Well done Donald, Three Pants on Fire in a week

View attachment 90032

I think this must be a record... He has brought lying to new levels...

When it comes to honesty Clinton is at least in touch with reality...

I expect the usual crowd here to say Hillary is crooked and crap... Thing is your candidate is the most dishonest candidate to ever run for president since fact checking existed...

The amazing thing is how gullible his supporters are..
---------------------------------------- i mean , the 3 ssues that you liberal , you Cowboy hone in on are unimportant to WE Deplorables .
She should not have said "basket of deplorables" She should have said "scum bucket of blathering, belligerent, bigoted blowhards"
---------------------------------------you and the CowboyTed both sound like englishers or eurotypes with some of the words that you use , just my opinion . And your attitudes are certainly eurotype attitudes P.P..
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...
So are you saying that he did not lie about those things? Evidence please.

I suppose hyperbole is technically speaking lying. But only an idiot would make a big deal about it.

Then there are some, who seriously do not understand the difference between Hillary lies and Trump hypebole. These are the ones I take issue with. Perhaps they just haven't been blessed to have the IQ to understand hyperbole.
How come it's lies from Clinton and hyperbole from Trump?
View attachment 90032

I think this must be a record... He has brought lying to new levels...

When it comes to honesty Clinton is at least in touch with reality...

I expect the usual crowd here to say Hillary is crooked and crap... Thing is your candidate is the most dishonest candidate to ever run for president since fact checking existed...

The amazing thing is how gullible his supporters are..

Fact checking whether or not he "FINISHED" the birther thing?

That is some seriously funny shit. He meant he kept it alive, you fucking morons.

Jesus Christ.

Where is the fact check on Hillary saying that half of Trump supporters are racist and misogynist?
I'll tell you what is funny shit. It's funny that he is either so full of himself, or so stupid to think that after years of promoting the idea that Obama was not born in Hawaii, even after his long form birth certificate was released- he thinks that he can just end it without explaining when or why he changed his sick mind-without presenting any new evidence- and on top of that to do it without appologising. Who the hell does he think that he is??!!
what will you guys do about it , he says as he says and that's probably all he says while you guys flail away looking for Trump to do as you like P.P..
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...

The idiot response....

The have bought the con, Rozman is right... It doesn't matter what we say they will just throw out this type of line...

They have no evidence but they don't care...

So have you evidence Poltifact is biased?
------------------------------------------------------------ haven't bought the con , its just that the Trump supporters / depolrables don't care about the silly issues that you liberals , euro and brits throw out as being lies Cowboy !!

So Child Care and Immigration are silly issues...

Under what Trump has said, he would have deported the President of United States and now said he made it all up....
-------------------------------- CHILD CARE , people oughta take care of their own kids but the Trump has a plan to lure in young women that have kids . ------------------ immigration , we know about her immigration plans and don't like them so why acknowledge her immigration plans Cowboy . Trump is the only one that sounds halfway good on immigration and muslims . But Trump is pretty good on most issues concerning USA sovereignty , military , border , supreme court , federal judges , guns and the other things i mentioned in my first post in this thread Cowboy
He shouldn't say she hasn't GOT a plan when she does clearly have a plan. That is called being either (1) stupidly misinformed or (2) lying. Do not allow a leader of this country to glibly lie about such important things.
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...

The idiot response....

The have bought the con, Rozman is right... It doesn't matter what we say they will just throw out this type of line...

They have no evidence but they don't care...

So have you evidence Poltifact is biased?
------------------------------------------------------------ haven't bought the con , its just that the Trump supporters / depolrables don't care about the silly issues that you liberals , euro and brits throw out as being lies Cowboy !!

So Child Care and Immigration are silly issues...

Under what Trump has said, he would have deported the President of United States and now said he made it all up....
-------------------------------- CHILD CARE , people oughta take care of their own kids but the Trump has a plan to lure in young women that have kids . ------------------ immigration , we know about her immigration plans and don't like them so why acknowledge her immigration plans Cowboy . Trump is the only one that sounds halfway good on immigration and muslims . But Trump is pretty good on most issues concerning USA sovereignty , military , border , supreme court , federal judges , guns and the other things i mentioned in my first post in this thread Cowboy

You have seen in the OP that is a Pants on Fire lie but that still doesn't stop you doubling down... It is interesting to see that it doesn't really matter what we say you will close your eyes and shout la la la la.....

I don't think you understand there is world called reality where Mexicans don't pay for walls, Muslims are the leading fighters of Terrorism,.....

But you probably are shouting la la la la .... right now...
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...
So are you saying that he did not lie about those things? Evidence please.

I suppose hyperbole is technically speaking lying. But only an idiot would make a big deal about it.

Then there are some, who seriously do not understand the difference between Hillary lies and Trump hypebole. These are the ones I take issue with. Perhaps they just haven't been blessed to have the IQ to understand hyperbole.
How come it's lies from Clinton and hyperbole from Trump?

Hyperbole technically speaking is lying.

Saying "I have said a million times" is the trump kind of lie.

Saying "I never sent classified information, while dodging sniper fire" is the Clinton kind of lie.

The nuance is obvious to anyone with a functional brain. This would not include highly biased arm of the democratic party: Politifarce.
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...

The idiot response....

The have bought the con, Rozman is right... It doesn't matter what we say they will just throw out this type of line...

They have no evidence but they don't care...

So have you evidence Poltifact is biased?
------------------------------------------------------------ haven't bought the con , its just that the Trump supporters / depolrables don't care about the silly issues that you liberals , euro and brits throw out as being lies Cowboy !!

So Child Care and Immigration are silly issues...

Under what Trump has said, he would have deported the President of United States and now said he made it all up....
-------------------------------- CHILD CARE , people oughta take care of their own kids but the Trump has a plan to lure in young women that have kids . ------------------ immigration , we know about her immigration plans and don't like them so why acknowledge her immigration plans Cowboy . Trump is the only one that sounds halfway good on immigration and muslims . But Trump is pretty good on most issues concerning USA sovereignty , military , border , supreme court , federal judges , guns and the other things i mentioned in my first post in this thread Cowboy
View attachment 90080

You have seen in the OP that is a Pants on Fire lie but that still doesn't stop you doubling down... It is interesting to see that it doesn't really matter what we say you will close your eyes and shout la la la la.....

I don't think you understand there is world called reality where Mexicans don't pay for walls, Muslims are the leading fighters of Terrorism,.....

But you probably are shouting la la la la .... right now...

It's ridiculous to consider this kind of a statement as a pants on fire lie. It's like with the argument that there are no Chevrolets in Japan, when in fact there are couple dozens. It's just liberal level of dumb to point this out, because it was already clear to everyone that Trump did not literally mean none, but practically speaking none. To consider that a pants on fire lie, is head on fire retard level...
Clinton doesn't lie; she simply keeps her mouth shut.
And yes, I have read her web page...everything's been tried and failed.

Trump's plan to cut taxes, make massive increases in military spending, and by magic balance the budget...

I think that's been tried and failed too.
Along with bringing back business, reducing or eliminating Business Visas and sending Trespassers back home?
Me thinks you have selective neurological input.

His 'bringing back business' plan will cost millions of jobs...
'President Trump' would cost U.S. economy $1 trillion
U.S. Economy Would Be ‘Diminished’ Under Trump’s Economic Plan, New Analysis Says

On Military Spending, That what America is lacking... More Military spending.
Which aliens intending to fight?

As for his immergration plan... The Wall is a joke...

Yes...to India and China.
military is the most important thing , spend the money and have the biggest , strongest most imposing military in the world . We Yanks already have it but lets make it stronger and more imposing . Why would we want a second rate military that other nations can mess with . -------------------------------------------------- The wall is fine , common sense and easy to build Cowboy !!

Easy Build???

That is just funny...

Huge Government land grab, logistical nightmare... Did you bother to watch the video...
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...

The idiot response....

The have bought the con, Rozman is right... It doesn't matter what we say they will just throw out this type of line...

They have no evidence but they don't care...

So have you evidence Poltifact is biased?
------------------------------------------------------------ haven't bought the con , its just that the Trump supporters / depolrables don't care about the silly issues that you liberals , euro and brits throw out as being lies Cowboy !!

So Child Care and Immigration are silly issues...

Under what Trump has said, he would have deported the President of United States and now said he made it all up....
-------------------------------- CHILD CARE , people oughta take care of their own kids but the Trump has a plan to lure in young women that have kids . ------------------ immigration , we know about her immigration plans and don't like them so why acknowledge her immigration plans Cowboy . Trump is the only one that sounds halfway good on immigration and muslims . But Trump is pretty good on most issues concerning USA sovereignty , military , border , supreme court , federal judges , guns and the other things i mentioned in my first post in this thread Cowboy
He shouldn't say she hasn't GOT a plan when she does clearly have a plan. That is called being either (1) stupidly misinformed or (2) lying. Do not allow a leader of this country to glibly lie about such important things.
She has plans...tried and failed.
Clinton doesn't lie; she simply keeps her mouth shut.
And yes, I have read her web page...everything's been tried and failed.

Trump's plan to cut taxes, make massive increases in military spending, and by magic balance the budget...

I think that's been tried and failed too.

Cutting corporate taxes can bring a lot of the corporate overseas money back here.

15% of $1 is 15 cents. 35% of $0 is $0.

See how cutting taxes can increase overall revenue.

Are you familiar with how businesses sometimes cut their prices, and then they sell more product and earn more money? Think of it that way.
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...

The idiot response....

The have bought the con, Rozman is right... It doesn't matter what we say they will just throw out this type of line...

They have no evidence but they don't care...

So have you evidence Poltifact is biased?
------------------------------------------------------------ haven't bought the con , its just that the Trump supporters / depolrables don't care about the silly issues that you liberals , euro and brits throw out as being lies Cowboy !!

So Child Care and Immigration are silly issues...

Under what Trump has said, he would have deported the President of United States and now said he made it all up....
-------------------------------- CHILD CARE , people oughta take care of their own kids but the Trump has a plan to lure in young women that have kids . ------------------ immigration , we know about her immigration plans and don't like them so why acknowledge her immigration plans Cowboy . Trump is the only one that sounds halfway good on immigration and muslims . But Trump is pretty good on most issues concerning USA sovereignty , military , border , supreme court , federal judges , guns and the other things i mentioned in my first post in this thread Cowboy
View attachment 90080

You have seen in the OP that is a Pants on Fire lie but that still doesn't stop you doubling down... It is interesting to see that it doesn't really matter what we say you will close your eyes and shout la la la la.....

I don't think you understand there is world called reality where Mexicans don't pay for walls, Muslims are the leading fighters of Terrorism,.....

But you probably are shouting la la la la .... right now...
------------------------------ no , I don't ignore , I just don't care about teaming up with muslims . I don't want to team up with muslims . muslims are concentrating on you euros anyway and they don't concern me as their numbers are low at this time in the USA . As far as Mexicans paying for the WALL , there are lots of ways to MAKE mexico pay for the wall and the TRUMP knows those ways . ---------------------- as far as I am concerned , the USA should just build the Wall and then punish mexico monetarily anyway Cowboy .
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...
So are you saying that he did not lie about those things? Evidence please.

I suppose hyperbole is technically speaking lying. But only an idiot would make a big deal about it.

Then there are some, who seriously do not understand the difference between Hillary lies and Trump hypebole. These are the ones I take issue with. Perhaps they just haven't been blessed to have the IQ to understand hyperbole.
How come it's lies from Clinton and hyperbole from Trump?

Hyperbole technically speaking is lying.

Saying "I have said a million times" is the trump kind of lie.

Saying "I never sent classified information, while dodging sniper fire" is the Clinton kind of lie.

The nuance is obvious to anyone with a functional brain. This would not include highly biased arm of the democratic party: Politifarce.
It is 100% obvious you have never been there, since Politifact tells exactly where it gets its information. You don't have to agree with their determination but you know whence the information comes. If anything frightens me more than the prospect of Donald Trump being President, it is how goddamned stupid his supporters -- half the American population, apparently -- are willing themselves to be.
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...
So are you saying that he did not lie about those things? Evidence please.

I suppose hyperbole is technically speaking lying. But only an idiot would make a big deal about it.

Then there are some, who seriously do not understand the difference between Hillary lies and Trump hypebole. These are the ones I take issue with. Perhaps they just haven't been blessed to have the IQ to understand hyperbole.
How come it's lies from Clinton and hyperbole from Trump?

Hyperbole technically speaking is lying.

Saying "I have said a million times" is the trump kind of lie.

Saying "I never sent classified information, while dodging sniper fire" is the Clinton kind of lie.

The nuance is obvious to anyone with a functional brain. This would not include highly biased arm of the democratic party: Politifarce.
It is 100% obvious you have never been there, since Politifact tells exactly where it gets its information. You don't have to agree with their determination but you know whence the information comes. If anything frightens me more than the prospect of Donald Trump being President, it is how goddamned stupid his supporters -- half the American population, apparently -- are willing themselves to be.

Are you saying Trump supporters are deplorable?

Great, a other retard has self-identified! Perhaps you should learn how to READ before commenting on how stupid anyone is.
So are you saying that he did not lie about those things? Evidence please.

I suppose hyperbole is technically speaking lying. But only an idiot would make a big deal about it.

Then there are some, who seriously do not understand the difference between Hillary lies and Trump hypebole. These are the ones I take issue with. Perhaps they just haven't been blessed to have the IQ to understand hyperbole.
How come it's lies from Clinton and hyperbole from Trump?

Hyperbole technically speaking is lying.

Saying "I have said a million times" is the trump kind of lie.

Saying "I never sent classified information, while dodging sniper fire" is the Clinton kind of lie.

The nuance is obvious to anyone with a functional brain. This would not include highly biased arm of the democratic party: Politifarce.
It is 100% obvious you have never been there, since Politifact tells exactly where it gets its information. You don't have to agree with their determination but you know whence the information comes. If anything frightens me more than the prospect of Donald Trump being President, it is how goddamned stupid his supporters -- half the American population, apparently -- are willing themselves to be.

Are you saying Trump supporters are deplorable?

Great, a other retard has self-identified!
Be gentle, she's an OLD lady.
The idiot response....

The have bought the con, Rozman is right... It doesn't matter what we say they will just throw out this type of line...

They have no evidence but they don't care...

So have you evidence Poltifact is biased?
------------------------------------------------------------ haven't bought the con , its just that the Trump supporters / depolrables don't care about the silly issues that you liberals , euro and brits throw out as being lies Cowboy !!

So Child Care and Immigration are silly issues...

Under what Trump has said, he would have deported the President of United States and now said he made it all up....
-------------------------------- CHILD CARE , people oughta take care of their own kids but the Trump has a plan to lure in young women that have kids . ------------------ immigration , we know about her immigration plans and don't like them so why acknowledge her immigration plans Cowboy . Trump is the only one that sounds halfway good on immigration and muslims . But Trump is pretty good on most issues concerning USA sovereignty , military , border , supreme court , federal judges , guns and the other things i mentioned in my first post in this thread Cowboy
He shouldn't say she hasn't GOT a plan when she does clearly have a plan. That is called being either (1) stupidly misinformed or (2) lying. Do not allow a leader of this country to glibly lie about such important things.
She has plans...tried and failed.
Then he could have said so.

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