Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

Oh god, you are still running with this old left piece
Really, the radical left needs to update their talking points
This is up there with the extreme left's other favorite talking point
that the Soviet Union was not really communism.

Nice try but

Your "spending" includes things like SS payments, military pay and payments for resources/services

Let's see....

Using your analysis, we should them tell
Seniors- that Earned Benefit you were forced to pay for by the gov't, your whole life- guess what- you are just a taker
Military-- that is not Pay for your work- but a handout
Resources/Services- that is really not a market exchange for product- but a handout.
Unlike welfare, these are exchanges for productive services.

Well, to be fair, welfare does buy Democrat votes

Considering that Seniors will retire, companies will open and military bases will stay open in states
due to being or any combination of low tax, friendly to the Military, right to work states,
it should be no surprise that these players move to these states.

The fact remains, the biggest Welfare states are still Democratic ones.

Really, if paid for retirement benefits concern the left so much, easy solution..
We can just return all the monies they paid in, with real interest, and they
can stop being such a "burden" to the federal gov't

Right wing CNBC

Biggest Welfare states

Rhode Island
New Mexico
New York
District of Columbia

How many of these voted for Papa Obama and the rest of the radical left

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

"Your "spending" includes things like SS payments, military pay and payments for resources/services"

You are wrong there. You simply decided you don't like the way it turns out, then made up bullshit about why it must be wrong. It is exactly the behavior I've come to expect from you. You don't follow through on actually research.

The data I am using does not include direct payments, military pay, or whatever. It is monies to the states and local governments. We can add in federal monies going to the military and OASDI. That's a good idea. It is, after all, still Federal dollars that ends up in the local economy.

Regardless, the conservative states take larger proportion of money from the federal government than they put in in tax revenues. You can make all the excuses you want, but it doesn't change the facts. It doesn't change the fact that the red state economies are substantially bolstered by Federal dollars.

And there is a reason that the states that vote Democrat put it more money in tax revenues, because they produce more in real dollar gross state product.

Producing more value results in paying more in federal taxes. $ is a numerical measure that is what it is. You can't change it by using emotional bullshit like "socialism", "communism", and on and on. Nobody gives a crap about your retarded fixation with the Soviet Union. The cold war ended along time ago. Try and catch up. You are living in a fantasy land.

And, none of that has anything to do with where seniors retire either. We should add them it. It is, after all, money into the economy.

You are just desperately trying to manipulation the facts to fit what you want to be true. The facts don't make someone a liberal or conservative, they are just the facts. Ignoring the facts does make you stupid.

You can squirm wildly all you want, but the reality is that you are wrong. I'm not making a case for Blue states. I'm just proving that you are wrong.

You keep claiming you have facts, yet present nothing. I get that it is a bitter pill for you to swallow. But getting all whiny about it won't change anything.

All you have is emotional bullshit that means nothing. That the Democratic states made more money does. You can cherry pick all day long, but this won't change.

They make more money, they pay more taxes, they support themselves and Republican states. California just slipped to only the 9th largest economy in the world.

(you do understand what "real dollars" and "per capita" mean, right?)
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Heck, on a worker bases, the Blue states are more productive than the Red states

That is real dollar GDP for all the states divided by all the people employed.
I didn't say anything was wrong, Stuart Smalley

Though I do find it telling that you do not know that
spending includes all federal outlays consisting of retirement, disability,
and other direct payments; grants; procurement; and salaries and wages.
Perhaps before you just knee-jerk respond with your left wing pics,
you should understand better.

I am just pointing out that the regurgitated left wing pics you use
(strange you won't tell us where they come from)

try to give the incorrect impression that Red states are "takers".
The only manipulation here is yours, rather poor I may add.

Tell you what sparky, give us the original source of these pics
so we can see the all the information.

Federal outlays or payments for goods/services, pensions, salaries etc
are not handouts. Then again, I am all for the Democrats running on a
platform that calls seniors, gov't workers and the military - all "takers"
The left should run with that.....

If however, one wants to look at states that spend the most on welfare
the majority would be Democratic states.

Outside of getting people to vote for Democrats, welfare money does not really produce much.

Really, if you are going to pull old left wing talking points- get ones that work

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
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I didn't say anything was wrong, Stuart Smalley

I am just pointing out that the regurgitated left wing pics you use
(strange you won't tell us where they come from)

try to give the incorrect impression that Red states are "takers".
The only manipulation here is yours, rather poor I may add.

Federal outlays or payments for goods/services, pensions, salaries etc
are not handouts. Then again, I am all for the Democrats running on a
platform that calls seniors, gov't workers and the military - all "takers"
The left should run with that.....

If however, one wants to look at states that spend the most on welfare
the majority would be Democratic states.

Outside of getting people to vote for Democrats, welfare money does not really produce much.

Really, if you are going to pull old left wing talking points- get ones that work

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

You haven't pointed out anything except that you simply regurgitate some right wing nut bullshit that has no bearing on reality.

The Democratic states can spend their money on whatever they want to spend it on. It is their money. They earned it. They paid it in taxes. So, that would make it their money to spend.

And they earn enough in taxes to spend it on themselves and the lazy and poor Republican states.

I have taken the real BSL, BEA, IRS, and US Census Burea data from the following sources.

Data sources
trends ? Dave Troy: Fueled By Randomness
Federal tax revenue by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of U.S. states by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Federal Spending Received Per Dollar of Taxes Paid by State, 2005 | Tax Foundation
Monday Map: Federal Aid to State Budgets | Tax Foundation
Federal Taxes Paid vs. Spending Received by State | Tax Foundation
Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization for States
Consolidated Federal Funds Report
Federal, State, & Local Governments ? Census Bureau Reports about Governments
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) - People and Households - U.S. Census Bureau
SIPP Table Packages
State Labor Force Participation Rates
County Voting Patterns
Compare US Federal Spending by State for 2009 -Chart

And used them to determine the actual rankings of the states based on taxes, grant monies, gross state product.

And the results are what they are.

You may certainly say that I am regurgitating the facts available from the IRS, BEA, BLS, and U.S. Census Bureau. This would be accurate.

It would be accurate to say that California, with the 9th largest economy in the world both makes and spends more money than Texas.

All you're doing is whining about California spending it's own money.

Stop whining about not getting a handout. You didn't make the money in the first place.

It is your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Funny you can't tell which specific site your pics/graphs come from...
No one here believes you made them
Like Papa Obama you lie and it calls into doubt your credibility on everything
Oh and you are still wrong on Federal outlays

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DIETlxquzY]Stuart Smalley's famous quote - YouTube[/ame]
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I didn't say anything was wrong, Stuart Smalley

Though I do find it telling that you do not know that
spending includes all federal outlays consisting of retirement, disability,
and other direct payments; grants; procurement; and salaries and wages.
Perhaps before you just knee-jerk respond with your left wing pics,
you should understand better.

I am just pointing out that the regurgitated left wing pics you use
(strange you won't tell us where they come from)

try to give the incorrect impression that Red states are "takers".
The only manipulation here is yours, rather poor I may add.

Tell you what sparky, give us the original source of these pics
so we can see the all the information.

Federal outlays or payments for goods/services, pensions, salaries etc
are not handouts. Then again, I am all for the Democrats running on a
platform that calls seniors, gov't workers and the military - all "takers"
The left should run with that.....

If however, one wants to look at states that spend the most on welfare
the majority would be Democratic states.

Outside of getting people to vote for Democrats, welfare money does not really produce much.

Really, if you are going to pull old left wing talking points- get ones that work

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

You are just so incredibly stupid. These are the real gross domestic product numbers for the top ten most productive states.

State ....................RGSP..........DemRep 2010
New York..............1,013,251......1
New Jersey...........431,409.........1
North Carolina........380,693.........1

The seven of the top most productive states are democratic states. Democratic states make more money.

How hard is this for you to get?

Here is the top ten states by taxes paid in 2010

State...........Collected.....................DemRep 2010
California.......$273,353,106 1
New York......$200,209,720 1
Texas...........$189,142,112 0
New Jersey...$118,942,547 1
Florida..........$111,364,742 1
Illinois...........$111,038,760 1
Ohio..............$106,483,026 0
Pennsylvania...$101,858,754 1
Massachusetts...$71,418,253 1
Minnesota.........$68,010,129 1

Eight of the top ten states for paying taxes are Democratic states.

You don't get to complain about not getting your fair share when you didn't earn it in the first place.

Are you really just this stupid?

Hands down, by every measure, the average Republican is a lazy take that sits around, doing nothing, except complaining about what the working people are doing. (Texas and Ohio not included. Maybe Virginia.)
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Where did you get the original pics/graphs from ?

Again back to topic of the states that are the real takers

Right wing CNBC

Biggest Welfare states

Rhode Island
New Mexico
New York
District of Columbia

How many of these voted for Papa Obama and the rest of the radical left
It is your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Funny you can't tell which specific site your pics/graphs come from...
No one here believes you made them
Like Papa Obama you lie and it calls into doubt your credibility on everything
Oh and you are still wrong on Federal outlays

Stuart Smalley's famous quote - YouTube

The graphs didn't come from any site. I took the data from the BEA, BLS, US Census Bureau, and IRS. I then tabulated, calculated, sorted, and graphed it myself. And, I provided the links to the data.

It is called research and work. Those may be concepts you are not familiar with.

So you would be the one regurgitating talking points.
Where did you get the original pics/graphs from ?

Again back to topic of the states that are the real takers

Right wing CNBC

Biggest Welfare states

Rhode Island
New Mexico
New York
District of Columbia

How many of these voted for Papa Obama and the rest of the radical left

click on the pic to go where it is from.
photo online storage
tells nothing

Doesn't matter, I have data from the original source of the data. You have nothing.

Anyone can verify the data I provide. You have nothing.

For instance,

BEA News Release (GDP by State)

is the real gross domestic product by state.

The tables are here


Any one with half a brain can open up the file and sort by GSP.

Table 1. Real GDP by State, 2009-2012
....................................Millions of chained (2005) dollars
Texas..............1,071,959............1,116,268........1,156,013............1,211,692 0
New York............974,078............1,013,251........1,024,985............1,038,541
New Jersey........424,871............431,409............432,415............438,173
North Carolina....372,219............380,693............382,655............392,905

And seven of the top ten most productive states for 2012 voted Democratic in 2010.

The graphs are just to make things easier for you to read.
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It is your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Funny you can't tell which specific site your pics/graphs come from...
No one here believes you made them
Like Papa Obama you lie and it calls into doubt your credibility on everything
Oh and you are still wrong on Federal outlays

Stuart Smalley's famous quote - YouTube

Of course you don't believe I made them, because you are to stupid to know how easy it is to make them.

When your are to lazy to learn, to stupid to have an original thought, your are to lazy and stupid to understand that other's aren't as stupid and lazy as you.

And I am right on Federal outlays. And it doesn't matter, the Democratic states are carrying the Republican states. Democratic states made all the money. They should spend it.

Here is the BEA data to prove it.


Page 6, Table 1. Real GDP by State, 2009-2012

You can read a table, right? You know what real dollars is? GDP?
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No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?

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No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?


So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.
No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?


So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.

How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you that there are plenty of republicans earning money in democrat states, and there are plenty of democrats on means tested federal welfare programs in republican states?

What part of your bull shit straw man argument that red states are better than blue states because of the overall revenue and spending in said states is confusing you?

You can't be this dumb.
No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?


So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.

How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you that there are plenty of republicans earning money in democrat states, and there are plenty of democrats on means tested federal welfare programs in republican states?

What part of your bull shit straw man argument that red states are better than blue states because of the overall revenue and spending in said states is confusing you?

You can't be this dumb.

don't forget
he made those graphs, as well

Apparently, he spends his time off
- just making graphs

He doesn't know the software
but he did it

Don't ask about it.
He is sensitive about it; he gets upset.
He must be modest

Don't ask him to define what are federal outlays...
that seems to upset as well.
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So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.

How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you that there are plenty of republicans earning money in democrat states, and there are plenty of democrats on means tested federal welfare programs in republican states?

What part of your bull shit straw man argument that red states are better than blue states because of the overall revenue and spending in said states is confusing you?

You can't be this dumb.

don't forget
he made those graphs, as well

Apparently, he spends his time off
- just making graphs

He doesn't know the software
but he did it

Don't ask about it.
He is sensitive about it; he gets upset.
He must be modest

Don't ask him to define what are federal outlays...
that seems to upset as well.

Give it up already, you're just sounding pathetic.
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How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you that there are plenty of republicans earning money in democrat states, and there are plenty of democrats on means tested federal welfare programs in republican states?

What part of your bull shit straw man argument that red states are better than blue states because of the overall revenue and spending in said states is confusing you?

You can't be this dumb.

don't forget
he made those graphs, as well

Apparently, he spends his time off
- just making graphs

He doesn't know the software
but he did it

Don't ask about it.
He is sensitive about it; he gets upset.
He must be modest

Don't ask him to define what are federal outlays...
that seems to upset as well.

Give it up already, you're just sounding pathetic.

Cmon dumb ass where is your proof there are no republicans in democrat states?

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