We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
Please post the law all presidents must release their tax returns.
You can’t because it doesn’t exist.
Here’s a tip. When you get your facts from fools you look foolish.

please post a reasonable answer as to why donny lied for 4 straight years that he was under audit when that was complete bullshit?
Lol, fake committee huh. Lol, how does your retarded ass explain hundreds upon hundreds of convictions for Jan 6th retards? Look at the score board! Score board! Hundreds upon hundreds languishing for that orange fool! Lol, aren't you agood little retard, un I mean republican? WHT aren't you in jail with your brethren? Guess you just a couch republican just watched on TV as those traitors poured into the capital! Lol yall are a bunch of retards

Consolation prizes.
If there is a single thing these animals are good at, it's crafting a tale and having their media sell it to the morons who never tire of beating off to the hate of the Bad Orange Man. They know they have no legal means to disqualify him so their obvious goal is to so poison the public sentiment that if he wins again, they can say he's "treasonous" and therefore they can run wild like animals in the streets "resisting".
Excellent points.
You people are SO STUPID!
The reason the subpoena was rescinded is simply because the Jan. 6th Committee's tenure is up on Jan. 3rd.
Their work is done.
This deadline was not unexpected...and in effect doesn't mean anything at this point.
Rescinding the subpoena that remained in effect during their tenure is only a formality. Tying up loose ends so to speak.
Making sure all I's are dotted and all T's crossed.
Their evidence has already been transferred to the DOJ and the Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith to continue with.
These entities have no expiration date.
IF now, in the future, Smith chooses to issue another subpoena and haul Trump's tangerine ass before a Grand Jury for trial that subpoena will STILL be based upon the evidence that the original (now expired) committee subpoena was based upon....PLUS the new evidence that he chose to defy the first subpoena.

Nothing has changed with the investigation.
The investigation has simply changed hands.

I'm afraid all you MAGAT Trumptards are experiencing premature ejaculations here in your little orgasmic circle-jerk.

The REAL excitement hasn't even started yet.

Better buckle-up snowflakes.
Keep it coming social warrior, Hitler didn't win in WW2, and you socialist won't win now. It's completely obvious on what your side has conducted, implemented, and are attempting to close on ever since before 2016. The country has done great with everything you all have thrown at her, and she'll keep fighting on to the end.
Consolation prizes.
Retarded idiots paying for their crimes. Their sentences, anguish, and wrecked families are directly on trumps shoulders. Lol great guy your furor is huh! Lol, can't wait till your loyalty to a dictator hems you up. That will be a fine day indeed! Mean while I get all warm and fuzzy inside thinking how those tards got pulled into Trumps lies and they are paying for them big time. You gunna try and kill yourself some Congress people next time?
Retarded idiots paying for their crimes. Their sentences, anguish, and wrecked families are directly on trumps shoulders. Lol great guy your furor is huh! Lol, can't wait till your loyalty to a dictator hems you up. That will be a fine day indeed! Mean while I get all warm and fuzzy inside thinking how those tards got pulled into Trumps lies and they are paying for them big time. You gunna try and kill yourself some Congress people next time?
What a frickin Karen type drama rant that was... LOL.

Good grief
Notice they've had them for several weeks now and not a peep.
I guess they are so twisted with hate that it never occurred to them that a billionaire New York businessman might have some of the best tax lawyers in the country on his payroll. Idiots. Add to that the fact that we already know they had several years of backdoor access through their "helpers" at IRS. There is no way they didn't have a long, careful look into all aspects of his finances, taxes, everything.

Anyone who disputes that is an idiot after all of the leaks we saw during his presidency. If he wins again, these thugs are going to try to burn it all down to keep him out of the office. Up until a year or so ago I thought those who were talking about civil war were alarmists and not very bright. Today, I see it much more clearly. They proved with their perpetual investigations and accusations and legal gambits that they will do ANYTHING it takes to stop him. In fact, I think we might well see the violence begin before he even has a chance to win again. After all they've tried and failed with, they are apt to become unhinged. IF they take that step, there will no longer be any doubt that our nation has been attacked from within and at that point, these crazy bastards will find they aren't going to be in the streets alone.
I guess they are so twisted with hate that it never occurred to them that a billionaire New York businessman might have some of the best tax lawyers in the country on his payroll. Idiots. Add to that the fact that we already know they had several years of backdoor access through their "helpers" at IRS. There is no way they didn't have a long, careful look into all aspects of his finances, taxes, everything.

Anyone who disputes that is an idiot after all of the leaks we saw during his presidency. If he wins again, these thugs are going to try to burn it all down to keep him out of the office. Up until a year or so ago I thought those who were talking about civil war were alarmists and not very bright. Today, I see it much more clearly. They proved with their perpetual investigations and accusations and legal gambits that they will do ANYTHING it takes to stop him. In fact, I think we might well see the violence begin before he even has a chance to win again. After all they've tried and failed with, they are apt to become unhinged. IF they take that step, there will no longer be any doubt that our nation has been attacked from within and at that point, these crazy bastards will find they aren't going to be in the streets alone.
Sad, because you might be spot on correct. Trump best be careful big time on this run, and I mean careful. They've been unhinged ever since Trump beat Hillary the pandering hot sauce queen.
lol ... why bother now? besides, they gave it alllllllll to the DOJ who can actually -

& will

act on it.


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Uh huh. I hear the walls are closing in. All they'll accomplish is to boost his popularity and piss off the other half of the country by convincing them that he's guilty of some made up version of "treason". The Constitution is quite clear on the things that can disqualify a citizen from holding that office. You should read it sometime.

Short version - the person has to be convicted of levying war against the country -ACTUAL fighting, combat, WAR. Or they must be proven to give aid and comfort to an enemy of the U.S. - AGAIN - in support of an actual enemy that is in a fight with the nation. That's right... you got no chance at all of making Treason stick and treason or a history of having been removed as a result of impeachment are the only two disqualifying elements.
all in due time. & don't forget about georgia ...
Oh, first it was 'we gotem' on J6, then it was 'we got 'em in Mara-A-Lago.'.....then it was we got His tax returns.
LOL....you and your clowns are spot on.
His tax returns are supposed to come out, maybe tomorrow.....expect MSM to try and slay Him on how little He paid in Income taxes.....but don't look at Pelosi or Bezos....LOL
lol ... why bother now? besides, they gave it alllllllll to the DOJ who can actually -

& will

act on it.


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