Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

After this is all said and done, the Dr. will be able to buy his own personal jet.

I saw footage of what happened a few moments before he was dragged off, and he was wasn't the belligerent freak trip people have been portraying him as -- he was on the phone, calmly, and basically said no, I'm not going...I'm not going.

He screamed only when they forcibly grabbed him (as most people would)

(and also - I can't believe the airline would separate a husband and wife after boarding. I would think the pick would be to any single passengers first.)

Most people would utter a blood-curdling scream like this for being grabbed?
I don't think so, and in fact I think "most" people would have acted like an adult and been angry but would have went ahead and complied instead of going into hysterics like Mr Drama Queen did here.

And you're beside yourself because somebody had the stones to do what you don't --- stand up to belligerence.

Another spineless wimp.
Nah, I don't think they handled the situation well and I became a private pilot to avoid stuff just like this, but legally speaking, they asked him to get off the plane and he had to obey. Not obeying opens him up to defying authority. When on an airplane you are subject to FAA rules and regs, if you don't like it, drive. Of course then you're subject to DOT regs.

On an airliner is not a place to defy authority. He's lucky it didn't get worse than it did. If you're pissed, you handle it through legal channels. You don't say "fuck you" to someone of authority on an airplane. It won't turn out well.
Thousands of people are removed off of planes every year and none make a big scene like this moron did.

He needs to bend over and just take it in the ass.....again.
What makes the doctor different compared to them other people is the fact that he never did anything to deserve the booting in the first place. He couldn't have had a more legitimate reason to refuse helping the airline people clean up the mess that they themselves made all on their very own.

God bless you and the doctor and his inconvenienced patients always!!!


P.S. Maybe the remaining airlines will now learn how to better keep track of how many people get tickets for each of their flights.
Stop overbooking flights.......problem solved..............too bad.
That's the worst part of this. The plane wasn't even overbooked.

The airline was trying to scramble to get four of its own employees on board.
You have no idea why you are being asked to leave. In theory, they could have discovered something suspicious in his luggage and wanted him off the plane for further screening. It doesn't matter, if you are asked you get up and leave, you do so. That's not the only plane on the planet, you can fly out on the next plane. But saying FUCK YOU MOTHA FUCKA will make a bad day for you. If you don't think its a legit reason, you get off the plane and lawyer up. But first steps first, YOU GET OFF THE PLANE.
Thousands of people are removed off of planes every year and none make a big scene like this moron did.

He needs to bend over and just take it in the ass.....again.

IOW you're another spineless wimp who falls all to pieces drooling over the he-manity of Authority.

Grow a pair, Wimpy.

It's not about growing a pair, or about authority. It's about being an adult and making the best of a bad situation. It's about thinking beyond yourself and realizing your pathetic actions just fucked up everybody else's day as well.
It's about realizing that other passengers time is just as important as your time.
Pogo is one of those people who puts himself before others.

Thank God most people aren't like him.

Trust me he talks all big, but he would be scared shitless with cops telling him to get off a plane. He's a keyboard warrior, but I promise he ain't got the balls to stand up to authority. I can tell by how he talks on here. Truly tough people don't have to try to put on a aura of toughness on a forum.

It's no different than if a cop is pulling you over for a bullshit reason. You don't tell him "fuck you" you accept whatever he does to you, ticket, arrest, whatever, and deal with in court. That's how mature adults would handle the situation. Immature idiots, however.....
After this is all said and done, the Dr. will be able to buy his own personal jet.

I saw footage of what happened a few moments before he was dragged off, and he was wasn't the belligerent freak trip people have been portraying him as -- he was on the phone, calmly, and basically said no, I'm not going...I'm not going.

He screamed only when they forcibly grabbed him (as most people would)

(and also - I can't believe the airline would separate a husband and wife after boarding. I would think the pick would be to any single passengers first.)

Most people would utter a blood-curdling scream like this for being grabbed?
I don't think so, and in fact I think "most" people would have acted like an adult and been angry but would have went ahead and complied instead of going into hysterics like Mr Drama Queen did here.

And you're beside yourself because somebody had the stones to do what you don't --- stand up to belligerence.

Another spineless wimp.

Stones to act like a little bitch? Lol!
Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?
Enough to pay off his Federal and State fines to keep him out of jail?

Since he went to the hospital, I'm looking forward to seeing his drug test results. His behavior was highly erratic. It wouldn't surprise me if he was on something.
Bottom line...........there would be no incident if they had not screwed up........

They could of just asked for a passenger to give up a seat for a free flight and hotel stay or something.......but instead just picked someone and said your off the plane.

It was stupid not to try a different approach and now they will pay through the nose for it.

And I really don't care.
The guy saw his chance for a fortune and he took it......he knew that refusing to leave would lead the cops to extract him, and he made sure that he made a spectacle for youtube...now he is going to cash in...the guy is a genius....except for that whole, selling drugs for sex with his patients and losing his medical license thing....

WTF is wrong with you people? If this were YOUR 69 year old father/grand father, would you be saying the same?

You know, with your fanatical preoccupation with guns, you are one sick little twitch. But to be fair, all RWNJs love to see innocent people hurt. This poor guy is lucky one of you wasn't there to shoot him.

And injury to his sinuses. He now requires several reconstructive surgeries and will suffer the rest of his life for this assault.

My parents or grandparents would have acted like an adult and would have angrily complied with the orders instead of hanging on like a spoiled three year old. They wouldn't have made a spectacle of themselves, and instead they would have looked for a remedy later.
Of course my parents or grandparents didn't believe the world revolved around them in the first place.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.
Only absurd if bending over for the man is the norm for you.

Fuck United. Their 4 employees are not more important than a paying customer.
What about the 70 passengers who would have been stranded in SDF the next day because there wasn't a flight crew?

Fine, let's force airlines to never, ever bump a passenger for flight crew. As in this situation, a solution would be to cancel the flight, then ferry the aircraft and extra crew to SDF without passengers.
Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?
Enough to pay off his Federal and State fines to keep him out of jail?

Since he went to the hospital, I'm looking forward to seeing his drug test results. His behavior was highly erratic. It wouldn't surprise me if he was on something.

In the latest video, he appears and acts just fine. It isn't until he is touched that he begins his public meltdown.
WTF is wrong with you people? If this were YOUR 69 year old father/grand father, would you be saying the same?

You know, with your fanatical preoccupation with guns, you are one sick little twitch. But to be fair, all RWNJs love to see innocent people hurt. This poor guy is lucky one of you wasn't there to shoot him.

And injury to his sinuses. He now requires several reconstructive surgeries and will suffer the rest of his life for this assault.

My parents or grandparents would have acted like an adult and would have angrily complied with the orders instead of hanging on like a spoiled three year old. They wouldn't have made a spectacle of themselves, and instead they would have looked for a remedy later.
Of course my parents or grandparents didn't believe the world revolved around them in the first place.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.
Only absurd if bending over for the man is the norm for you.

Fuck United. Their 4 employees are not more important than a paying customer.
What about the 70 passengers who would have been stranded in SDF the next day because there wasn't a flight crew?

Fine, let's force airlines to never, ever bump a passenger for flight crew. As in this situation, a solution would be to cancel the flight, then ferry the aircraft and extra crew to SDF without passengers.

But this guy was more important than the rest. He's a doctor you know, he has patients to see and bills to pay. The rest of us can just go fuck ourselves.
WTF is wrong with you people? If this were YOUR 69 year old father/grand father, would you be saying the same?

You know, with your fanatical preoccupation with guns, you are one sick little twitch. But to be fair, all RWNJs love to see innocent people hurt. This poor guy is lucky one of you wasn't there to shoot him.

And injury to his sinuses. He now requires several reconstructive surgeries and will suffer the rest of his life for this assault.

My parents or grandparents would have acted like an adult and would have angrily complied with the orders instead of hanging on like a spoiled three year old. They wouldn't have made a spectacle of themselves, and instead they would have looked for a remedy later.
Of course my parents or grandparents didn't believe the world revolved around them in the first place.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.
Only absurd if bending over for the man is the norm for you.

Fuck United. Their 4 employees are not more important than a paying customer.
What about the 70 passengers who would have been stranded in SDF the next day because there wasn't a flight crew?

Fine, let's force airlines to never, ever bump a passenger for flight crew. As in this situation, a solution would be to cancel the flight, then ferry the aircraft and extra crew to SDF without passengers.
Find a different flight for your excess crew. The solution was simple. Instead they're gonna end up losing billions between their stocks, lost passengers & a lawsuit.
Bottom line...........there would be no incident if they had not screwed up........

They could of just asked for a passenger to give up a seat for a free flight and hotel stay or something.......but instead just picked someone and said your off the plane.

It was stupid not to try a different approach and now they will pay through the nose for it.

And I really don't care.
1) It wasn't United that screwed up but the plainclothes police officer who decided to use force against Dao.

2) Republic airlines did offer passengers up to $1000 in vouchers or cash but none took the offer.

3) A better solution would have been for the police to recommend simply deplaning every passenger then reboarding it minus 3 passengers and Dao, but arrest him in the terminal.
My parents or grandparents would have acted like an adult and would have angrily complied with the orders instead of hanging on like a spoiled three year old. They wouldn't have made a spectacle of themselves, and instead they would have looked for a remedy later.
Of course my parents or grandparents didn't believe the world revolved around them in the first place.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.
Only absurd if bending over for the man is the norm for you.

Fuck United. Their 4 employees are not more important than a paying customer.
What about the 70 passengers who would have been stranded in SDF the next day because there wasn't a flight crew?

Fine, let's force airlines to never, ever bump a passenger for flight crew. As in this situation, a solution would be to cancel the flight, then ferry the aircraft and extra crew to SDF without passengers.

But this guy was more important than the rest. He's a doctor you know, he has patients to see and bills to pay. The rest of us can just go fuck ourselves.
He is indeed more important than excess crew members.

Y'all can move the goalposts & mock it all you like. United will be lucky to survive this
Care to guess on how many millions he'll likely collect?
Enough to pay off his Federal and State fines to keep him out of jail?

Since he went to the hospital, I'm looking forward to seeing his drug test results. His behavior was highly erratic. It wouldn't surprise me if he was on something.
Holy christ -- you must be on acid.

No charges will be filed, the CEO of United has apologized, said the Dr. was not at fault at all, and is gearing up for pay enough of a settlement to keep the doctor and his kids rolling in the dough for a long time to come.
Bottom line...........there would be no incident if they had not screwed up........

They could of just asked for a passenger to give up a seat for a free flight and hotel stay or something.......but instead just picked someone and said your off the plane.

It was stupid not to try a different approach and now they will pay through the nose for it.

And I really don't care.
1) It wasn't United that screwed up but the plainclothes police officer who decided to use force against Dao.

2) Republic airlines did offer passengers up to $1000 in vouchers or cash but none took the offer.

3) A better solution would have been for the police to recommend simply deplaning every passenger then reboarding it minus 3 passengers and Dao, but arrest him in the terminal.
They screwed up when they can't properly book flights for their own staff..........they screwed up not the doctor...........because Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

I wish I'd have been on that flight because I'd have taken the $1000 for a few hours delay. LOL

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