Well Conservatives...will you find your balls and boycott?

Creepitus, show me even one thread on here where I haven't kicked your ass up one side of this forum to the other. You are full of projection. You bring zero to this forum,.
A legend in his own mind. How does someone kick any ass when all they ever post is that they "kicked your ass".

In order for that to be remotely true..you'd have to actually POST something
I barely ever even bother with him. He doesn't have any real thoughts of his own. He just parrots the latest RWNJ talking points and calls that "winning".

Complete waste of bandwidth to even let him post.
"Deep Thoughts" by Creepitus.........

Normal people don't like treason or insurrection or the people who support it. Get over it.

Lol, they prohibited the spread of crazy conspiracy theories. That's not "censoring facts".

Well that's laughably inaccurate.

And everyone who abided by the rules should sue them for that. They let parler get away with it until someone died. Multiple someones.

Because they are fake.

The election wasn't stolen. Stop with the crazy shit.

What a "deep thinker" you are, Creepitus........ ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Creepitus, show me even one thread on here where I haven't kicked your ass up one side of this forum to the other. You are full of projection. You bring zero to this forum,.
A legend in his own mind. How does someone kick any ass when all they ever post is that they "kicked your ass".

In order for that to be remotely true..you'd have to actually POST something
I barely ever even bother with him. He doesn't have any real thoughts of his own. He just parrots the latest RWNJ talking points and calls that "winning".

Complete waste of bandwidth to even let him post.
"Deep Thoughts" by Creepitus.........

Normal people don't like treason or insurrection or the people who support it. Get over it.

Lol, they prohibited the spread of crazy conspiracy theories. That's not "censoring facts".

Well that's laughably inaccurate.

And everyone who abided by the rules should sue them for that. They let parler get away with it until someone died. Multiple someones.

Because they are fake.

The election wasn't stolen. Stop with the crazy shit.

What a "deep thinker" you are, Creepitus........ ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yet again...you have added NOTHING

All that is...is a longer than usual TROLL post

Fucking lame
LMAO! Gonna send me yet another private message telling me that you are tired of me kicking that ass of yours??
This cretin keeps claiming that everyone PMs him and never seems to be able to produce those PMs.

Hallucinations maybe?

I keep telling him to take the medications his nice doctor asks him to take, and he never does.

Maybe it's the crisis actors PMing him.
Creepitus, show me even one thread on here where I haven't kicked your ass up one side of this forum to the other. You are full of projection. You bring zero to this forum,.

Guy, you don't kick anyone's ass. People treat you like the Crazy Homeless person who thinks the CIA is spying on him through the lamppost. A few people maybe stop to make fun of you, most of the rest cross the street to get away from you as quickly as possible.

Creepitus, show me even one thread on here where I haven't kicked your ass up one side of this forum to the other. You are full of projection. You bring zero to this forum,.

Guy, you don't kick anyone's ass. People treat you like the Crazy Homeless person who thinks the CIA is spying on him through the lamppost. A few people maybe stop to make fun of you, most of the rest cross the street to get away from you as quickly as possible.

View attachment 440886
Joe fat fuck, I have kicked your ass on a massive scale on any AND every topic you have challenged me on with ease. I guess you missed the thread where I took a poll and you lost massively........sucks to be you.
Joe fat fuck, I have kicked your ass on a massive scale on any AND every topic you have challenged me on with ease. I guess you missed the thread where I took a poll and you lost massively........sucks to be you.

Naw, man, if you are so insecure you need a poll of your fellow nuts... that's kind of on you.
Joe fat fuck, I have kicked your ass on a massive scale on any AND every topic you have challenged me on with ease. I guess you missed the thread where I took a poll and you lost massively........sucks to be you.

Naw, man, if you are so insecure you need a poll of your fellow nuts... that's kind of on you.
Joe Blow hard, the waddling fat fuck,. you are the one that claimed no one reads what I post. You got bitchslapped in a major way...deal with it.
Joe Blow hard, the waddling fat fuck,. you are the one that claimed no one reads what I post. You got bitchslapped in a major way...deal with it.

Guy, nobody reads the crazy shit you post.

They walk away from you like youwere the crazy homeless person on the subway
Joe fat fuck, I have kicked your ass on a massive scale on any AND every topic you have challenged me on with ease. I guess you missed the thread where I took a poll and you lost massively........sucks to be you.

Naw, man, if you are so insecure you need a poll of your fellow nuts... that's kind of on you.
Joe Blow hard, the waddling fat fuck,. you are the one that claimed no one reads what I post. You got bitchslapped in a major way...deal with it.
It’s probably the other way around. A lot of people probably have Joe Blow on ignore. All he posts is off topic moonbat blatherings. :)
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.

Conservatives? Y'all still think yourselves conservatives?

I don't think so.

Those weren't conservatives Trump was rallying to march on the capitol.... for a wild time. Those were racist acolytes that are now part and parcel of the Trumpie party base.

Conservatives aren't traitors. They don't try to overthrow their government with violence.... AND MURDER.

You Trumpies are a terrorist organization.to the extent the FBI is warning of violence committed by your base of terrorist and traitors.

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.

Conservatives? Y'all still think yourselves conservatives?

I don't think so.

Those weren't conservatives Trump was rallying to march on the capitol.... for a wild time. Those were racist acolytes that are now part and parcel of the Trumpie party base.

Conservatives aren't traitors. They don't try to overthrow their government with violence.... AND MURDER.

You Trumpies are a terrorist organization.to the extent the FBI is warning of violence committed by your base of terrorist and traitors.

You are correct. Trying to overthrow the government is what progressives and democrats do.
Joe Blow hard, the waddling fat fuck,. you are the one that claimed no one reads what I post. You got bitchslapped in a major way...deal with it.

Guy, nobody reads the crazy shit you post.

They walk away from you like youwere the crazy homeless person on the subway
LMAO! I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you contend isn't the case at all, ya fat sack of commie shit.Sucks to be you, Joe Blowhard......

Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Already have been.
Will conservatives finally take a firm stand and boycott the NFL, Starbucks and all the other organizations biting on the bait being trolled by the Left?
Democrats are fired up right now as we all know this is not a BLM “movement” at all...this is 100% political...this is Democrat positioning and them not letting a tragedy go to waste.
Good luck with that.

Conservatives are complainers, not doers.

I remember when parler was removed from Google play and app store. People said they were going to boycott their phones and get an Android.

Little did they know Google owns Android. Lol
LMAO! I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you contend isn't the case at all, ya fat sack of commie shit.Sucks to be you, Joe Blowhard......

Naw, man, you only show up when your medications aren't working...
What "medications" are those, Joe Blowhard? You are not liked at all and you have zero respect from the forum masses. Perhaps it's because everybody else simply doesn't appreciate you? That if only they took "medication" then they would see and realize your "brilliance"? If they ever find a cure for narcissism, you should volunteer to be part of the case study.

What "medications" are those, Joe Blowhard? You are not liked at all and you have zero respect from the forum masses. Perhaps it's because everybody else simply doesn't appreciate you? That if only they took "medication" then they would see and realize your "brilliance"? If they ever find a cure for narcissism, you should volunteer to be part of the case study.

I'm not here to be liked. Frankly, I wear it as a badge of honor that the racists and crazies that make up "conservatism" here don't like me.

Meanwhile, you are just a crazy person, sadly. I mean, seriously, most of the wingnuts here are just racist assholes, but you need serious psychological help.

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