Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

The source I used for the deficit is the actual California budget. There is no other source. I even cut the page from the PDF document for you.

I gave you the link http://www.dof.ca.gov/budgeting/budget_faqs/information/documents/Chart-A.pdf

And you obviously haven't ever owned property or run a business. And being unsuccessful at both then doesn't qualify you to have an opinon of how financing works.

So you are welcome to continue along, uneducated and unexperience, but the only ones that are going buy your bs are ignorant circle jerk buddies.

In case you happened to miss it, The source is from the CALIFORNIA Public Policy Center | Calculating California's Total State and Local Government Debt

Continue on with the spin, I just proved you wrong on this "supposed" state surplus. Even CBS (not exactly "conservative"), who originally expanded on the story BEYOND the "cherry picked" selective information New York Times conveniently focused on ... doesn't buy the crap your trying to sell. Your welcome to continue with the spin, but you have just be proven wrong using a source from the state of California going into detail over its own debt.... to include UNFUNDED pensions. You do know what unfunded means don't you, or do you need me to break down the definition for you? :cuckoo:
The only ones believing your BS spin, are those who are willfully ignorant and gullible to accept nothing else despite the facts which clearly state the contrary.

You've produced nothing. <snip>

You haven't proven a surplus in California's budget, case closed .... move on, no one with knowledge of the facts is buying it.

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