

I responded to a post about WORLD poverty and africa is part of the world. Get your butt outta your head.

Folks, if you wanted an example of a true racist and not someone who makes off color jokes or calls a ****** a ****** when it's deserved then I think you've found your man here.

Why are you attempting to equate what was reported in the OP article with the massive theft by the criminal in the video you presented?

It is far more likely that the intent of the article over reached anyway. It is far more probable that the gathering of non perishable foods over a period of months was the work of more than one person.

It would be useful to know how much of the food was actually purchased with EBT accounts and over what period of time.

Would you all still be outraged if only a small fraction of the food was bought with government subsidy?

I recognise that this practice is stretching the boundaries of how these accounts are meant to be used.

Trying to equate this practice with actual criminals that drive new Cadillacs and have good incomes and still take EBT money and trade the food money for drugs and cash is more of a fraud than what the OP article indicates.
discontinue welfare and pay off the national debt with the money we save. Those people won't starve, they will do what people have been doing for thousands of years, work for it.
It sounds like an urban legend. It's so full of holes that it seems like some fantasy somebody dreamed up. First of all there isn't much that you can buy with food stamps and pack in 55 gallon drums and ship to a tropical country. Food stamps can't buy booze or cigarettes. Milk or juice and meat and most veggies would spoil. What would food stamps buy that they can't get in Jamaica or Dominican Republic that the US or the UN doesn't give away for free in a million foreign aid programs? ?
And the big-eared ape in our WH loves it. Racist obozo thinks it's great when whites are taxed out of their hard earned dollars to feed deadbeat non-whites here and even overseas.

NY food stamp recipients are shipping welfare-funded groceries to relatives in Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti |

July 21, 2013

Food stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout — with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded benefits to ship food to relatives in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Welfare recipients are buying groceries with their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and packing them in giant barrels for the trip overseas, The Post found.

The practice is so common that hundreds of 45- to 55-gallon cardboard and plastic barrels line the walls of supermarkets in almost every Caribbean corner of the city.

The feds say the moveable feasts go against the intent of the $86 billion welfare program for impoverished Americans.

A spokeswoman for the US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service said welfare benefits are reserved for households that buy and prepare food together. She said states should intervene if people are caught shipping nonperishables abroad.

Chapter Jackson - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Explicit) - YouTube
It sounds like an urban legend. It's so full of holes that it seems like some fantasy somebody dreamed up. First of all there isn't much that you can buy with food stamps and pack in 55 gallon drums and ship to a tropical country. Food stamps can't buy booze or cigarettes. Milk or juice and meat and most veggies would spoil. What would food stamps buy that they can't get in Jamaica or Dominican Republic that the US or the UN doesn't give away for free in a million foreign aid programs? ?

Much of what is distributed by relief agencies is stolen and sold on the black market. I have no problem with family members here making sure that thier starving relatives are sure to recieve some food relief.

My guess is that the most cold hearted among those that have replied with the most hatefull messages on this thread consider themselves Christians. How telling. I hope your god is reading your replies. Probly is preparing a nice comfy spot in hell for your evil asses.


why are you attempting to equate what was reported in the op article with the massive theft by the criminal in the video you presented?

It is far more likely that the intent of the article over reached anyway. It is far more probable that the gathering of non perishable foods over a period of months was the work of more than one person.

It would be useful to know how much of the food was actually purchased with ebt accounts and over what period of time.

Would you all still be outraged if only a small fraction of the food was bought with government subsidy?

I recognise that this practice is stretching the boundaries of how these accounts are meant to be used.

Trying to equate this practice with actual criminals that drive new cadillacs and have good incomes and still take ebt money and trade the food money for drugs and cash is more of a fraud than what the op article indicates.

you are correct its not the same ...my thoughts were if you think thats bad check this out

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