We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters

Maybe there is something buried in the thousand pages of tax returns that can be twisted and distorted.
I think the left may have pooped in their messkits on that one. Let's see how they like it when repunk run congress demands the tax returns of democrat presidents,, they got themselves a precedent goin' now...assuming the repunks ever develop the balls and 2. that there are any legitimate eletions that a repunk can win.

The leftist screeching is going to reach heaven when that happens
I think the left may have pooped in their messkits on that one. Let's see how they like it when repunk run congress demands the tax returns of democrat presidents,, they got themselves a precedent goin' now...assuming the repunks ever develop the balls and 2. that there are any legitimate eletions that a repunk can win.

The leftist screeching is going to reach heaven when that happens
/----/ Professional politicians craft their returns to pass public scrutiny. So we wouldn't see anything new. Businesspeople craft theirs to pay as little tax as legally possible. What congress needs to do, is publish Hunter Biden's returns and those of Piglosi's husband. That's more likely to reveal stuff.
Hutchinson has disappeared..media isn't touching her now that she's been shown to be a liar. Liars can't be seen PUBLICLY with other liars...expecially proven ones.

The left pulls this 'stuff' all the time. Like they think we are so stupid and naive we can't figure out who is the liar and what is the lie. MEdia ignores the American people, they pretend our opinions don't matter. Disney is finding out our opinions matter. Hollywood finds out our opinions matter. We have more power than they like to think. We need to use it more often. You only have to do it to a few of them for the others to back off.

HOWEVER...this jackass doesn't know when to disappear.

that might be called doubling down....the idiot. LOLOL he doesn't have the face for it and he is unlikeable.
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So you tell me....as soon as you are finished rolling on the floor laughing your fucking ass off of course.
How long do you expect Trump to be able to completely escape the consequences of his words and actions?
You should understand that life, and the world don't work that way.
For everybody there eventually comes a reckoning.

And his has arrived.

Do you doubt this?
And if so how?

How is it you can think this man is immune to the same natural laws that ALL the rest of the natural world is subject to?
Some motherfuckers need to get a life.
Blah, blah, blah. Typical democrat response when they have nothing intelligent to say. Oh, pardon me, they never have anything intelligent to say--like Biden and Harris, their heeeeeeroes.
There's something inthe Bible about how sin dims the mind

and once again we see how True are the Words of that Book (We see it every time we watch national news)
that might be called doubling down....the idiot. LOLOL he doesn't have the face for it and he is unlikeable.
not only is Strzok a liar, but he cannot write. He can't even put together a cogent 2 or 3 line tweet.. We're shocked! How can this be? He is one of the group that is smarter than any ordinary American! So how can this be?

oh yeh... back to that Bible truth of how sin bedims the mind
Look at Strzok's face. Is that the face of a man that can be trusted. Most of them are like this, depending on the degree of wickedness wtihin them. twisted bodies, twisted words, demonic faces. This is a spiritual war for this nation. Light has grown dim in most places of the world...some places the light is out.
How many times is this now that the cult SWORE they wee going to nail Trump?

You pathetic fucking drones.

You wear masks in the shower. Fuck all of you fools.
Oh, first it was 'we gotem' on J6, then it was 'we got 'em in Mara-A-Lago.'.....then it was we got His tax returns.
LOL....you and your clowns are spot on.
His tax returns are supposed to come out, maybe tomorrow.....expect MSM to try and slay Him on how little He paid in Income taxes.....but don't look at Pelosi or Bezos....LOL

blah blah blah.gif

donny doesn't want you to pull back the curtain to show how he's not as wealthy as he makes you suckers think.
According to previous AG's.......congressional inquiry's are often quite bi-partisan in nature and their referrals are treated as such.

nothing bi partisan as first person eye witness accounts of what happened.

& it's all been turned over, so garland can add it to their own intel. it's going to also be a great tool at cross questioning the same witness' for any discrepancies.

oh dear.

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