We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
Please post the law all presidents must release their tax returns.
You can’t because it doesn’t exist.
Here’s a tip. When you get your facts from fools you look foolish.

When crimnals try to hide their crimes, they get caught.

Fixed that for you
hillary showed up & testified for 11 hours at one of the many MANY benghazi hearings. it just shows how donny is just what he likes to grab.
Yeah and the Clinton's have had you all on your knees ever sense. And I thought Monica had it bad.. ROTFLMBO 🤣
Yeah and the Clinton's have had you all on your knees ever sense. And I thought Monica had it bad.. ROTFLMBO 🤣

i never voted for slick willy - so there's that. & hillary wasn't donny.

speaking of the walking mango- when do you think melania had it bad for him? :laughing0301:
here's a clue, jr...

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

it's all a con, & it always has been.
/——-/ Like I said Spanky, we don’t care. President Trump sure as hell is richer than you and me put together.
Not really.
But what must REALLY suck is being such an abject imbecile that you can look a mountain of incriminating evidence in the face and call it "nothing."
/——-/ What evidence? You clowns got nothing, or it would have gone to trial last year. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
Do you understand how propaganda works?

Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement​

A federal court approved a $25 million settlement with students who said they were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct Trump University.
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

Atlantic City Condemnation – Vera Coking​

Public Power, Private Gain: The Abuse of Eminent Domain
“Individual freedom finds tangible expression in property rights.” This statement, penned by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, recognizes how central property rights are to a free society.

Yet, with increasing frequency, federal, state, and local governments bow to political and economic expediency and trample the rights of property owners.

Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and enjoyed her home of more than three decades.
Atlantic City Condemnation - Vera Coking - Institute for Justice

apparently YOU don't.
/—-/ I’ve had contractors do sub par work and I didn’t pay them in full. I guess I defrauded them.

did you have a university that charged bigley tuition to learn yer so called skills?

how'z about having yer own charitable foundation to which you used it as yer own personal bank account??

hmmmm .... did you ever try to steal an old woman's home & property - so you could bulldoze & pave it over to build a casino parking lot for the patrons of one of yer bankrupted casinos?

no? no you say?

well then sit down, sucker.

Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement​

A federal court approved a $25 million settlement with students who said they were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct Trump University.
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

Atlantic City Condemnation – Vera Coking​

Public Power, Private Gain: The Abuse of Eminent Domain
“Individual freedom finds tangible expression in property rights.” This statement, penned by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, recognizes how central property rights are to a free society.

Yet, with increasing frequency, federal, state, and local governments bow to political and economic expediency and trample the rights of property owners.

Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and enjoyed her home of more than three decades.
Atlantic City Condemnation - Vera Coking - Institute for Justice

apparently YOU don't.

Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement​

A federal court approved a $25 million settlement with students who said they were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct Trump University.
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

Atlantic City Condemnation – Vera Coking​

Public Power, Private Gain: The Abuse of Eminent Domain
“Individual freedom finds tangible expression in property rights.” This statement, penned by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, recognizes how central property rights are to a free society.

Yet, with increasing frequency, federal, state, and local governments bow to political and economic expediency and trample the rights of property owners.

Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and enjoyed her home of more than three decades.
Atlantic City Condemnation - Vera Coking - Institute for Justice

apparently YOU don't.
No crime. Settlements aren't crimes.

Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement​

A federal court approved a $25 million settlement with students who said they were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct Trump University.
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

Atlantic City Condemnation – Vera Coking​

Public Power, Private Gain: The Abuse of Eminent Domain
“Individual freedom finds tangible expression in property rights.” This statement, penned by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, recognizes how central property rights are to a free society.

Yet, with increasing frequency, federal, state, and local governments bow to political and economic expediency and trample the rights of property owners.

Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and enjoyed her home of more than three decades.
Atlantic City Condemnation - Vera Coking - Institute for Justice

apparently YOU don't.
Posting 5 year old or more, articles?

Bwaa Haa Haa.....Triggered

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