
Without Hispanics and blacks there would barely be anyone on welfare, and the prisons would be empty too!
There comes a day in everyones life when you must take responsibility for their own actions.

I dont buy into the excuse that its "the mans" fault. Those days are LONG gone.

It is not the "man's fault" but it is the man's responsibility as well as the women. Society seems to give men a pass when they bail on their obligations. Single mothers put an extreme burden on society. After 1 or 2 welfare pregnancies, sterilization should be mandatory as this is a pattern of which society suffers.

Sterilization of who? The male or the female? Takes two to tango.

Want to reread? I stated it is both's responsibility so logic would dictate I meant both.
That's ridiculous. Nazis sterilzed people. Not Americans.

Ah the oft used liberal Nazi comparison. That is usually an effective way to end debate but I see it for the lame rhetoric it is. Try another liberal attack method; maybe bring up the Klan or mistreatment of Muslims in the USA or Ok City bombing by Christians. I am sure you have a number of them so go for it. I guess we just let anyone have all the children they want because someone else will care for the financially or physically.
BTW people are chemically sterilized for a number of reasons.
Moron, I'm not a liberal. Liberals support eugenics and like the idea of sterilizing (or just outright killing) the poor.

Sterilization is a tool of tyrants and butchers.
We feed them, they'll bread them
Hate to break your bubble, but Hispanics are by far the fastest growing minority group in the U.S but they represent only 17% of the welfare recipients while blacks represent nearly 39%. If this theory were correct we would expect blacks to be the fastest growing minority which they aren't.


I had a patio put in two days ago by a crew of five Hispanic males. They did the entire job in one eight hour work day. It would have taken a group of men of other ethnicities at least two days if not more to do the same job. And then I would bet the quality of work would not be as good.

1. Hispanics are working harder and do not need to depend on the government as much.
2. Hispanic men apparently like to have intercourse with women at a higher rate than black males.
I guess this is as good a place as any to post my question. I recently had a discussion with an african american woman, (im a white guy), regarding the current state of the black community, especially how it's become so crime ridden and desolate. She stated that the welfare system started the decline due to the fact that when welfare came out, it was strictly for mothers and their children, and if there WAS a father involved, he had to "leave" or else welfare wouldnt be granted. In other words, welfare caused the abundance of "welfare queens" , "fathers" being absent, and how this trend still influences todays black youth leaving home at around 18 years old. Now if this is truly fact, I can remotely see how this policy would create the current situation, but everyone tends to see reality differently. Please, I dont want to hear from white power goofs, racists, etc, you can just keep to your sad fantasies. I'm just trying to become a better person and understand the social implications and/or reasons for social circumstances.

How many people are on welfare and how much does it cost this nation?

Do you know?

What percentage of the government budget goes to wefare?

Will you bother to look it up?

I only ask because theres really no point discussing this issue with people who don't know anything about it.

it's also not worth the effort to discuss the issue with anyone who doesn't want to know that the largest group on welfare is white single mothers.

but they shouldn't let facts get in the way or anything. it might wreck the meme.

you know, i never believe these threads that start "i was talking to someone black and they said [insert confirmation of black stereotype here]

it always seems like a lie and a way to start a racist troll thread.
[it's also not worth the effort to discuss the issue with anyone who doesn't want to know that the largest group on welfare is white single mothers.

but they shouldn't let facts get in the way or anything. it might wreck the meme.

you know, i never believe these threads that start "i was talking to someone black and they said [insert confirmation of black stereotype here]

it always seems like a lie and a way to start a racist troll thread.

Poverty by RacePoverty RateMillions in Poverty

Hispanic............................21.5%.........................9.9 million

African Americans...............24.5%.........................9.2 million

White (non-Hispanic)............8.2%........................16.0 million

Asian Americans.................10.2%.........................1.3 million

Kinda looks like there are more whites that are poor in the US than any other group. Wouldn't you say that white Americans are more deserving of welfare than those other groups if they make up the majority of the poor?

Poverty USA -- Catholic Campaign for Human Development -- A hand up, not a hand out.
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I had a patio put in two days ago by a crew of five Hispanic males. They did the entire job in one eight hour work day. It would have taken a group of men of other ethnicities at least two days if not more to do the same job. And then I would bet the quality of work would not be as good.


Can you give me their phone number?

I was on a bus this week and just happened to mention the Latinos that hang out at Home Depots to the bus driver. He interrupted me and told me how he once hired some of them to do a similar job.

They wanted money up front so they could purchase materials to do the job. Then they started talking about how they'd have to leave his property to pick them up. So they left with his money and he hasn't seen them since. From this experience, he would never hire another Latino.

By the way, he's an American of Mexican decent. Kinda ironic huh!:lol:
How many people are on WELFARE?

How much does it cost the government?

Anybody really know?
I guess this is as good a place as any to post my question. I recently had a discussion with an african american woman, (im a white guy), regarding the current state of the black community, especially how it's become so crime ridden and desolate. She stated that the welfare system started the decline due to the fact that when welfare came out, it was strictly for mothers and their children, and if there WAS a father involved, he had to "leave" or else welfare wouldnt be granted. In other words, welfare caused the abundance of "welfare queens" , "fathers" being absent, and how this trend still influences todays black youth leaving home at around 18 years old. Now if this is truly fact, I can remotely see how this policy would create the current situation, but everyone tends to see reality differently. Please, I dont want to hear from white power goofs, racists, etc, you can just keep to your sad fantasies. I'm just trying to become a better person and understand the social implications and/or reasons for social circumstances.

How many people are on welfare and how much does it cost this nation?

Do you know?

What percentage of the government budget goes to wefare?

Will you bother to look it up?

I only ask because theres really no point discussing this issue with people who don't know anything about it.

it's also not worth the effort to discuss the issue with anyone who doesn't want to know that the largest group on welfare is white single mothers.

but they shouldn't let facts get in the way or anything. it might wreck the meme.

you know, i never believe these threads that start "i was talking to someone black and they said [insert confirmation of black stereotype here]

it always seems like a lie and a way to start a racist troll thread.

Actually,"you know, i never believe these threads that start "i was talking to someone black and they said [insert confirmation of black stereotype here]", is incorrect, at least for me. I was sincere in my post, my questions arising from a desire to learn and/or understand what the real facts are. I was reiterating what a black person had stated was true, at least in her eyes. No, I wasnt trying to start a "racist troll", or trying to "impress" anyone, or cater to anyone to get in their pants,(as was slyly eluded to by some poster). I just happened upon this site and figured I could ask a question to confirm or dismiss this so-called fact. I've done alot of subsequent research and have come to realise that my original post came off as very naive. Did I uncover anything I didnt know before? Did I find some sort of secret "answer" to the reason or cause of the black experience? NO & NO. If anything I found that how I've perceived it all my life is pretty much sad but true, and it depends on who's stating the "facts" as to what their "reaities" are.
I guess this is as good a place as any to post my question. I recently had a discussion with an african american woman, (im a white guy), regarding the current state of the black community, especially how it's become so crime ridden and desolate. She stated that the welfare system started the decline due to the fact that when welfare came out, it was strictly for mothers and their children, and if there WAS a father involved, he had to "leave" or else welfare wouldnt be granted. In other words, welfare caused the abundance of "welfare queens" , "fathers" being absent, and how this trend still influences todays black youth leaving home at around 18 years old. Now if this is truly fact, I can remotely see how this policy would create the current situation, but everyone tends to see reality differently. Please, I dont want to hear from white power goofs, racists, etc, you can just keep to your sad fantasies. I'm just trying to become a better person and understand the social implications and/or reasons for social circumstances.

How many people are on welfare and how much does it cost this nation?

Do you know?

What percentage of the government budget goes to wefare?

Will you bother to look it up?

I only ask because theres really no point discussing this issue with people who don't know anything about it.

it's also not worth the effort to discuss the issue with anyone who doesn't want to know that the largest group on welfare is white single mothers.

but they shouldn't let facts get in the way or anything. it might wreck the meme.

you know, i never believe these threads that start "i was talking to someone black and they said [insert confirmation of black stereotype here]

it always seems like a lie and a way to start a racist troll thread.

The majority of welfare recipients are children.

Which makes sense; to receive *welfare* or TANF you have to have kids in the household.
All this bruhaha about welfare and yet apparently no one of you can define what you mean by the word, can't tell me how many are on it, or what it costs either?

You people have a much higher tolerance for the ignorant ramblings of the ill informed than I do.


If you don't know the answer to these simple question how on earth can ANY of you take positions on it one way or the other?
I had a patio put in two days ago by a crew of five Hispanic males. They did the entire job in one eight hour work day. It would have taken a group of men of other ethnicities at least two days if not more to do the same job. And then I would bet the quality of work would not be as good.


Can you give me their phone number?

I was on a bus this week and just happened to mention the Latinos that hang out at Home Depots to the bus driver. He interrupted me and told me how he once hired some of them to do a similar job.

They wanted money up front so they could purchase materials to do the job. Then they started talking about how they'd have to leave his property to pick them up. So they left with his money and he hasn't seen them since. From this experience, he would never hire another Latino.

By the way, he's an American of Mexican decent. Kinda ironic huh!:lol:

The men worked for a home improvement company. The supervisor was Hispanic and his supervisor was Hispanic. I researched the company and they had good reviews. It is also the company's responsibility to have I-9s on file, etc. I would not hire the dudes that hang out at 7-11 or other establishments. Most of the Hispanic folks in my area are Central American but not Mexican. At least none of them admit to being Mexican.
I had a patio put in two days ago by a crew of five Hispanic males. They did the entire job in one eight hour work day. It would have taken a group of men of other ethnicities at least two days if not more to do the same job. And then I would bet the quality of work would not be as good.


Can you give me their phone number?

I was on a bus this week and just happened to mention the Latinos that hang out at Home Depots to the bus driver. He interrupted me and told me how he once hired some of them to do a similar job.

They wanted money up front so they could purchase materials to do the job. Then they started talking about how they'd have to leave his property to pick them up. So they left with his money and he hasn't seen them since. From this experience, he would never hire another Latino.

By the way, he's an American of Mexican decent. Kinda ironic huh!:lol:

The men worked for a home improvement company. The supervisor was Hispanic and his supervisor was Hispanic. I researched the company and they had good reviews. It is also the company's responsibility to have I-9s on file, etc. I would not hire the dudes that hang out at 7-11 or other establishments. Most of the Hispanic folks in my area are Central American but not Mexican. At least none of them admit to being Mexican.

But you were making a blanket statement about Hispanics. They are hard working. I gave you an example of Hispanics that are crooked and lazy. What about every other race?
All this bruhaha about welfare and yet apparently no one of you can define what you mean by the word, can't tell me how many are on it, or what it costs either?

You people have a much higher tolerance for the ignorant ramblings of the ill informed than I do.


If you don't know the answer to these simple question how on earth can ANY of you take positions on it one way or the other?

I agree with what you saying here and will probably not be able to answer your questions either but offer the following:

I live in an upscale townhouse development built five years ago. The units were sold to government contractors, young professionals, military officers, and senior military enlisted personnel. After the housing crash, renters and foreclosure and short sale buyers started moving in. The other afore-mentioned people are also still here but it is not like it used to be.

The house next to me is a rental and a young black woman moved in a few weeks ago. She has four kids and her most recent qualified her for a larger house which is why she is now my neighbor. She is the recipient of what she calls her benefits from whatever program she is under. What some might call welfare, she calls her benefits. If any of her baby's daddies were in the picture, her money would be less than what she now gets. She has lots of support from her parents who live close by so she is making out quite well without any of the men who fathered the kids.

So whether or not she is on welfare or just one of many government entitlement programs I do not know. I also have no idea what she and other families like her cost us taxpayers. I cannot define it but I know it when I see it.
Moron, I'm not a liberal. Liberals support eugenics and like the idea of sterilizing (or just outright killing) the poor.

Sterilization is a tool of tyrants and butchers.

Name caller too. What fine debating skills you have. I gave you plenty of talking points to use and yet you choose grade school name calling. I am done with your useless quips. Bye.
Bye, poser. I'm not too concerned about your opinion of me or yourself.

You will find that there are people who can insult AND whip your ass in a debate. The thing is, it's impossible to debate retards. You can't have a meaningful conversation with someone who can't tell fact from fiction.

When I run across those people, I just identify them and try not to cast pearls before swine.
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Moron, I'm not a liberal. Liberals support eugenics and like the idea of sterilizing (or just outright killing) the poor.

Sterilization is a tool of tyrants and butchers.

Name caller too. What fine debating skills you have. I gave you plenty of talking points to use and yet you choose grade school name calling. I am done with your useless quips. Bye.

Besides which, I don't debate eugenics. Nazis who support eugenics are pieces of shit freaks who sit in the corners of room fondling themselves and drooling, while engaging in sick, twisted, violent fantasies, that usually involve them in leather and a bullwhip.

Not. Kidding.

So I will be happy if you steer the fuck clear of me. Thank you.
Without Hispanics and blacks there would barely be anyone on welfare, and the prisons would be empty too!

Oh really. Then explain to me why a White woman cut a baby out of the womb of another White woman? Explain to me why a White man killed a college age White man and after mutilating his body, had sex with him? I could go on and on what White ppl do to each other that Black ppl wouldn't even think of doing! Since when have you read or heard that a Black man had sex with the mutilated body of the person he killed? And believe me if it happened that would be one of the FIRST things that would be told!! All you want to do is to belittle the Black race and claim that yours is so much better...NOT!! And don't forget...it wasn't a Black kid that killed those ppl at Columbine either!!
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