Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

^^^ Amen to that! I don't blame him for going as far as he is able to go with this. When people decide to get physical enough, do not just sit there and let them use you for target practice. You let them know up front what happens when they kick a sleeping dog. To me, his patients who you know were going to be inconvenienced one way or another should file their own lawsuits against the airline if their reasons for needing that doctor were severe enough.

God bless you and him and his patients always!!!

The soon to be rich doctor already has his lawyers ready to sick 'em on the soon to be defendents.

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

Lawyers for Dr. David Dao, the Kentucky doctor who was violently pulled from a United Airlines flight on Sunday, have called a press conference for 11 a.m. Thursday in Chicago. His daughter, Crystal Dao Pepper, will also speak....

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

Good. Hope he and his lawyer stick it to United big time.
After seeing this latest video and reading the transcript, I feel even less sorry for this drama queen than I did before.
NEW video recorded onboard a United Airlines plane shows the moments that led to a passenger being violently dragged from the overbooked flight.

The footage, captured by a passenger sat directly behind Dr David Dao, shows the Kentucky physician telling police he would rather go to jail than get off the plane, saying “you can drag me”.

Earlier footage of Dr Dao being dragged bloodied and screaming from the plane — scheduled to travel from Chicago to Kentucky — has made global headlines, earned the US carrier international condemnation, and wiped a reported $1.3 billion from the company’s value.

But vision showing what led to the shocking act adds another layer to the scandalous story.

The clip, recorded by a woman sitting behind Dr Dao, shows him talking on the phone while being asked to leave the aircraft by police.

He refuses, saying: “I won’t go. I’m a physician, have to work tomorrow at 8 o’clock.”

Dr Dao is heard to say he will “make a lawsuit against United Airlines” and adamantly refuses to vacate his seat.

A police officer says to Dr Dao: “I have to drag you ... You know how this is going to end up happening, right?”

A clearly angry Dr Dao says the officer can drag him from the flight, and that he’d rather go to jail.

“You can drag me then, I don’t go. I’m staying. You’ll have to drag me,” he said.

While the officer explains to Dr Dao that not co-operating will make things “a lot harder for you”, Dr Dao interjects saying “I’d rather go to jail”.

Confused, the cop questions Dr Dao seeking to clarify what he has said.

“You’d rather go to jail that just get off the plane?” he asks.

“Yeah,” Dr Dao is heard to reply.

Moments that led to passenger being violently dragged from plane

He was a Doctor fighting to keep his appointments with his patients the next day.....That is the lawsuit he was talking to his lawyer about

Now he will sue United for beating the shit out of an elderly man
After seeing this latest video and reading the transcript, I feel even less sorry for this drama queen than I did before.

He spoke to security agents in a calm, rational voice and explained why he wasn't getting off the plane
At no time, was he a threat to anyone

It was the agents who escalated the situation and knocked him unconscious
After this is all said and done, the Dr. will be able to buy his own personal jet.

I saw footage of what happened a few moments before he was dragged off, and he was wasn't the belligerent freak trip people have been portraying him as -- he was on the phone, calmly, and basically said no, I'm not going...I'm not going.

He screamed only when they forcibly grabbed him (as most people would)

(and also - I can't believe the airline would separate a husband and wife after boarding. I would think the pick would be to any single passengers first.)
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.
He actually was on the phone with the Airline at the time -- not his lawyer.

& FTR: His wife and four of his kids are doctors.
After this is all said and done, the Dr. will be able to buy his own personal jet.

I saw footage of what happened a few moments before he was dragged off, and he was wasn't the belligerent freak trip people have been portraying him as -- he was on the phone, calmly, and basically said no, I'm not going...I'm not going.

He screamed only when they forcibly grabbed him (as most people would)

(and also - I can't believe the airline would separate a husband and wife after boarding. I would think the pick would be to any single passengers first.)

Good point -- I was not aware they separated a couple TOO. This just went from worse to worser.

Shades of Le Grand Dérangement :eek:
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.

Why did you even bring up that he is Asian?
The airline is now begging, bribing people to stay docile:

>> A United spokesperson told CNN affiliate WBBM, “All customers on flight 3411 from Sunday, April 9 are receiving compensation for the cost of their tickets.” In an email obtained by CNN, the airline told its passengers it was offering them $500 flight vouchers but only if they agreed not to sue the company. << --- WNEP

Grovel, worms. :whip:
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.
After this is all said and done, the Dr. will be able to buy his own personal jet.

I saw footage of what happened a few moments before he was dragged off, and he was wasn't the belligerent freak trip people have been portraying him as -- he was on the phone, calmly, and basically said no, I'm not going...I'm not going.

He screamed only when they forcibly grabbed him (as most people would)

(and also - I can't believe the airline would separate a husband and wife after boarding. I would think the pick would be to any single passengers first.)

Most people would utter a blood-curdling scream like this for being grabbed?
I don't think so, and in fact I think "most" people would have acted like an adult and been angry but would have went ahead and complied instead of going into hysterics like Mr Drama Queen did here.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.

How predictable. You're the same asshat who declared last week "I can run over your dog and get away with it". Quelle surprise there. :rolleyes:

Summa y'all have no concept of the term "ethics".
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.
Oh it more than works that way. This guy will be awarded MILLIONS
The airline is now begging, bribing people to stay docile:

>> A United spokesperson told CNN affiliate WBBM, “All customers on flight 3411 from Sunday, April 9 are receiving compensation for the cost of their tickets.” In an email obtained by CNN, the airline told its passengers it was offering them $500 flight vouchers but only if they agreed not to sue the company. << --- WNEP

Grovel, worms. :whip:

Of course. They know their on the verge of bankruptcy thanks to how this whole thing was handled, and thanks to Mr My Time is More Important Than Your Time's hysterics.
Thousands of people are removed off of planes every year and none make a big scene like this moron did.

He needs to bend over and just take it in the ass.....again.

And no, it doesn't work like that. You can't say "fuck a legal document." You are bound by contract. Now, I have no clue how this will end up if it goes to court, but a contract of carriage is a legally binding document that's going to bite him in the ass. As much as he might enjoy it...
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.

Why did you even bring up that he is Asian?

It was brought up way before now. Yesterday in the older thread some klown tried to make the case that the passenger was singled out for being a white male. When I pointed out to this klown that the passenger was (a) Vietnamese and (b) picked at random by computer he held his breath 'til he turned blue, declared "Defeat is Victory" and stomped off insisting he was right regardless of the pesky "facts".
Thousands of people are removed off of planes every year and none make a big scene like this moron did.

He needs to bend over and just take it in the ass.....again.

IOW you're another spineless wimp who falls all to pieces drooling over the he-manity of Authority.

Grow a pair, Wimpy.

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