Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?
I hope many $Millions.

I'm certain it will be.
Their stock has lost hundreds of millions, heads will roll, lawsuits will cost additional millions, boycotts even more millions.
When it's all said and done United for it's fuck up, will likely either be gone or a shell of it's former self.
As it should be. Passengers have been treated like cattle for decades. This will force much needed changes in passengers rights.

It will no doubt end over booking for sure. There will likely be new rules drawn up that will punish any airline failing to comply.

In the end, there will be so many new regulations, prices will increase.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.

My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

It's not the scream that gets to them; it's the idea that an ordinary citizen would dare to ever defy a Jackboot. Their prime directive is always Assume Position Bend Over and Obey anything that barks orders. Und do so visout qvestion in ze name of Authority (Praise Be Unto It).

---Which to me just seems :gay:

To me, the man seemed very brave standing up to three burly officers who were threatening him

Our conservative choose to characterize him as a little homo screaming like a little girl
My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

I don't think any of it was funny, I think the whole situation should have been handled differently. I just think this guy was ridiculous in how he personally acted. He could have stood up, complained, walked off, and then sought compensation later. Instead, screaming like a child which obviously was what upset the other passengers the most, not only assured he wasn't going to get home on time, but everyone now was going to have their flight ruined.

That's a cute revisionist history attempt but fails miserably. We already have video, and the video has audio, and the audio points outrage at the Jackboots --- not the victim.

I know it must give you the willies to entertain the thought that the Jackboots are just that, and I suspect you'd prolly shit your pants before you'd admit it but them's the facts.

I'm not saying they were not outraged by the treatment, I'm saying the mans over the top screams made the situation much worse, and that's what led to upsetting the passengers the most.

Yeah I can see what you're doing. You're realizing you've been sitting on the wrong side of this issue and are trying to taxi yourself into a 180.

Just fess up and admit you were wrong the whole time and we'll move on.
My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

I don't think any of it was funny, I think the whole situation should have been handled differently. I just think this guy was ridiculous in how he personally acted. He could have stood up, complained, walked off, and then sought compensation later. Instead, screaming like a child which obviously was what upset the other passengers the most, not only assured he wasn't going to get home on time, but everyone now was going to have their flight ruined.

That's a cute revisionist history attempt but fails miserably. We already have video, and the video has audio, and the audio points outrage at the Jackboots --- not the victim.

I know it must give you the willies to entertain the thought that the Jackboots are just that, and I suspect you'd prolly shit your pants before you'd admit it but them's the facts.

I'm not saying they were not outraged by the treatment, I'm saying the mans over the top screams made the situation much worse, and that's what led to upsetting the passengers the most.

You don't think all the blood was upsetting?
Or an unconscious bloody man being dragged up an aisle?
Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?
I hope many $Millions.

I'm certain it will be.
Their stock has lost hundreds of millions, heads will roll, lawsuits will cost additional millions, boycotts even more millions.
When it's all said and done United for it's fuck up, will likely either be gone or a shell of it's former self.
As it should be. Passengers have been treated like cattle for decades. This will force much needed changes in passengers rights.

Really this is as much about police culture/authoritarian culture in general as it is about United Airlines. There's little difference between this and Eric Casebolt, the cop who manhandled a teenage girl at a pool party in Texas, or that other asshat who came into a classroom and threw another teenage girl across the room. That is what's on trial here ----- that bullshit testosteronic "might makes right" mentality. It's gotta go, yesterday.

And it's not surprising to see the same authoritarian-passive sycophants again taking the side of the Jackboot against the victim.

And what a supreme irony that the recipient of this testosteronic bullshit is named "Dao", which is the pronunciation of "Tao".
Oh how fucking absurd.

My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

It's not the scream that gets to them; it's the idea that an ordinary citizen would dare to ever defy a Jackboot. Their prime directive is always Assume Position Bend Over and Obey anything that barks orders. Und do so visout qvestion in ze name of Authority (Praise Be Unto It).

---Which to me just seems :gay:

To me, the man seemed very brave standing up to three burly officers who were threatening him

Our conservative choose to characterize him as a little homo screaming like a little girl

You can stand up, protest, then act like an adult instead of making a spectacle of yourself which then ruins the day for everyone.

But as we all know, the world revolves around this man, he's the most important person in the world, if a couple hundred other peoples day is ruined, so be it, because this guy was more important than the rest.
Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

I don't think any of it was funny, I think the whole situation should have been handled differently. I just think this guy was ridiculous in how he personally acted. He could have stood up, complained, walked off, and then sought compensation later. Instead, screaming like a child which obviously was what upset the other passengers the most, not only assured he wasn't going to get home on time, but everyone now was going to have their flight ruined.

That's a cute revisionist history attempt but fails miserably. We already have video, and the video has audio, and the audio points outrage at the Jackboots --- not the victim.

I know it must give you the willies to entertain the thought that the Jackboots are just that, and I suspect you'd prolly shit your pants before you'd admit it but them's the facts.

I'm not saying they were not outraged by the treatment, I'm saying the mans over the top screams made the situation much worse, and that's what led to upsetting the passengers the most.

Yeah I can see what you're doing. You're realizing you've been sitting on the wrong side of this issue and are trying to taxi yourself into a 180.

Just fess up and admit you were wrong the whole time and we'll move on.

I'm not doing a 180, I'm blaming United for creating a ridiculous situation, but all the while I'm blaming the screamer for acting like a spoiled little bitch.
My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

It's not the scream that gets to them; it's the idea that an ordinary citizen would dare to ever defy a Jackboot. Their prime directive is always Assume Position Bend Over and Obey anything that barks orders. Und do so visout qvestion in ze name of Authority (Praise Be Unto It).

---Which to me just seems :gay:

To me, the man seemed very brave standing up to three burly officers who were threatening him

Our conservative choose to characterize him as a little homo screaming like a little girl

You can stand up, protest, then act like an adult instead of making a spectacle of yourself which then ruins the day for everyone.

But as we all know, the world revolves around this man, he's the most important person in the world, if a couple hundred other peoples day is ruined, so be it, because this guy was more important than the rest.

It is United Airlines that provoked the spectacle and "ruined everybody's day"
THEY made the stupid decision to remove seated passengers to accommodate more crew
Given there was no alternative flight until 3PM the next day, they should have expected confrontation

Things only got worse from there
United is paying a heavy price

Listen to the passengers on the plane...they are blaming United, yelling at the police and defending the poor man they are beating
They also took it out on the new crew once they boarded....Look what you caused
The soon to be rich doctor already has his lawyers ready to sick 'em on the soon to be defendents.

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

Lawyers for Dr. David Dao, the Kentucky doctor who was violently pulled from a United Airlines flight on Sunday, have called a press conference for 11 a.m. Thursday in Chicago. His daughter, Crystal Dao Pepper, will also speak....

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

The guy saw his chance for a fortune and he took it......he knew that refusing to leave would lead the cops to extract him, and he made sure that he made a spectacle for youtube...now he is going to cash in...the guy is a genius....except for that whole, selling drugs for sex with his patients and losing his medical license thing....

WTF is wrong with you people? If this were YOUR 69 year old father/grand father, would you be saying the same?

You know, with your fanatical preoccupation with guns, you are one sick little twitch. But to be fair, all RWNJs love to see innocent people hurt. This poor guy is lucky one of you wasn't there to shoot him.

And injury to his sinuses. He now requires several reconstructive surgeries and will suffer the rest of his life for this assault.

He was asked to leave by the police...in fact, they told him if he refused to just leave the seat...you know....fucking stand up and walk out, he would end up being arrested.....and he told the cop he preferred to be arrested, and the cop was apparently confused by this response...not realizing the guy was planning on suing the airline.........then he made a scene .....to cash in.....

He was given a lawful order by the police, he was in violation of airline policy.........and as far as his alleged injuries...I wouldn't trust that for all it was worth...

The man is a convicted felon who sold prescription drugs to hook his patients so they would have sex with him.....

My grandfather would have peacefully gotten out of the fucking seat.....

He was given a lawful order by the police, he was in violation of airline policy

Well, you got a problem there hoss. It was not a legal order. Nor was it "in violation of airline policy".

A passenger's legal rights increase immensely once the paid for seat is taken. It is not like he was waiting at the gate or lounging in the concourse. He was in his seat. Once there, unless he was presenting a danger or disruption to the other passengers, he had the right to remain seated, there was no probable cause for arrest, he was most certainly not violating any law.

Now, I hear people talk about how their grandfather would have acted. I tell you something, if they would have pulled that shit on my five foot nothing grandpaw at 69, they might have got him out of there but there would be some cops in a whole world of hurt.
Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

I don't think any of it was funny, I think the whole situation should have been handled differently. I just think this guy was ridiculous in how he personally acted. He could have stood up, complained, walked off, and then sought compensation later. Instead, screaming like a child which obviously was what upset the other passengers the most, not only assured he wasn't going to get home on time, but everyone now was going to have their flight ruined.

That's a cute revisionist history attempt but fails miserably. We already have video, and the video has audio, and the audio points outrage at the Jackboots --- not the victim.

I know it must give you the willies to entertain the thought that the Jackboots are just that, and I suspect you'd prolly shit your pants before you'd admit it but them's the facts.

I'm not saying they were not outraged by the treatment, I'm saying the mans over the top screams made the situation much worse, and that's what led to upsetting the passengers the most.

Yeah I can see what you're doing. You're realizing you've been sitting on the wrong side of this issue and are trying to taxi yourself into a 180.

Just fess up and admit you were wrong the whole time and we'll move on.

I'm not doing a 180, I'm blaming United for creating a ridiculous situation, but all the while I'm blaming the screamer for acting like a spoiled little bitch.

"Spoiled"? Because he paid the vendor for his seat and had the absurd temerity to actually sit in it? That's what "spoiled" means on your planet?

For the life o' me I can't see why you wimps can't summon up the stones to defy the heavy hand of authority when it's in the wrong. Y'all are gonna give yourselves hernias with these obsequious how-fast-can-I-bend-over gyrations.
I just watched a new video, where the guy was already on the phone talking about a lawsuit even before they dragged him off.
The officer was telling him he was making it harder than it needed to be, but again the officer apparently at that point didn't realize he was dealing with the most important man on earth. He is after all a doctor, and they should never have been asked to leave in the first place.
My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

It's not the scream that gets to them; it's the idea that an ordinary citizen would dare to ever defy a Jackboot. Their prime directive is always Assume Position Bend Over and Obey anything that barks orders. Und do so visout qvestion in ze name of Authority (Praise Be Unto It).

---Which to me just seems :gay:

To me, the man seemed very brave standing up to three burly officers who were threatening him

Our conservative choose to characterize him as a little homo screaming like a little girl

You can stand up, protest, then act like an adult instead of making a spectacle of yourself which then ruins the day for everyone.

But as we all know, the world revolves around this man, he's the most important person in the world, if a couple hundred other peoples day is ruined, so be it, because this guy was more important than the rest.
What is wrong with you? Those security guys tasked with removing the passenger were incompetent and did not know how to do their job, specifically the third one who instigated the forcible removal. You are making excuses and defending a person who was unqualified to do the job he was assigned. A trained and competent person would know how to de-escalate the situation and accomplished the task without the use of violence. But even if force were needed, three security officers should have been able to handcuff and lead the 69-year-old individual out of the aircraft without giving him a head concussion, broken nose and knocked out teeth.
Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?

The case will go then go to appeals court for years, unless the doctor accepts a settlement waaaay lower. Looks like the victim is already the bad guy according to some posters here.
Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?
I hope many $Millions.

I'm certain it will be.
Their stock has lost hundreds of millions, heads will roll, lawsuits will cost additional millions, boycotts even more millions.
When it's all said and done United for it's fuck up, will likely either be gone or a shell of it's former self.
As it should be. Passengers have been treated like cattle for decades. This will force much needed changes in passengers rights.

Really this is as much about police culture/authoritarian culture in general as it is about United Airlines. There's little difference between this and Eric Casebolt, the cop who manhandled a teenage girl at a pool party in Texas, or that other asshat who came into a classroom and threw another teenage girl across the room. That is what's on trial here ----- that bullshit testosteronic "might makes right" mentality. It's gotta go, yesterday.

And it's not surprising to see the same authoritarian-passive sycophants again taking the side of the Jackboot against the victim.

And what a supreme irony that the recipient of this testosteronic bullshit is named "Dao", which is the pronunciation of "Tao".

That is what's on trial here ----- that bullshit testosteronic "might makes right" mentality. It's gotta go, yesterday.

Absolutely, it has got to go. But the thing is, these episodes are not a sign of strength. The exact opposite. They are indicative of a institution in serious decline. Come on, authority beating up little girls and old men. Hell, that's all they got.

Yeah, sue United's ass off. Sure, sue the security company. But you know what, SHAME the rest of the passengers. I would like to think that if I was on the plane and knew the situation the airline employees would have been renting a car and Dr. Dao would be back at home without a broke face. If I were traveling with my sons I know those employees would be have rented a car. It is that might makes right thing turned around on their head.
I just watched a new video, where the guy was already on the phone talking about a lawsuit even before they dragged him off.
The officer was telling him he was making it harder than it needed to be, but again the officer apparently at that point didn't realize he was dealing with the most important man on earth. He is after all a doctor, and they should never have been asked to leave in the first place.

The lawsuit would have been about United forcing a doctor to miss appointments with his patients

As it turns out, United will be sued for beating the shit out of an elderly passenger
The soon to be rich doctor already has his lawyers ready to sick 'em on the soon to be defendents.

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

Lawyers for Dr. David Dao, the Kentucky doctor who was violently pulled from a United Airlines flight on Sunday, have called a press conference for 11 a.m. Thursday in Chicago. His daughter, Crystal Dao Pepper, will also speak....

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

The guy saw his chance for a fortune and he took it......he knew that refusing to leave would lead the cops to extract him, and he made sure that he made a spectacle for youtube...now he is going to cash in...the guy is a genius....except for that whole, selling drugs for sex with his patients and losing his medical license thing....
So your assumption when you disagree with an employee at an airport is that you'll get your ass beat???
His rights were violated and he's acting appropriately.
Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

It's not the scream that gets to them; it's the idea that an ordinary citizen would dare to ever defy a Jackboot. Their prime directive is always Assume Position Bend Over and Obey anything that barks orders. Und do so visout qvestion in ze name of Authority (Praise Be Unto It).

---Which to me just seems :gay:

To me, the man seemed very brave standing up to three burly officers who were threatening him

Our conservative choose to characterize him as a little homo screaming like a little girl

You can stand up, protest, then act like an adult instead of making a spectacle of yourself which then ruins the day for everyone.

But as we all know, the world revolves around this man, he's the most important person in the world, if a couple hundred other peoples day is ruined, so be it, because this guy was more important than the rest.
What is wrong with you? Those security guys tasked with removing the passenger were incompetent and did not know how to do their job, specifically the third one who instigated the forcible removal. You are making excuses and defending a person who was unqualified to do the job he was assigned. A trained and competent person would know how to de-escalate the situation and accomplished the task without the use of violence. But even if force were needed, three security officers should have been able to handcuff and lead the 69-year-old individual out of the aircraft without giving him a head concussion, broken nose and knocked out teeth.

It was United that said.......We offered $800, now lets bring in the Brute Squad

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