Welfare Was Great...Until Blacks Started Getting It.

Yep, that's what I said.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children whose father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed.

It was a program that was initially only given to whites. For 30 years this was done with no complaints from whites. In those days white women were encouraged to stay home and not work. If no man was there this program took care of white mothers without jobs.

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

Alma CartenAugust 21, 2016

The ADC was an extension of the state-operated mothers’ pension programs, where white widows were the primary beneficiaries. The criteria for eligibility and need were state-determined, so blacks continued to be barred from full participation because the country operated under the “separate but equal” doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court in 1896.

Jim Crow Laws and the separate but equal doctrine resulted in the creation of a two-track service delivery system in both law and custom, one for whites and one for blacks that were anything but equal.

America Is Brutal to Parents. Biden Is Trying to Change That.
April 29, 2021

The original Aid to Dependent Children program — which would become Aid to Families With Dependent Children — began during the New Deal. It was meant, as the Supreme Court described it in 1975, “to free widowed and divorced mothers from the necessity of working, so that they could remain home to supervise their children.”

Eligibility was determined by states and localities, which found various ways to exclude Black women. With the civil rights revolution in the 1960s, however, more Black mothers were able to receive benefits. As they did, conservatives started demonizing “welfare mothers” as indolent Black women, even though there continued to be more white women than Black women on A.F.D.C.

In “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together,” Heather McGhee detailed how support for public goods collapsed among white people once Black people had access to them. This very much includes relief for parents and children.

“The fear of lazy Black mothers who would reproduce without working goes really deep in this country,” McGhee told me. It’s hard to imagine how a proposal for automatic cash payments to families could have gone anywhere during decades of moral panic about Black mothers luxuriating on the dole.

Of course the whites never complained.
You didn't mind the blacks doing all the crap jobs, paying taxes and fighting and dying for the same country but deny them same benefits because he's black.
How charming and benevolent indeed.
Who is denied now?
It certainly isnt whites. There are more whites on welfare than anything else.
There are more white people
Correct. There are more white people on welfare.
From Finally, The Truth About Welfare — How Many Blacks Vs. How Many Whites

Number of Americans receiving welfare assistance: 110,489,000
Number of Americans receiving food stamps: 41,700,000
Number of Americans on unemployment insurance: 10,200,000
Percentage of the US population on welfare: 35.4%
Total government spending on welfare annually: $131.9 billion

So how many Blacks vs whites?

Well, believe it or not, the numbers are actually about the same. There are just about as many whites on welfare as there are Blacks.

Percent of welfare recipients who are white: 38.8%
Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.8%
You relying on the 2016 version Says so right on the website you linked. Mine is 2020. Sorry.

I checked and there is an update for 2021 and its even worse than I originally thought.

"Among the population that receives welfare, 43% are white."​

"Nearly 40% of all food stamp recipients are white."

"The biggest chunk of welfare recipients are non-Hispanic whites. Hispanics make up 28% of all welfare recipients followed by non-Hispanic blacks at 23%. Meanwhile, other ethnicities like Asian-Americans and Native Americans account for 8% of all recipients."

once again 60 percent of the population is white yet only 43 percent of welfare recipients are white, 13 percet of the population is black yet 23 percent of welfare recipients are black,
Once again there are more whites on welfare than any other race and its not even close.
once again 60 percent of the population is white yet only 43 percent of recipient's are white 3 percent of population is black yet 23 percent of recipients of welfare are black, so less of the population of available whites are on welfare while almost twice as many blacks of the available population is on welfae.
Yep, that's what I said.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children whose father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed.

It was a program that was initially only given to whites. For 30 years this was done with no complaints from whites. In those days white women were encouraged to stay home and not work. If no man was there this program took care of white mothers without jobs.

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

Alma CartenAugust 21, 2016

The ADC was an extension of the state-operated mothers’ pension programs, where white widows were the primary beneficiaries. The criteria for eligibility and need were state-determined, so blacks continued to be barred from full participation because the country operated under the “separate but equal” doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court in 1896.

Jim Crow Laws and the separate but equal doctrine resulted in the creation of a two-track service delivery system in both law and custom, one for whites and one for blacks that were anything but equal.

America Is Brutal to Parents. Biden Is Trying to Change That.
April 29, 2021

The original Aid to Dependent Children program — which would become Aid to Families With Dependent Children — began during the New Deal. It was meant, as the Supreme Court described it in 1975, “to free widowed and divorced mothers from the necessity of working, so that they could remain home to supervise their children.”

Eligibility was determined by states and localities, which found various ways to exclude Black women. With the civil rights revolution in the 1960s, however, more Black mothers were able to receive benefits. As they did, conservatives started demonizing “welfare mothers” as indolent Black women, even though there continued to be more white women than Black women on A.F.D.C.

In “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together,” Heather McGhee detailed how support for public goods collapsed among white people once Black people had access to them. This very much includes relief for parents and children.

“The fear of lazy Black mothers who would reproduce without working goes really deep in this country,” McGhee told me. It’s hard to imagine how a proposal for automatic cash payments to families could have gone anywhere during decades of moral panic about Black mothers luxuriating on the dole.

Of course the whites never complained.
You didn't mind the blacks doing all the crap jobs, paying taxes and fighting and dying for the same country but deny them same benefits because he's black.
How charming and benevolent indeed.
Who is denied now?
It certainly isnt whites. There are more whites on welfare than anything else.
There are more white people
Correct. There are more white people on welfare.
From Finally, The Truth About Welfare — How Many Blacks Vs. How Many Whites

Number of Americans receiving welfare assistance: 110,489,000
Number of Americans receiving food stamps: 41,700,000
Number of Americans on unemployment insurance: 10,200,000
Percentage of the US population on welfare: 35.4%
Total government spending on welfare annually: $131.9 billion

So how many Blacks vs whites?

Well, believe it or not, the numbers are actually about the same. There are just about as many whites on welfare as there are Blacks.

Percent of welfare recipients who are white: 38.8%
Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.8%
You relying on the 2016 version Says so right on the website you linked. Mine is 2020. Sorry.

I checked and there is an update for 2021 and its even worse than I originally thought.

"Among the population that receives welfare, 43% are white."​

"Nearly 40% of all food stamp recipients are white."

"The biggest chunk of welfare recipients are non-Hispanic whites. Hispanics make up 28% of all welfare recipients followed by non-Hispanic blacks at 23%. Meanwhile, other ethnicities like Asian-Americans and Native Americans account for 8% of all recipients."

once again 60 percent of the population is white yet only 43 percent of welfare recipients are white, 13 percet of the population is black yet 23 percent of welfare recipients are black,
Once again there are more whites on welfare than any other race and its not even close.
Not per capita. People need a hand, I understand that. It’s the ones who make a career out of welfare instead of working that is wrong. Not a racial issue, it goes for all. I just pointed out that, per capita, it isn’t whites who on welfare the most.
And since 1995 was in your lifetime you can't use that sorry punk ass excuse.
I grew up in south Alabama in the 60s. Raised by a single parent and ate more than a few meals purchased with "food stamps". I never attended a public school without black classmates. For the sake of discussion, let's assume your entire premise is accurate in every detail. Racism against blacks was/is real and further progress is possible.
Care to enlighten us on how perpetually focusing on race will lead to better outcomes?
I gotta say, your emphasis seems focused on assigning culpability far more than seeking peaceful coexistence. Your anger comes through in every post. It almost appears that you are more interested in retribution than the betterment of blacks in America.
THAT is a path best avoided. In my experience in the south, great improvements have occurred. The prevalence of interracial couples should be proof to reasonable people that we've made huge progress. When Americans of ANY race refuse to acknowledge the progress and to continually seek redress for "sins" of decades, long past, we run a real risk of burning down what took so long to build. So, are you more concerned with advancement or revenge?
Blacks are receiving reparations today. It's called Affirmative Action. As for racism today, it's confined to "knuckle dragging individuals" regardless of their race and that's it. IM2 is one such example. Today, no black is oppressed and there is absolutely no occupation that is "off-limits" to blacks, or doesn't have blacks in it. The highest political office in our land, the presidency, was held by a black for the maximum two terms allowed and he wouldn't have gotten in the office, without whites also voting for him, so this narrative that "all" whites are racist, is absurd.
IM2 is most likely, aside from being racist, also a Marxist seeking to divide the nation.
White benefit the most from AA. And since you are white you want to deny racism while being a racist yourself.
And since 1995 was in your lifetime you can't use that sorry punk ass excuse.
I grew up in south Alabama in the 60s. Raised by a single parent and ate more than a few meals purchased with "food stamps". I never attended a public school without black classmates. For the sake of discussion, let's assume your entire premise is accurate in every detail. Racism against blacks was/is real and further progress is possible.
Care to enlighten us on how perpetually focusing on race will lead to better outcomes?
I gotta say, your emphasis seems focused on assigning culpability far more than seeking peaceful coexistence. Your anger comes through in every post. It almost appears that you are more interested in retribution than the betterment of blacks in America.
THAT is a path best avoided. In my experience in the south, great improvements have occurred. The prevalence of interracial couples should be proof to reasonable people that we've made huge progress. When Americans of ANY race refuse to acknowledge the progress and to continually seek redress for "sins" of decades, long past, we run a real risk of burning down what took so long to build. So, are you more concerned with advancement or revenge?
It’s pretty clear he’s for revenge. Plus he wants reparations from white people who never owned slaves, nor committed an act of racism, and he disputes that many whites living today are descendants of Union soldiers who fought to free his ancestors.
Blacks are receiving reparations today. It's called Affirmative Action. As for racism today, it's confined to "knuckle dragging individuals" regardless of their race and that's it. IM2 is one such example. Today, no black is oppressed and there is absolutely no occupation that is "off-limits" to blacks, or doesn't have blacks in it. The highest political office in our land, the presidency, was held by a black for the maximum two terms allowed and he wouldn't have gotten in the office, without whites also voting for him, so this narrative that "all" whites are racist, is absurd.
IM2 is most likely, aside from being racist, also a Marxist seeking to divide the nation.

The majority of whites did not vote for Obama and the white vote is not why he was elected. Furthermore the way whites acted during his presidency is proof of the continuing racism in this country. The fox tells the chickens he likes steak then when the chickens think they are safe from the fox, he has a buffet dinner. This forum is proof of the white racism that remains in America today.
There are more whites on welfare than anything else.

I believe you meant that to read "than anyone else". The way the sentence is written, it states that most whites are on welfare. That is demonstrably untrue.

There is no ethnicity in America where the majority of its members are on public assistance.
I disagree. "Anything" refers to the races and I didnt use the word "most". I said more.

People (regardless of race) are typically not referred to as "things". So, the use of anything makes subject of the verb "on" the welfare, not whites. The object of the verb is whites, not welfare.

So, as it is written, "More whites are on welfare, than anything (of all possible ways of making a living) else". Meaning, most whites are on welfare.

Ideally, and to make the meaning more clear, "More whites are on welfare than anyone else.", would be the preferred usage, if that is what you meant to say.
Stop the petty shit white man. You don't do this when one of your fellow racists says things about blacks. More whites are on welfarre, that's the point and you know that's the point.
you would factually be wrong, while it is true MORE people on welfare are white then black that is simply because 5 times as many people are white then are black.

here lets have some facts shall we? 70 percent of the population are white 13 percent are black

Among the population that receives welfare, 43% are white. The biggest chunk of welfare recipients are non-Hispanic whites. Hispanics make up 28% of all welfare recipients followed by non-Hispanic blacks at 23%. Meanwhile, other ethnicities like Asian-Americans and Native Americans account for 8% of all recipients.

So by population less then their population percent are white while almost twice as many blacks are on welfare.
Yep, that's what I said.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children whose father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed.

It was a program that was initially only given to whites. For 30 years this was done with no complaints from whites. In those days white women were encouraged to stay home and not work. If no man was there this program took care of white mothers without jobs.

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

Alma CartenAugust 21, 2016

The ADC was an extension of the state-operated mothers’ pension programs, where white widows were the primary beneficiaries. The criteria for eligibility and need were state-determined, so blacks continued to be barred from full participation because the country operated under the “separate but equal” doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court in 1896.

Jim Crow Laws and the separate but equal doctrine resulted in the creation of a two-track service delivery system in both law and custom, one for whites and one for blacks that were anything but equal.

America Is Brutal to Parents. Biden Is Trying to Change That.
April 29, 2021

The original Aid to Dependent Children program — which would become Aid to Families With Dependent Children — began during the New Deal. It was meant, as the Supreme Court described it in 1975, “to free widowed and divorced mothers from the necessity of working, so that they could remain home to supervise their children.”

Eligibility was determined by states and localities, which found various ways to exclude Black women. With the civil rights revolution in the 1960s, however, more Black mothers were able to receive benefits. As they did, conservatives started demonizing “welfare mothers” as indolent Black women, even though there continued to be more white women than Black women on A.F.D.C.

In “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together,” Heather McGhee detailed how support for public goods collapsed among white people once Black people had access to them. This very much includes relief for parents and children.

“The fear of lazy Black mothers who would reproduce without working goes really deep in this country,” McGhee told me. It’s hard to imagine how a proposal for automatic cash payments to families could have gone anywhere during decades of moral panic about Black mothers luxuriating on the dole.

Of course the whites never complained.
You didn't mind the blacks doing all the crap jobs, paying taxes and fighting and dying for the same country but deny them same benefits because he's black.
How charming and benevolent indeed.
Who is denied now?
It certainly isnt whites. There are more whites on welfare than anything else.
Molly needs to cut out the fucking gaslighting. She knows exactly what's going on. She knows good and damn well whites are still denying people of color from opportunity. She knows people who are doing it, if she is not doing so herself.
LOL twice as many blacks by amount of population are on welfare then whites. 43 percent of recipients are white while 23 percent are black as for over all population 60 percent are white while 13 percent are black.
Stop making excuses. The point here is that since 1910 there have been programs in this country to subsidize women with children whether they were married or not. This money was seen as essential and from 1910-1965 via various programs, this money went only to white women. Blacks paid taxes but were excluded. So as in many other government programs during the last century that helped whites gain economically, black tax dolllars helped whites gain wealth. During the 55 years before blacks were allowed, whites did not make claims of how this was destroyng families or creating a dependence on government. In fact we see whites such as yourself opining for a return to those days. But only when whites could not get everything handed to them did we start hearing and reading the whining we do now from the white racist right.

You are ignorant, I say that because of 2 reasons, first you talk shit about blacks being 13 percent of the population, but that 13 percent has a 25-27 percent poverty rate while your 60 percent has a 12 percent poverty rate. You conveneintly choose not to discuss this and that poverty rate is not because of unwed births. A black couple will earn 75 cents for ever dollar a white couple makes regardless of work experience and educational attainment. Number two, the largest recipient of welfare are wealthy white males. It's called corporate welfare and you probably get some.

So just shut your ignorant racist white ass up.
what happened in the past has no bearing on what is happening now except to teach us not to do it again. That you live in a hateful past is YOUR problem not ours. The fact is it just isnt true anymore and is evidenced by the numbers of blacks on welfare, by the way in the past blacks were proud and actually worked and raised families. Your democrats changed that from 65 on making you dependent on handouts and single parent families in oder t do what they had failed to do in the previous 100 years which was to destroy your culture and make you dependent on the democrats,
That's a lie. We exist because of a document writttten over 200 years ago. So the past does have an impact on today. However, everything I said applies to today.
.... I hope, someday, by some miracle, I run into Tommy taint on the street. Just me and that cur.
Because you're so tough? :lmao: You live every moment of your life in abject fear of DA JOOOOOS, and now you want to pretend you have a spine? What a joke. I'm sure you and tommy would have an epic slap fight before falling passionately into each other's arms.
The majority of whites did not vote for Obama and the white vote is not why he was elected. Furthermore the way whites acted during his presidency is proof of the continuing racism in this country. The fox tells the chickens he likes steak then when the chickens think they are safe from the fox, he has a buffet dinner. This forum is proof of the white racism that remains in America today.
Without the white vote Obama would not have been elected.
The majority of whites did not vote for Obama and the white vote is not why he was elected. Furthermore the way whites acted during his presidency is proof of the continuing racism in this country. The fox tells the chickens he likes steak then when the chickens think they are safe from the fox, he has a buffet dinner. This forum is proof of the white racism that remains in America today.

What a load of crap. You have no evidence of that.
It's like when you all boasted how trump done more for the blacks than anyone but they didn't vote for him.
You reasoning makes no sense.
I think you're looking for excuses.
I know but you tried to pretend that the minority of whites voting for Obama meant there was not racism from the majority of whites.
I didn’t pretend or insinuate anything. If there weren’t any white people voting for Obama, he would not have won. I, for one, wanted Obama to win. But didn’t agree with Obamacare. We got penalized for no insurance but Obamacare was too expensive for working people.
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Yep, that's what I said.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children whose father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed.

It was a program that was initially only given to whites. For 30 years this was done with no complaints from whites. In those days white women were encouraged to stay home and not work. If no man was there this program took care of white mothers without jobs.

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

Alma CartenAugust 21, 2016

The ADC was an extension of the state-operated mothers’ pension programs, where white widows were the primary beneficiaries. The criteria for eligibility and need were state-determined, so blacks continued to be barred from full participation because the country operated under the “separate but equal” doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court in 1896.

Jim Crow Laws and the separate but equal doctrine resulted in the creation of a two-track service delivery system in both law and custom, one for whites and one for blacks that were anything but equal.

America Is Brutal to Parents. Biden Is Trying to Change That.
April 29, 2021

The original Aid to Dependent Children program — which would become Aid to Families With Dependent Children — began during the New Deal. It was meant, as the Supreme Court described it in 1975, “to free widowed and divorced mothers from the necessity of working, so that they could remain home to supervise their children.”

Eligibility was determined by states and localities, which found various ways to exclude Black women. With the civil rights revolution in the 1960s, however, more Black mothers were able to receive benefits. As they did, conservatives started demonizing “welfare mothers” as indolent Black women, even though there continued to be more white women than Black women on A.F.D.C.

In “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together,” Heather McGhee detailed how support for public goods collapsed among white people once Black people had access to them. This very much includes relief for parents and children.

“The fear of lazy Black mothers who would reproduce without working goes really deep in this country,” McGhee told me. It’s hard to imagine how a proposal for automatic cash payments to families could have gone anywhere during decades of moral panic about Black mothers luxuriating on the dole.

Now watch our resident sheet wearers parrot the old "Dem party of slavery" schtick. Mind you, here they'll debate the opinion piece on Uncle Joe, but they'll blow smoke and stamp their widdle feet on the historical documentation of welfare.

Oh, and this little buzzer really sets them off.....that for DECADES now the majority users of the welfare system have been single parent, white females! Oops!

Keep the faith, baby!
Yep, that's what I said.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children whose father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed.

It was a program that was initially only given to whites. For 30 years this was done with no complaints from whites. In those days white women were encouraged to stay home and not work. If no man was there this program took care of white mothers without jobs.

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

Alma CartenAugust 21, 2016

The ADC was an extension of the state-operated mothers’ pension programs, where white widows were the primary beneficiaries. The criteria for eligibility and need were state-determined, so blacks continued to be barred from full participation because the country operated under the “separate but equal” doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court in 1896.

Jim Crow Laws and the separate but equal doctrine resulted in the creation of a two-track service delivery system in both law and custom, one for whites and one for blacks that were anything but equal.

America Is Brutal to Parents. Biden Is Trying to Change That.
April 29, 2021

The original Aid to Dependent Children program — which would become Aid to Families With Dependent Children — began during the New Deal. It was meant, as the Supreme Court described it in 1975, “to free widowed and divorced mothers from the necessity of working, so that they could remain home to supervise their children.”

Eligibility was determined by states and localities, which found various ways to exclude Black women. With the civil rights revolution in the 1960s, however, more Black mothers were able to receive benefits. As they did, conservatives started demonizing “welfare mothers” as indolent Black women, even though there continued to be more white women than Black women on A.F.D.C.

In “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together,” Heather McGhee detailed how support for public goods collapsed among white people once Black people had access to them. This very much includes relief for parents and children.

“The fear of lazy Black mothers who would reproduce without working goes really deep in this country,” McGhee told me. It’s hard to imagine how a proposal for automatic cash payments to families could have gone anywhere during decades of moral panic about Black mothers luxuriating on the dole.

I've been saying this for years. I heard the history of welfare on NPR. How differently they treated poor black women and poor white women in the exact same situation.

What prompted me to search for this subject? I heard some Republican say "most blacks are on medicaid" so I did the math. More whites per capita are on medicaid.

In the United States, during 2018-2020 (average), Medicaid coverage percent at the time of birth were highest for American Indian/Alaska Native women (65.3%), followed by Blacks (64.8%), Hispanics (58.8%), Whites (29.8%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders (25.4%).

And I believe America is 51% white. Or 49%. We are on the verge of becoming the minority.

So there are a lot more whites on Medicaid. Right? 13% of America is black. 64% of 13% is probably smaller than 30% of 50%.

Out of 100, 8 for blacks 15 for whites. So if I do the math, assuming the number is 100 to make it easy, blacks on medicaid 8 and whites 15 are on it. But there are a lot more whites. That's your defense. Still, it's a valid point to point out.
The majority of blacks didn't vote for Trump or Taft
Is everyone else wrong or are whites wrong?

Nearly all (95%) black voters cast their ballot for Democrat Barack Obama. Among Latino voters, 67% voted for Obama. Among Asian voters, 62% supported Obama.

In contrast, white voters supported McCain (55%) over Obama (43%)
I've been saying this for years. I heard the history of welfare on NPR. How differently they treated poor black women and poor white women in the exact same situation.

What prompted me to search for this subject? I heard some Republican say "most blacks are on medicaid" so I did the math. More whites per capita are on medicaid.

In the United States, during 2018-2020 (average), Medicaid coverage percent at the time of birth were highest for American Indian/Alaska Native women (65.3%), followed by Blacks (64.8%), Hispanics (58.8%), Whites (29.8%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders (25.4%).

And I believe America is 51% white. Or 49%. We are on the verge of becoming the minority.

So there are a lot more whites on Medicaid. Right? 13% of America is black. 64% of 13% is probably smaller than 30% of 50%.

Out of 100, 8 for blacks 15 for whites. So if I do the math, assuming the number is 100 to make it easy, blacks on medicaid 8 and whites 15 are on it. But there are a lot more whites. That's your defense. Still, it's a valid point to point out.
you obviously dont know what per capita means.
Did I misuse it? Point is, if 54% are taking 30% of something and 13% are taking 65%, I believe the 54% are taking more. Overall. Not per capita? LOL
not as a group of course the bigger group over all uses more but as a group they dont.

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