Well, folks, it was CLINTON'S JOB to mark sensitive material Top Secret!

Right. I keep wondering when they have enough info to go to the grand jury. Let's see, for a thorough investigation, it takes months. Grand Jury about August of 2016; indictment about September. Joe needs to be ready.

The longer nobody does anything, the more fun we'll have.

And "jellybean" Joe? He's a gift that keeps on giving...

It's alleged that Hillary aids might have intentionally photo shopped her E-mail to try to conceal the classified marks. The cover up used to be worse than the crime but not so much with democrats but let's see. Even one half of the notorious former Watergate reporter team, Woodward and Bernstein, suggests that Hillary's e-mail scandal compares to Nixon's White House Tapes.
The difference between Nixon and Clinton was that the Republicans wanted to get to the bottom of it as much as the Democrats. Now, Democrats are standing one their heads, claiming SHE DIDN'T KNOW!
They (democrats) don't care. They want hillary as POTUS. Hell, she could be feeding ISIS info and she would STILL be "The One".

This is called tunnel vision. Refusal to see someone not worthy to be POTUS, but her PARTY is determined for the PARTY to hold that office.

They are going to have to care. The FBI head, Comey is not impressed with credentials. I will post who he has prosecuted, they include Petraeus, Scooter Libby and others.

When the damage is surmounting and all Clinton has is jokes, the call will go in to Biden. Gaffes are better than an indictment!
The fact she chuckled after the question says a lot about her. You are looking into the face of some one who would STEAL from you and laugh at you for them doing it.
I thought she did a good job! Made the reporter look kind of bad.
Are you high? She looks like an idiot.

With a cloth or something. Give me a break.

She reminded me of Nixon when she tried to side-step the reporter's questions. You could almost see the beads of sweat getting ready to pour out of her.
This email issue has reached critical mass. She is either grossly incompetent and a liar or she is a criminal and a liar.

This post deserves special mention...it sums up the situation as well as can be done.

I invite any defenders of Mrs. Clinton to step forward and take it on.

Responses like "Hater Dupe" and "Nutter" will be deemed to mean you have no way to defend the woman.
They (democrats) don't care. They want hillary as POTUS. Hell, she could be feeding ISIS info and she would STILL be "The One".

This is called tunnel vision. Refusal to see someone not worthy to be POTUS, but her PARTY is determined for the PARTY to hold that office.

They are going to have to care. The FBI head, Comey is not impressed with credentials. I will post who he has prosecuted, they include Petraeus, Scooter Libby and others.

When the damage is surmounting and all Clinton has is jokes, the call will go in to Biden. Gaffes are better than an indictment!
The fact she chuckled after the question says a lot about her. You are looking into the face of some one who would STEAL from you and laugh at you for them doing it.

Worse than that. If she knew she could get away with it, Hillary is the type of person who would gleefully put a bullet in your head, march your whole family off to a Gulag, and then go home and eat supper like nothing happened.
Well, we know Hillary is not honest, but really doesn't she know it is going to catch up with her?

Come to think about it, she lied in the past, got caught in the lies and it never hurt her politically. Let's see if it is different this time. Rooting for the law, this time.
A federal judge in Washington has scheduled a hearing for Thursday in what has become a side issue in the Clinton email controversy.

The judge will hear argument on what's to become of a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, a conservative group, for records related to Huma Abedin, an aide to Clinton, a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate. Originally filed in 2013, the lawsuit sought details of the arrangement under which Abedin was a "special government employee," allowing her to do outside consulting work while on the federal payroll.

Court Hearing Thursday on Issue Related to Clinton Emails - NBC News
Well, we know Hillary is not honest, but really doesn't she know it is going to catch up with her?

Come to think about it, she lied in the past, got caught in the lies and it never hurt her politically. Let's see if it is different this time. Rooting for the law, this time.
As much as I think women want to see a woman in the oval office I also think they are looking more at legacy. They don't want a one shot deal and they know after watching Obama he has set his race back for that office maybe five decades.

I think women as a whole will show more foresight in their first pick.
Because their legacy and future as a gender in politics rides on it.
Well, we know Hillary is not honest, but really doesn't she know it is going to catch up with her?

Come to think about it, she lied in the past, got caught in the lies and it never hurt her politically. Let's see if it is different this time. Rooting for the law, this time.
As much as I think women want to see a woman in the oval office I also think they are looking more at legacy. They don't want a one shot deal and they know after watching Obama he has set his race back for that office maybe five decades.

I think women as a whole will show more foresight in their first pick.
Because their legacy and future as a gender in politics rides on it.
I would like to think women are more scrutinizing than to vote for a woman only because she is a woman. Can't they see the character flaws in this woman? Has she had the courage to address issues? Does she even understand them???

She was such a failure as SoS, she had leaders of other countries AVOIDING her! Please ladies! Let's have our intellect operating when we decide we can do better than Hillary for POTUS!
Well, folks, it was CLINTON'S JOB to mark sensitive material Top Secret
Where is #g5000, anyway?

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