We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
fraud is fraud no matter how old. now tell me he didn't get nailed for 'em. LOL!!!!!

did you have a university that charged bigley tuition to learn yer so called skills?

how'z about having yer own charitable foundation to which you used it as yer own personal bank account??

hmmmm .... did you ever try to steal an old woman's home & property - so you could bulldoze & pave it over to build a casino parking lot for the patrons of one of yer bankrupted casinos?

no? no you say?

well then sit down, sucker.
/——/ Universities do game their degree programs squeeze more money out of students. The Trump charity was a target of the left, but the finances were perfectly legal. And no one property was stolen. All the casinos were built on private property. Geeeze get a clue.
They don’t have the authority to do it
It’s like my neighbor sending me a bill when my dog barks.
More emotive showmanship.

just like he lied about getting audited.

How do you know this ? It's time everyone come clean for the American people, and then we can do the math on who did the best job for the American people while in office or was the best in the lead up to it.. We can always ponder who was the worst out of office, and agree as to why that doesn't truly matter when gauged against what they've done to serve the people while in office, otherwise just as long as they've hung up their outlaw spurs and metaphorical outlaw holsters before they walk into the people's house in order to serve the people, all of the people, all of the time until they leave office.

The figures should show as to who is serving the best or had since served the best regardless of prior activities outside of the office.

However we always figure that such things don't matter (what was going on outside the office) if they weren't to bad (none perfect, no not one), just as long as they do their damned job's for us (as promised) while they are in there.

Emphasis on "NOT BAD".

Hunter Biden and Joe make Trump look like a boy scout in comparison.
Bobb lets the J6 little Torquemadas have a piece of her mind. This wasn't all she said but it's worth recording.

Bobb lets the J6 little Torquemadas have a piece of her mind. This wasn't all she said but it's worth recording.

If she tweeted that picture, and it was because she truly felt that the election was stolen, and democracy in this country was officially over, then it's up to the country to truly (like she said they should do), investigate properly the entire debacle, otherwise go as far back as Barack Obama and his administration with the alledged use of our CIA to spy on Trump in hopes to connect him with something nefarious in order to stop his popularity that ultimately gave him the Whitehouse, and better yet gave it to him straight up with no cheating, although it was moaned about for 4+ years by the Democrat's that Trump stole that election.

It blows one's mind to think that such a hearing wouldn't investigate the entire lead up to J6, otherwise going all the way back to before 2016.

The people were completely fed up with everything they saw and heard coming out of the Democrat's mouth's (many of which had since been proven as lie's now), and that's what made the J6 committee a flipping joke and farce, because it was definitely to most American's a witch hunt, and yet another covering up of the alledged real coup that was started against Trump before 2016.

They dare question someone tweeting a picture due their frustrations over the matter, but let their own democrat's off the hook when they were constantly calling for violence against republican's out of their own mouth's, and worse with disgusting depictions of Trump's head cut off, and their rhetoric stating if you see them in a restaurant, get in their faces, tell them they aren't wanted here, harass them or the one with Chucky saying that the CIA etc has ways of getting to you Trump, otherwise if you challenge or go against them, and on and on and on the coup went unobstructed.

So it leads up to January 6th, otherwise with all the pent up frustrations from before 2016, and it blew it's top finally.

This is how they don't want it perceived.
My point also....The media and the democrats orchestrated all this and on J6, 'their chickens came home to roost'.
Yep, what I wrote is the root of the problem...So because they (the brainwashed), hate Trump so bad, they won't allow true justice to work against the original culprit's that started it all. They have been duped to falsely paint a terrible picture in which even though it was a lie, they still cling to it because with them always the end justifies the means.
/——/ Universities do game their degree programs squeeze more money out of students.

so yer chosen one is excused?

The Trump charity was a target of the left, but the finances were perfectly legal.

false.. & the fact it was dissolved because donny spent part of it on a self portrait among other things?

And no one property was stolen. All the casinos were built on private property. Geeeze get a clue.

i never said vera coking's property WAS stolen ... i said donny TRIED to steal it out from under her by attempting to use eminent domain
( which is meant for public benefit ) to take it for his own PRIVATE biz'nez. he LOST that case & that's why he didn't go thru with the plan.

donny was talking exactly about ...


... you.

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