Well done Donald, Three Pants on Fire in a week

Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...
So are you saying that he did not lie about those things? Evidence please.

I suppose hyperbole is technically speaking lying. But only an idiot would make a big deal about it.

Then there are some, who seriously do not understand the difference between Hillary lies and Trump hypebole. These are the ones I take issue with. Perhaps they just haven't been blessed to have the IQ to understand hyperbole.

The difference between hyperbole and lying is a very-very thin line, a line D. Trump continually crosses. For example; The unemployment rate in Scott Walker's Wisconsin is way-way-way to high - would be hyperbole.

But when D. Trump was talking about Wisconsin's UE Rate, he said, "I mean just -- effective unemployment rate, 20 percent. Hey, this is out of the big book." - that's a lie designed to scare the bejesus out Wisconsinites. I rate that statement another in a long line of yuge-yuge (that's New York for huge-huge) lies.

March 29: Trumplies that Wisconsin’s effective unemployment rate is 20%, saying, ""What? Is it 20 percent? Effective or regular? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The U-3 official unemployment rate in Wisconsin was 4.6 percent in 2015; Wisconsin’s U-6 rate for 2015 was 8.3 percent.

And so on, and so on, and so...


March 29: Trumplies that Wisconsin’s effective unemployment rate is 20%, saying, ""What? Is it 20 percent? Effective or regular? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The U-3 official unemployment rate in Wisconsin was 4.6 percent in 2015; Wisconsin’s U-6 rate for 2015 was 8.3 percent.
Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...
Nobody buys the liberal bullshit any more. They set up supposedly neutral authoritative sites like "Politifacts" that supposedly act as neutral referees.

But over time they have proven to be anything but neutral or objective.

So no one believes any of the complete 100% horse shit coming out of that set of manure spreaders any more.

Thank you liberals for making Donald J Trump as much of a Teflon candidate as you did Reagan back in 2008!
Trump "finished" the Birther controversy by getting Obama and the state of Hawaii to put out his birth certificate. That should have settled it. He plainly did not mean that he ended the discussion and that isnot what the phrase "finished it" is usually taken to mean anyway.

So it isnt a lie because libtards at Politifacts deliberately misinterpret Trump then call him a liar and meanwhile give Hillary are pass on all the countless lies she has given UNDER OATH, you fucking morons.
They had to create 2 whole new categories just for HER:


Politifarce, the arm of Clinton's campaign. Not credible...

When they go against you, you hate them.
But man, did you guys love them when,,,,,,,,
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
For an entire year, folks like Norm loved, loved, loved Politifact. Hundreds of times the Right posted Obama's dubious honer as they were creaming in the jeans.
Funny, that.

Well yes, if something is right I credit the account. Unfortunately the farce comes from the fact that they are very biased 99% of the time.

You throw accusations against Poltifact but you have no proof...
This seems to be the Trump way... Don't like it, call it names...

This is the three year old child behaviour...

I have plenty of proof. The politifarce bias seems to have entire field dedicated to exposing it.

Meh, I suppose we should just build a completely biased conservative fact checker site. Is that honest? No... but when facing dishonesty why should anyone care?

Good idea - but first ask yourself why you rightwingers don't have a fact check site you can call your own?

How about you take the bull by horns and start a fact check site of your own...are you to lazy to start a fact check site of your own? Is it an oxymoron to list yourself as a partisan fact check site...? You're being ridiculous.

I'd say the reason you think fact check sites are biased toward the left is, fact check sites are right?


Do you realize how dishonest it is to have a politically motivated fact checker? That's not fact checking it's partisanship and propaganda. Conservatives are generally much more honest than liberals - their weakness.

Thankfully, with the rise of alt-right, the right is quickly massing individuals who fight dishonesty with dishonesty. Don't worry, all those things will happen with time - conservative fact checking, conservative facebook, youtube... etc. That being said, I much prefer honesty.
To the faithful, lying is okay.

The ends justify the means

Sounds like some thing the righties told me about Muslims once.
They had to create 2 whole new categories just for HER:



Why are the Russians so afraid Hillary will win?
They do not fear a Hillary win.

How can you fear a woman who giggles like a school girl while handing you a plastic prop with the incorrect Russian word for 'reset' on the plaque?!

They are embarrassing her...publicly...because they can.

Hacking her / the DNC servers is a declaration that they are stronger, there is no defense from them, and that they can get to her secrets when they want because they CAN.

Putin probably sees her 'power' not based on STRENGTH put based on money, connections, having 'things' on people...and Russia demonstrated how easily all of that could be stripped away, leaving an old, tired, sickly person struggling to win an election.

If you think Putin, an ex-KGB leader who has stated he wants to return Russia to the USSR Glory days, has any love for Trump or any part of the US you are sadly mistaken. He probably thinks, with Trumps ego and personality, he will be easier to deal with, easier to goad into things. (You can bet Putin has a Russian-prepared Psychological Profile on both Hillary and Trump.)

Russia and Putin are just as much a threat to BOTH Hillary and Trump as they have been to Barry.
Clinton doesn't lie; she simply keeps her mouth shut.
And yes, I have read her web page...everything's been tried and failed.

Trump's plan to cut taxes, make massive increases in military spending, and by magic balance the budget...

I think that's been tried and failed too.
Along with bringing back business, reducing or eliminating Business Visas and sending Trespassers back home?
Me thinks you have selective neurological input.

trump has had years of being able to bring business back to America.

What did he do?

He went to Mexico, China and other nations to manufacture his clothing line.

If trump was going to bring business back to American he would have done it years ago. In fact he wouldn't have had his clothing line made in other nations all this time. He would have had it made right here in America if he was going to bring business back.

He uses foreign workers in his businesses. Only for the reason that they're cheaper and he didn't pay many of them. Just as he didn't pay banks in America so they stopped lending him money so he went to Russia and China to get funding. He owes half a billion dollars to Chinese banks.

So he went to communist nations for workers and financial backing.

And you believe he's going to bring business back to America?


Since he's had so many years to bring business back to America and didn't what makes you think he's going to do it if he becomes president?

Words are air. Actions show what a person is. trump's actions shows that he's lying through his teeth when he says he's going to bring business back to America. If he was telling the truth, he would have brought business back to America a long time ago and not gone outside America for financing, to make so many of his products and he would have used American workers here in America.
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Clinton doesn't lie; she simply keeps her mouth shut.
And yes, I have read her web page...everything's been tried and failed.

Trump's plan to cut taxes, make massive increases in military spending, and by magic balance the budget...

I think that's been tried and failed too.
Along with bringing back business, reducing or eliminating Business Visas and sending Trespassers back home?
Me thinks you have selective neurological input.

trump has had years of being able to bring business back to America.

What did he do?

He went to Mexico, China and other nations to manufacture his clothing line.

If trump was going to bring business back to American he would have done is years ago. In fact he wouldn't have had his clothing line made in other nations all this time. He would have had it made right here in America if he was going to bring business back.

He uses foreign workers in his businesses. Only for the reason that they're cheaper and he didn't pay many of them. Just as he didn't pay banks in America so they stopped lending him money so he went to Russia and China to get funding. He owes half a billion dollars to Chinese banks.

So he went to communist nations for workers and financial backing.

And you believe he's going to bring business back to America?


Since he's had so many years to bring business back to America and didn't what makes you think he's going to do it if he becomes president?

Words are air. Actions show what a person is. trump's actions shows that he's lying through his teeth when he says he's going to bring business back to America. If he was telling the truth, he would have brought business back to America a long time ago and not gone outside America for financing, to make so many of his products and he would have used American workers here in America.

As a businessman Trump did help himself, as opposed to Hillary who was working for the American people as Sect of State and Senator and helped HERSELF. As President Trump will be working for the people.

"So he went to communist nations for workers and financial backing."
- Again, as a businessman Trump was working for himself. Funny, no mention of how Hillary went to TERRORISTS, Drug Dealers, and those who support terrorism, who oppress/mutilate/murder women, and who kill gays for money WHILE working for the people as Sect of State.

It has been proven in the past she has taken money from fronts for terrorist groups and drug dealers. She has - and STILL does - taken money from foreign nations that support terrorism, and - as said - murder women and gays. As long as Hillary does it that's okay with you, though, even if she does it on the clock working for Americans as Sect of State.

She and Barry allied themselves with the terrorists who slaughtered thousands of Americans, dragged the US into an UN-Sanctioned war, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya from a dictator who was not a threat to us - he had even begun HELPING the US fight terrorists in Northern Africa. If it was Trump or any other Republican - like Bush - Democrats would be screaming 'TREASON'.

Good Grief! The hypocrisy is so thick you can choke on it.
Clinton doesn't lie; she simply keeps her mouth shut.
And yes, I have read her web page...everything's been tried and failed.

Trump's plan to cut taxes, make massive increases in military spending, and by magic balance the budget...

I think that's been tried and failed too.
Along with bringing back business, reducing or eliminating Business Visas and sending Trespassers back home?
Me thinks you have selective neurological input.

trump has had years of being able to bring business back to America.

What did he do?

He went to Mexico, China and other nations to manufacture his clothing line.

If trump was going to bring business back to American he would have done it years ago. In fact he wouldn't have had his clothing line made in other nations all this time. He would have had it made right here in America if he was going to bring business back.

He uses foreign workers in his businesses. Only for the reason that they're cheaper and he didn't pay many of them. Just as he didn't pay banks in America so they stopped lending him money so he went to Russia and China to get funding. He owes half a billion dollars to Chinese banks.

So he went to communist nations for workers and financial backing.

And you believe he's going to bring business back to America?


Since he's had so many years to bring business back to America and didn't what makes you think he's going to do it if he becomes president?

Words are air. Actions show what a person is. trump's actions shows that he's lying through his teeth when he says he's going to bring business back to America. If he was telling the truth, he would have brought business back to America a long time ago and not gone outside America for financing, to make so many of his products and he would have used American workers here in America.
Naive...a business needs a level playing field and such did not, and does not, exist.
Are LGBT folks, their allies, and decent people everywhere aware of Trumps Q agenda?

Scott Lively Hopes To See Passage Of Russian-Style Anti-Gay Laws In America Under President Trump

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Wednesday, 9/21/2016 10:38 am

Earlier this month, anti-LGBT activist Mike Heath of MaineResistance interviewed fellow extremist Religious Right activist Scott Lively, who continued to heap praise on Russia president Vladimir Putin for his crackdown on LGBT rights and hoped that, under a President Trump, similar anti-gay laws could be enacted in America.

Lively, who has called passage of laws banning the spread of gay "propaganda" in Russia "one of the proudest achievements of my career" and urged the implementation of similar bans all over the world, voiced his hope that President Trump would "delegate to the church the task of shaping the culture."

"I wish we would be able to duplicate that all over the world," Lively said of passing Russian-style anti-gay laws. "That would really solve the problem."

"Frankly, if Trump wins in November," he stated, "then he could turn out to be like Putin in Russia and push back Marxism like Putin did and invite the church to come back in an guide the culture, like Putin did. He delegates, that's his way of governing and his way of doing business and I think he is going to delegate to the church Scott Lively Hopes To See Passage Of Russian-Style Anti-Gay Laws In America Under President Trump

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