Well, folks, it was CLINTON'S JOB to mark sensitive material Top Secret!

It's funny to see the cultists getting outraged again, it's BENGHAZI!!!!!!!! all over again

Not that they give a $hit about secret emails, servers of mass distraction or lying politicians of course, it's just the name Clinton that drives them crazy. It will be so much fun when Hillary takes her rightful place in the oval office and Bill becomes first husband.

Keep it up morons, the Hildabeast will never go to jail. She's simply too important to jail, you should know that by now.


It's funny to see the cultists getting outraged again, it's BENGHAZI!!!!!!!! all over again

Not that they give a $hit about secret emails, servers of mass distraction or lying politicians of course, it's just the name Clinton that drives them crazy. It will be so much fun when Hillary takes her rightful place in the oval office and Bill becomes first husband.

Keep it up morons, the Hildabeast will never go to jail. She's simply too important to jail, you should know that by now.



Excuse me while I stand over her and LMAO.

The fact that you have no problem with Benghazi and classified material shows everyone what a Democratic idiot you are. You could care less that four good men died because Hilbats less than stellar State Department dropped the ball. A ball they had months of warnings about.

You also could care less about classified info. Sure hope you are never in charge of anyone's classified anything.

If Hilbat were Jack the Ripper you'd be the demented fool who would vote for her as POTUS just because she's a Dem. An idiot of a Dem, but a Dem none the less.

An idiot you truly are. LOL
It's funny to see the cultists getting outraged again, it's BENGHAZI!!!!!!!! all over again

Not that they give a $hit about secret emails, servers of mass distraction or lying politicians of course, it's just the name Clinton that drives them crazy. It will be so much fun when Hillary takes her rightful place in the oval office and Bill becomes first husband.

Keep it up morons, the Hildabeast will never go to jail. She's simply too important to jail, you should know that by now.



the Hildabeast will never go to jail. She's simply too important to jail,

IS she?

Is she REALLY above the law?
It's funny to see the cultists getting outraged again, it's BENGHAZI!!!!!!!! all over again

Not that they give a $hit about secret emails, servers of mass distraction or lying politicians of course, it's just the name Clinton that drives them crazy. It will be so much fun when Hillary takes her rightful place in the oval office and Bill becomes first husband.

Keep it up morons, the Hildabeast will never go to jail. She's simply too important to jail, you should know that by now.



the Hildabeast will never go to jail. She's simply too important to jail,

IS she?

Is she REALLY above the law?

According to the idiot she sure is. And I'd sure like to know why this idiot thinks Hilbat is important?? So important that she can't go to jail??

Just shows what an idiot this asshole really is.
They don't have anyone left. Except Biden, and that ain't saying much.

I agree. But he's a much better bet than Hilbat.

He's been VP for eight years and has more know how than she will ever have.

He's a better bet in all ways.

He was better in 2008 than a first term, (Obama), and a two term, (Hillary) senator.
I think it is very hard for the Democrats to get all riled up because the GOP Administration was using a GOP Private server amongst each other for years and deleted millions of emails.
So the GOP is totally hypocritical.

As for leaking of Classified information, the GOP outed a CIA agent, got convicted and Bush commuted the sentence...

If Obama Administration did that the RW would be screaming blue murder...

So it is very hard to take you seriously... So much false outrage when all this is partisan attack.
I think it is very hard for the Democrats to get all riled up because the GOP Administration was using a GOP Private server amongst each other for years and deleted millions of emails.
So the GOP is totally hypocritical.

As for leaking of Classified information, the GOP outed a CIA agent, got convicted and Bush commuted the sentence...

If Obama Administration did that the RW would be screaming blue murder...

So it is very hard to take you seriously... So much false outrage when all this is partisan attack.
The FBI is partisan?
I think it is very hard for the Democrats to get all riled up because the GOP Administration was using a GOP Private server amongst each other for years and deleted millions of emails.
So the GOP is totally hypocritical.

As for leaking of Classified information, the GOP outed a CIA agent, got convicted and Bush commuted the sentence...

If Obama Administration did that the RW would be screaming blue murder...

So it is very hard to take you seriously... So much false outrage when all this is partisan attack.

If Obama Administration did that the RW would be screaming blue murder...

Just like the LW did
I think it is very hard for the Democrats to get all riled up because the GOP Administration was using a GOP Private server amongst each other for years and deleted millions of emails.
So the GOP is totally hypocritical.

As for leaking of Classified information, the GOP outed a CIA agent, got convicted and Bush commuted the sentence...

If Obama Administration did that the RW would be screaming blue murder...

So it is very hard to take you seriously... So much false outrage when all this is partisan attack.
The FBI is partisan?

Well, they had no problem pulling everything out of Patraeus office.

They sure didn't ask him to hand over anything. The man was a four star general and served his country in Iraq and Afghanistan as the military leader in both. He was also head of the CIA.

He wasn't some idiot who was first lady for eight years, a lousy SOS and a carpetbagger Senator.
Excuse me while I stand over her and LMAO.

The fact that you have no problem with Benghazi and classified material shows everyone what a Democratic idiot you are. You could care less that four good men died because Hilbats less than stellar State Department dropped the ball. A ball they had months of warnings about.

You also could care less about classified info. Sure hope you are never in charge of anyone's classified anything.

If Hilbat were Jack the Ripper you'd be the demented fool who would vote for her as POTUS just because she's a Dem. An idiot of a Dem, but a Dem none the less.

An idiot you truly are. LOL

I think you misunderestimated me, comrade

I don't even like Hillary, I'm convinced she's lying, corporate puppet who will do anything to get in the oval office.

I just find the hypocritical outrage of the other side funny.

Oh, and I couldn't vote for Hillary even if I wanted to. I would have to become a US citizen first.

Excuse me while I stand over her and LMAO.

The fact that you have no problem with Benghazi and classified material shows everyone what a Democratic idiot you are. You could care less that four good men died because Hilbats less than stellar State Department dropped the ball. A ball they had months of warnings about.

You also could care less about classified info. Sure hope you are never in charge of anyone's classified anything.

If Hilbat were Jack the Ripper you'd be the demented fool who would vote for her as POTUS just because she's a Dem. An idiot of a Dem, but a Dem none the less.

An idiot you truly are. LOL

I think you misunderestimated me, comrade

I don't even like Hillary, I'm convinced she's lying, corporate puppet who will do anything to get in the oval office.

I just find the hypocritical outrage of the other side funny.

Oh, and I couldn't vote for Hillary even if I wanted to. I would have to become a US citizen first.


LOL Good for you and my apologies.

Of course I'm not a Rep. I'm an Indi. One of those folks both sides are always trying to get votes from.

Like you I have no use for Hilbat because I see her for what she is, not what she would like everyone to believe she is.

Should be an interesting run for the white house and there will be loads of humor to go around.
Sorry. But most folks lost faith in the system long ago. Me among em.

Obviously not, since you still think Hillary will go to jail


No. I doubt seriously that anything will come of this and no way will she land in jail.

No way will she be held accountable but it might be enough to get the DNC to back someone else. She'll have loads of baggage on her run to the WH.

I hate to think of that POS being POTUS. Good God. What a disaster that would be. Even more of a disaster than Barry and his incompetent pack of boobs.
Sorry. But most folks lost faith in the system long ago. Me among em.

Obviously not, since you still think Hillary will go to jail


No. I doubt seriously that anything will come of this and no way will she land in jail.

No way will she be held accountable but it might be enough to get the DNC to back someone else. She'll have loads of baggage on her run to the WH.

I hate to think of that POS being POTUS. Good God. What a disaster that would be. Even more of a disaster than Barry and his incompetent pack of boobs.
And her comments from the past don't hold. How can she claim a right wing conspiracy when it's a left wing controlled White house? The FBI director is picked by the left wing as well as DOJ and inspector general.

Will she go to jail? As a sitting president no but as someone running for office? She WOULD be the highest ranking person to do so but not the first.

A cocky Hillary Clinton on Tuesday shrugged off the questions swirling around materials culled from her private email account which the U.S. intelligence community has since classified as 'top secret,' making light of a reporter who asked if she had 'wiped the server' clean.

'What, like with a cloth or something?' Clinton chuckled? 'Well, no. I don't know how it works digitally at all.'

Let's see how "funny" the judge thinks those kind of comments are when he sentences her.

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