Welfare Was Great...Until Blacks Started Getting It.

So let me get this straight. Taxes were taken from black workers to pay a benefit to exclusively white women ?
You are uninformed as usual

And so am I

None of us were alive in 1935

And you arent even an American

IM2 uses slavery and Jim Crow as the reason for black failure in 2024

Self delusion is causing blacks to fail
I'm fairly certain that the majority of taxpayers (Income Tax was instituted in 1913) took umbrage at having to support the indigent regardless of race.
Considering that only the wealthy paid income taxes back then, that's a pretty safe bet.
You are uninformed as usual

And so am I

None of us were alive in 1935

And you arent even an American

IM2 uses slavery and Jim Crow as the reason for black failure in 2024

Self delusion is causing blacks to fail
What is your definition of "Black failure"?
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I think its cute how people think slaves were highly skilled craftsmen. Who the fuck would take the time to teach them that shit? They didnt even believe they were capable of advanced thinking, let alone precision building. The slaves dug ditches, carried lumber, tended fields, etc. They werent building anything beyond maybe a shed or a barn.
There were slave blacksmiths, carpenters and many other skilled tradesmen. Plantations were intended to be self-sufficient.
There were slave blacksmiths, carpenters and many other skilled tradesmen. Plantations were intended to be self-sufficient.
Blacksmiths and barn workers dont build historical stone buildings that last eons. They were fucking slaves, not mastercraftsmen. Slaves did not build this nation. They made horseshoes and shit. :dunno:
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not as a group of course the bigger group over all uses more but as a group they dont.
U.S. poverty rate in the United States 2022, by race and ethnicity. In 2022, 17.1 percent of Black people living in the United States were living below the poverty line, compared to 8.6 percent of white people.
Stop making excuses Mac7. That "we weren't here" bs just has no merit. Welfare began for whites in 1935, that's a fact. You weren't here for the Revolutionary War or the Civil War but you want blacks today to thank you for that. It is time whites like you stopped being infants. None of us blacks sold other blacks, that happened before we were born but you raggedy racists bring that up. Democrats owned slaves before we were born but you no good dishonest.... bring that up consistently. So just face the truth. Whites have been given the equivalent to more than 1 quintillion dollars in government assistance that blacks were excluded from and your punk --- excuses doe not change this truth. So grow up and face it, you whites are not anything without government help. That's why you love Donald Trump, because he's going to make certain to exclude anyone not white so that whites get free stuff.
U.S. poverty rate in the United States 2022, by race and ethnicity. In 2022, 17.1 percent of Black people living in the United States were living below the poverty line, compared to 8.6 percent of white people.
So? Blacks are less educated and more violent. And have more single mothers and teenage mothers.
So? Blacks are less educated and more violent. And have more single mothers and teenage mothers.

With all the good paying blue collar union jobs gone we are seeing the gap shrinking. Uneducated whites are getting more into drugs, crime, welfare, fentynol, suicide, alcohol.

So as whites become less educated, they become more violent. Isn't that something? So that shows us blacks are just people like you.

In fact, blacks have been taking it in the ass for hundreds of years and you're lucky they aren't more violent. Look at how violent you got Jan 6. And you were lied to. You got it good. White privilege.

And you are wrong

In 2022, there were about 6.67 million white, non-Hispanic families with a single mother living in the United States. This is a slight increase from 1990, when there were 6.4 million white families with a single mother living in the U.S.

In 2022, there were about 4.15 million Black families in the United States with a single mother. This is an increase from 1990 levels, when there were about 3.4 million Black families with a single mother.
I will be putting you on ignore now due to your incessant whining about being black.
Another example of the entitlement mentality of the white racist. This forum is a haven for "Woe is me I'm white" and this scrub wants to post this.

Psychosis is a mental disorder.
Unmarried mothers and their illegitimate children should receive no help from the government. The welfare system encourages big parasites to give birth to little parasites who grow up to be just as useless and dangerous as their unmarried parents.
Another example of the entitlement mentality of the white racist. This forum is a haven for "Woe is me I'm white" and this scrub wants to post this.

Psychosis is a mental disorder.
400 year and counting of being oppressed Republicans want you to get over it.

The only thing I would interject is yes, you should try to do your best despite the racism that exists in America. They surveyed blacks. Conservative blacks think racism is real, but they don't think it's as big of an obstacle as liberal blacks think it is. I tend to agree more with the liberal blacks.

Anyways, 400 years of being oppressed and they deny deny deny this country and it's government has been unfair to blacks. But now look at them. Suddenly the government isn't being fair to whites. They get so irate about their perceived oppression they start an insurrection. Tells me they don't like an even playing field. They see their privilege is slipping away with things like Affirmative action.

And they were lied to. Trump lied to them to get them to go insurrect. The traitors showed themselves that day. I'm just surprised how many normal conservative people are accepting all of Trump's flaws. They really don't like liberals to say they like Trump more. I don't get it. With my brother, it was things like student loan forgiveness. Or pushing gays in his face. He doesn't realize, it's Republicans shoving it in their face. They invented the woke war.

One last thing. For centuries whites have told blacks the court system is not racist. But Trump faces a Mexican American judge, suddenly, racist judges exist.

It really makes no sense other than we are seeing how many Americans would have been Nazi's back in Germany in the 1930's. History is clearly repeating itself.
400 year and counting of being oppressed Republicans want you to get over it.

The only thing I would interject is yes, you should try to do your best despite the racism that exists in America. They surveyed blacks. Conservative blacks think racism is real, but they don't think it's as big of an obstacle as liberal blacks think it is. I tend to agree more with the liberal blacks.

Anyways, 400 years of being oppressed and they deny deny deny this country and it's government has been unfair to blacks. But now look at them. Suddenly the government isn't being fair to whites. They get so irate about their perceived oppression they start an insurrection. Tells me they don't like an even playing field. They see their privilege is slipping away with things like Affirmative action.

And they were lied to. Trump lied to them to get them to go insurrect. The traitors showed themselves that day. I'm just surprised how many normal conservative people are accepting all of Trump's flaws. They really don't like liberals to say they like Trump more. I don't get it. With my brother, it was things like student loan forgiveness. Or pushing gays in his face. He doesn't realize, it's Republicans shoving it in their face. They invented the woke war.

One last thing. For centuries whites have told blacks the court system is not racist. But Trump faces a Mexican American judge, suddenly, racist judges exist.

It really makes no sense other than we are seeing how many Americans would have been Nazi's back in Germany in the 1930's. History is clearly repeating itself.
I agree with some of Trump's proposals, but I oppose his tax cuts for the rich, and I am disgusted by his personality and character.

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