We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
So you tell me....as soon as you are finished rolling on the floor laughing your fucking ass off of course.
How long do you expect Trump to be able to completely escape the consequences of his words and actions?
You should understand that life, and the world don't work that way.
For everybody there eventually comes a reckoning.

And his has arrived.

Do you doubt this?
And if so how?

How is it you can think this man is immune to the same natural laws that ALL the rest of the natural world is subject to?
You've been up his ass with a microscope for seven years now and, contrary to your party's lying claims, you have yet to find so much as a hemorrhoid. Ever hear the definition of insanity? Paraphrased, it is continuing to do the same things expecting different results. Answer your own stupid questions--I'll continue to roll on the floor laughing at your unsuccessful attempts.
Exactly. They did the same thing to Governor Palin. Harassment. She resigned to stop it. It's what they do. They're vile nasty evil vermin and should never be allowed any position in government. The Democrat party has been hijacked by nazi fascist socialist scum.

what bullshit. palin resigned to whore her book.
and of course hunters laptop is disinformation....you forgot that anthony weiner


How many convictions for insurrection?
How are they going to convict Trump for insurrection when none of the “insurrectionists” got convicted of it ?
You are the dumbest MFer on the planet.

ummmm .... some have already been convicted of seditious conspiracy & are waiting sentencing - which btw- carries a 20 year stint; whereas insurrection 'only' carries a 10 yr sentence.

seems they were CONVICTED of a more serious crime.
yes you were mistaken.
No, dumb fuck, there has NEVER been a law requiring the release of a POTUS's tax records. Carter started it and it has been done VOLUNTARILY ever since. If a POTUS's tax records must be made public then EVERY other public official in the country should be held to the same standard. How about yours? What makes your tax records sacrosanct. Show me yours! Stupid fucking democrats never cease to amaze me with their stupidity.
/——/Nixon’s taxes were leaked so he voluntarily released the entire return.

& donny lied multiple times claiming he couldn't release them because he was under audit when NO SUCH THING was going on. he lied to hide the fact that he's just not as wealthy as he claimed.

surprise, surprise. /not
Fake committee, fake subpoena. But, I get it, you guys will make up anything to 'get' Trump.
Lol, fake committee huh. Lol, how does your retarded ass explain hundreds upon hundreds of convictions for Jan 6th retards? Look at the score board! Score board! Hundreds upon hundreds languishing for that orange fool! Lol, aren't you agood little retard, un I mean republican? WHT aren't you in jail with your brethren? Guess you just a couch republican just watched on TV as those traitors poured into the capital! Lol yall are a bunch of retards

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