Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you that there are plenty of republicans earning money in democrat states, and there are plenty of democrats on means tested federal welfare programs in republican states?

What part of your bull shit straw man argument that red states are better than blue states because of the overall revenue and spending in said states is confusing you?

You can't be this dumb.

don't forget
he made those graphs, as well

Apparently, he spends his time off
- just making graphs

He doesn't know the software
but he did it

Don't ask about it.
He is sensitive about it; he gets upset.
He must be modest

Don't ask him to define what are federal outlays...
that seems to upset as well.

Give it up already, you're just sounding pathetic.

it's your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Pathetic, is that you have not fully thought out your arguments and
resort to accusations when you are caught and it is pointed out.

Very close minded for someone who claims to be educated....
Plus you ramble on like a buffoon with madman accusations.
Very entertaining..... but it does show a high level of insecurity on your part.

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No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?


So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.

Did you ever notice, posters who claim they "won" in some fashion
never really do...
Well now, so anyone working full time or part time, but at such low wages that they need help just to have a roof over their head is considered on welfare in your opinion? Perhaps the problem is the wages they recieve for their work, as opposed to the profits the 1% make off of that work. These figures in the video tell the story;

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube
im sure you make as much *profit* as you can in whatever udertaking you do ?/ why should not the business owner do the same ?

They should, then they pay taxes on it. What is it that you don't understand?
what is it you dont understand
most comp follow the law if they can avoid taxes they do, same as you and i
some large *tax avoiding comps* are huge democrat party supporters ( ie GE )get your own house in order first
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ShaklesOfBigGov said:
I have already listed their debt quite clearly, including UNFUNDED pensions, retirements, county and city government expenses. Also, seeing that the source recognizing that the debt is a lot more than the governor would hope for, coming in itself from California public policy center NOT some news article like the LA Times or New York Times, I'd say they are more of a "reliable" source.

Try as you might, this surplus of yours .... really isn't. I'd trust the source I presented coming from the state of California when talking about ITS debt over yours, sorry. -- Better luck next time.

The source I used for the deficit is the actual California budget. There is no other source. I even cut the page from the PDF document for you.

I gave you the link http://www.dof.ca.gov/budgeting/budget_faqs/information/documents/Chart-A.pdf

And you obviously haven't ever owned property or run a business. And being unsuccessful at both then doesn't qualify you to have an opinon of how financing works.

So you are welcome to continue along, uneducated and unexperience, but the only ones that are going buy your bs are ignorant circle jerk buddies.

In case you happened to miss it, The source is from the CALIFORNIA Public Policy Center | Calculating California's Total State and Local Government Debt

Continue on with the spin, I just proved you wrong on this "supposed" state surplus. Even CBS (not exactly "conservative"), who originally expanded on the story BEYOND the "cherry picked" selective information New York Times conveniently focused on ... doesn't buy the crap your trying to sell. Your welcome to continue with the spin, but you have just be proven wrong using a source from the state of California going into detail over its own debt.... to include UNFUNDED pensions. You do know what unfunded means don't you, or do you need me to break down the definition for you? :cuckoo:
The only ones believing your BS spin, are those who are willfully ignorant and gullible to accept nothing else despite the facts which clearly state the contrary.
No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?


So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.

How many hundreds of times do I have to tell you that there are plenty of republicans earning money in democrat states, and there are plenty of democrats on means tested federal welfare programs in republican states?

What part of your bull shit straw man argument that red states are better than blue states because of the overall revenue and spending in said states is confusing you?

You can't be this dumb.

You can wail at the wind all you want but it won't change the facts. You can ignore the facts all you want but it won't change them. I didn't create the thread, which incorrectly claims that welfare recipients outnumber workers. This has been demonstrated as being false.

And now that all of the bullshit premises that you wish were true has been soundly trounced, you want to feign ignorance of ever taking the position.

The facts bear out that, in fact, States with a higher percentage of registered Democrats outperform those of a higher percentage of Republicans.

You simply have no leg to stand on. All you have is the pretense of "I didn't mean that." Denial and ignorance are all you have left to go on.

You don't get to elevate your ego by devaluing others because;

Dollar for dollar, Democrats produce more than Republicans, two to one.

Learn to count.
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ShaklesOfBigGov said:
I have already listed their debt quite clearly, including UNFUNDED pensions, retirements, county and city government expenses. Also, seeing that the source recognizing that the debt is a lot more than the governor would hope for, coming in itself from California public policy center NOT some news article like the LA Times or New York Times, I'd say they are more of a "reliable" source.

Try as you might, this surplus of yours .... really isn't. I'd trust the source I presented coming from the state of California when talking about ITS debt over yours, sorry. -- Better luck next time.

The source I used for the deficit is the actual California budget. There is no other source. I even cut the page from the PDF document for you.

I gave you the link http://www.dof.ca.gov/budgeting/budget_faqs/information/documents/Chart-A.pdf

And you obviously haven't ever owned property or run a business. And being unsuccessful at both then doesn't qualify you to have an opinon of how financing works.

So you are welcome to continue along, uneducated and unexperience, but the only ones that are going buy your bs are ignorant circle jerk buddies.

In case you happened to miss it, The source is from the CALIFORNIA Public Policy Center | Calculating California's Total State and Local Government Debt

Continue on with the spin, I just proved you wrong on this "supposed" state surplus. Even CBS (not exactly "conservative"), who originally expanded on the story BEYOND the "cherry picked" selective information New York Times conveniently focused on ... doesn't buy the crap your trying to sell. Your welcome to continue with the spin, but you have just be proven wrong using a source from the state of California going into detail over its own debt.... to include UNFUNDED pensions. You do know what unfunded means don't you, or do you need me to break down the definition for you? :cuckoo:
The only ones believing your BS spin, are those who are willfully ignorant and gullible to accept nothing else despite the facts which clearly state the contrary.

You've produced nothing. I give yoy the actual budget data

I gave you the link http://www.dof.ca.gov/budgeting/budget_faqs/information/documents/Chart-A.pdf

You have nothing except a lack of understanding of business and finance.
No you are right...

Considering that you did not know the meaning of federal outlays
Considering that you regurgitate the same old left talking points that have been around for years
Considering that you don't even have enough sense to at least look up software and claim you use it
Considering that your tendency to default to name calling when challenged

it sure does make me look like I have to cover for something

What is that smell?


So, you are going to hide your head in the sand because you refuse to read the actual BEA data.

Providing data then pointing out you are an idiot for not reading it isn't name calling, it is telling you what you should know.

Saying "liberal" when presented with actual data is what you do. That is ad hominum.

The point here really isn't to convince you of anything. You aren't really capable. It is to show to any moderate that has a lick of sense that, in fact, you are everything that you accuse others of being.

You lost and you know it.

Did you ever notice, posters who claim they "won" in some fashion
never really do...

Yes, I see you do repeatedly by feigning ignorance of the facts.

What you haven't done, is produce any evidence of anything. And the bottom line of the data is that the Democratic leaning states outperform the Republican leaning states two to one.

Your opinion is based on nothing.
don't forget
he made those graphs, as well

Apparently, he spends his time off
- just making graphs

He doesn't know the software
but he did it

Don't ask about it.
He is sensitive about it; he gets upset.
He must be modest

Don't ask him to define what are federal outlays...
that seems to upset as well.

Give it up already, you're just sounding pathetic.

it's your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Pathetic, is that you have not fully thought out your arguments and
resort to accusations when you are caught and it is pointed out.

Very close minded for someone who claims to be educated....
Plus you ramble on like a buffoon with madman accusations.
Very entertaining..... but it does show a high level of insecurity on your part.


Two to one.

All you have is denial and fantacies.
I am as surprised as anyone. But facts are facts. And they are simple facts, just the way right wing nuts like them.

The top ten states for real gross state output include seven states that lean to the left. Texas comes in third, behind California and New York. Virginia is tenth and Ohio somewhere in the middle. All in all, the gross state output for all Democratic leaning states combined outperforms the combined output of the Republican leaning states at a ratio of two to one.

It really is that simple. Why is another question.

Still, anyone with half a brain gets that the right wing nuts are the ones that want to make it a "liberal"/"conservative", "Democrat"/"Republican" thing. And maybe it is.

Unfortunately, as they really are all about stoking their own ego with "We're better than you", they've completely neglected to look for the hard facts.
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Give it up already, you're just sounding pathetic.

it's your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Pathetic, is that you have not fully thought out your arguments and
resort to accusations when you are caught and it is pointed out.

Very close minded for someone who claims to be educated....
Plus you ramble on like a buffoon with madman accusations.
Very entertaining..... but it does show a high level of insecurity on your part.


Two to one.

All you have is denial and fantacies.

Speaking of denial
Please explain how you did not know the definition of federal outlays

Really, when a poster like you has the need to reassure themselves how
"smart they are" by calling others stupid,
Please make sure you correctly spell words (All you have is denial and fantacies.)
It tends to take away from your point

Don't worry Stuart Smalley, we still think you are smart
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it's your story and you can tell it anyway you want
Pathetic, is that you have not fully thought out your arguments and
resort to accusations when you are caught and it is pointed out.

Very close minded for someone who claims to be educated....
Plus you ramble on like a buffoon with madman accusations.
Very entertaining..... but it does show a high level of insecurity on your part.


Two to one.

All you have is denial and fantacies.

Speaking of denial
Please explain how you did not know the definition of federal outlays

Really, when a poster like you has the need to reassure themselves how
"smart they are" by calling others stupid,
Please make sure you correctly spell words (All you have is denial and fantacies.)
It tends to take away from your point

Don't worry Stuart Smalley, we still think you are smart

You are making up some fantasy. I have always known what federal outlays are.

What is important is the math, not typos. If yuo fnid yruolesf gtteinig all dsrtacetd by tpyos, tehn you've got a cgongitive porbelm.

The facts remain that

a) Debt is required in the economy, both personal, business, and government debt. Without debt, there is no money supply. As well, debt equals investment.

b) The thread premise is false. The data source itself proves this.

c) Democratic leaning states are fumdamemtally more productive than Republican leaning states. This is proven.

d) If you disagree with me, you are wrong. I verify and corroborate everything both in theory and in evidence.

e) If I have refered to you as being a moron it is because,
you were stupid enough to use the second person pronoun, first, in a derogatory manner. Apparently, you can dish it out but you can't take it.

f) You have yet to produce any verifiable evidence to prove your position.
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a) Debt is required in the economy, both personal, business, and government debt. Without debt, there is no money supply. As well, debt equals investment.


Thomas Friedman is a socialist scumbag who does know his ass from a hole in the ground.

c) Democratic leaning states are fumdamemtally more productive than Republican leaning states. This is proven.


The Republican/democrat dichotomy is false/

They are both statist scumbags.

What counts is the degree of freedom that businesses are given in order to operate.

a) Debt is required in the economy, both personal, business, and government debt. Without debt, there is no money supply. As well, debt equals investment.


Thomas Friedman is a socialist scumbag who does know his ass from a hole in the ground.

c) Democratic leaning states are fumdamemtally more productive than Republican leaning states. This is proven.


The Republican/democrat dichotomy is false/

They are both statist scumbags.

What counts is the degree of freedom that businesses are given in order to operate.


Because the libertarian aka old school Democrat Confederates are so much better right?
a) Debt is required in the economy, both personal, business, and government debt. Without debt, there is no money supply. As well, debt equals investment.


Thomas Friedman is a socialist scumbag who does know his ass from a hole in the ground.

c) Democratic leaning states are fumdamemtally more productive than Republican leaning states. This is proven.


The Republican/democrat dichotomy is false/

They are both statist scumbags.

What counts is the degree of freedom that businesses are given in order to operate.


Because the libertarian aka old school Democrat Confederates are so much better right?



You are really fucked up.
a) Debt is required in the economy, both personal, business, and government debt. Without debt, there is no money supply. As well, debt equals investment.


Thomas Friedman is a socialist scumbag who does know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Dude, this is just the reality of how the monetary system works. It has nothing to do with Friedman.

The fact that you disagree with this just tells me that you have no clue how the monetary system functions.
c) Democratic leaning states are fundamentally more productive than Republican leaning states. This is proven.


The Republican/democrat dichotomy is false/

They are both statist scumbags.

What counts is the degree of freedom that businesses are given in order to operate.


Again, this is a question of opinion. It is simply a fact of counting the gross state output and comparing it to the voter registration for each state.

keep your "fantacies" to yourself

It is responses like this that demonstrate that you are, in fact, an uneducated buffoon, a moron.

You have yet to say anything that has any relevance. You know, like numbers, facts, measurements.... It is called reality.
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