We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
The question is why do you leftist always focus on things that have no bearing on the job in which Trump done as President ? It's because his job as president was outstanding, so if you are to undermine that, then you must go outside the presidential realm in order to find something (a needle in a haystack/witch hunt), in hopes to get him on something, anything. You leftist have been so predictable in all of this.

Brett Kavanagh was another example of your groups despicable action's on trying to exact a political outcome at any cost.

Your group agenda is a scorched earth policy at all cost, so what are you after or gaining in it all ? And stop with these jingles of you are trying to save democracy along with all your other fake bull shite that your group is touting in it all.

Kavanaugh has a drinking problem.
you were pretty quick to jump in there.

What are you talking about at this point?

Do you mean time wise? That comment was four and an half hours later.

Quick to jump in to point out that IDGF about the circus? I want you to realize, that it is a distraction, from far more pressing issues.

Just like those that attack Biden and his foibles. Do you notice in this whole "twitter files," garbage, every conservative is focused on the fact that the MSM, and twitter, ignored the Hunter Biden laptop, but none of them every post content that was actually ON that laptop?

Why? Do you think any of them actually know, any thing that was on that laptop, other than the salacious garbage?

It was pure theater. They issued the subpoena right before the election, and dropped it right after. Total clown show.
Same with the timing of the fake urgent raid over “national security breach” BS. The good news is more formerly stupid people are waking up, in droves!

I about fell out of my chair (had I been sitting) when my “marker” friend who happens to be a female, diehard partisan Democrat, party over country voter always, said she believes she was given false info by her doctor about the effectiveness of “vaccines”! I sealed my mouth shut after she said that already knowing that could switch it to party versus party in her mind. She has previously stated independents need to make a stand for one of the two major parties, a tad authoritarian if you ask me, but she’s figuring it out on her own at her own pace, and I cannot believe it! This gives me great hope for many other Democrats to stop making this a political issue!
The difference is Melania actually believes the words she speaks. Moochie is a kunt.

lol ... melania believed that by stealing michele's speech - she'd look more like a real first lady & not the sliced & diced, botoxed, & siliconed gold digging mail order bride/3rd baby mama that had to be paid in order to marry a carnival barker, that she really is.
did you have a university that charged bigley tuition to learn yer so called skills?

how'z about having yer own charitable foundation to which you used it as yer own personal bank account??

hmmmm .... did you ever try to steal an old woman's home & property - so you could bulldoze & pave it over to build a casino parking lot for the patrons of one of yer bankrupted casinos?

no? no you say?

well then sit down, sucker.

You’re silly!
lol ... melania believed that by stealing michele's speech - she'd look more like a real first lady & not the sliced & diced, botoxed, & siliconed gold digging mail order bride/3rd baby mama that had to be paid in order to marry a carnival barker, that she really is.

Raging TDS. It’s funny.

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