We'll get him next time - for sure. Committee drops Trumps Jan 6 Subpoena.

Will democrats get him next time?

  • For sure.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • After 6, 457 attempts they will fail again.

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
I don't get how the democrats are getting away with releasing Trumps tax returns to the public. What's next, they seize ours and make them public? I was under the apparently mistaken assumption that tax records were between the taxpayer and the IRS.

yes you were mistaken. Presidential tax records have been released since Nixon by every President.

Now Trumps will. Who by the way was under the mistaken assumption he didn't have to.
Lol, something to twist like hundreds upon hundreds of convictions of Jan 6th traitors. We may not have Trump yet but hundreds upon hundreds of of traitorous shits sit languishing in jail for that fat beach ball conman.. lol you or that fat orange pos put anything on their commissary? Lol look at the score board boys hundreds upon hundreds of convictions. Keeps me warm at night knowing they are in jail.

How many convictions for insurrection?
How are they going to convict Trump for insurrection when none of the “insurrectionists” got convicted of it ?
You are the dumbest MFer on the planet.
yes you were mistaken. Presidential tax records have been released since Nixon by every President.

Now Trumps will. Who by the way was under the mistaken assumption he didn't have to.

Now, what we have here is a perfect example of a groomed leftist lying to itself.
It knows other presidents voluntarily released their tax returns.
It knows theres no law demanding they do so.
It pretends to not know these facts and twists itself into believing Trump broke the law.
The DemoRats aren't about to stop their campaign to destroy Trump. Maybe they'll dig up Gloria Allred and go with more sexual accusations.

Their problem is when investigating anybody who does big real estate deals is they keep running across all those deals that require bribing Democrat office holders to grease the spokes.
How many convictions for insurrection?
How are they going to convict Trump for insurrection when none of the “insurrectionists” got convicted of it ?
You are the dumbest MFer on the planet.
Lol, we got them on seditious conspiracy, there retard. So far 10 indicted, 5 convicted. Lol. And this shit ain't over. So ya gotta love all those retards languishing in jail. But stay tuned more are coming. Lol how many convictions your side got? Oh ya zero. Lol. ReTaRd repugs are really awesome at losing!
Now, what we have here is a perfect example of a groomed leftist lying to itself.
It knows other presidents voluntarily released their tax returns.
It knows theres no law demanding they do so.
It pretends to not know these facts and twists itself into believing Trump broke the law.

It's a proven fact he broke the law. Thats not even a question anymore.

His taxes aren't anymore either.
Make them pay back every cent they spent on this political witch hunt out of their personal banks accounts....
That would help to ensure no party tries this again....
Now, what we have here is a perfect example of a groomed leftist lying to itself.
It knows other presidents voluntarily released their tax returns.
It knows theres no law demanding they do so.
It pretends to not know these facts and twists itself into believing Trump broke the law.
/——/Nixon’s taxes were leaked so he voluntarily released the entire return.
You people are SO STUPID!
The reason the subpoena was rescinded is simply because the Jan. 6th Committee's tenure is up on Jan. 3rd.
Their work is done.
This deadline was not unexpected...and in effect doesn't mean anything at this point.
Rescinding the subpoena that remained in effect during their tenure is only a formality. Tying up loose ends so to speak.
Making sure all I's are dotted and all T's crossed.
Their evidence has already been transferred to the DOJ and the Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith to continue with.
These entities have no expiration date.
IF now, in the future, Smith chooses to issue another subpoena and haul Trump's tangerine ass before a Grand Jury for trial that subpoena will STILL be based upon the evidence that the original (now expired) committee subpoena was based upon....PLUS the new evidence that he chose to defy the first subpoena.

Nothing has changed with the investigation.
The investigation has simply changed hands.

I'm afraid all you MAGAT Trumptards are experiencing premature ejaculations here in your little orgasmic circle-jerk.

The REAL excitement hasn't even started yet.

Better buckle-up snowflakes.
/——-/ Quick, send the DNC more money. CHOP CHOP

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