Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

Holy christ -- you must be on acid.

No charges will be filed, the CEO of United has apologized, said the Dr. was not at fault at all, and is gearing up for pay enough of a settlement to keep the doctor and his kids rolling in the dough for a long time to come.
No, but I'm curious to know what drugs Dao was on.

It's not the CEO's call as to whether the Feds or the State files criminal charges against Dao.

If they don't file charges, then other passengers will feel free to break Federal laws. It should be fun to watch.
1. Neither the state or the fed will file criminal charges.

2. You're an idiot.
Only absurd if bending over for the man is the norm for you.

Fuck United. Their 4 employees are not more important than a paying customer.
What about the 70 passengers who would have been stranded in SDF the next day because there wasn't a flight crew?

Fine, let's force airlines to never, ever bump a passenger for flight crew. As in this situation, a solution would be to cancel the flight, then ferry the aircraft and extra crew to SDF without passengers.

But this guy was more important than the rest. He's a doctor you know, he has patients to see and bills to pay. The rest of us can just go fuck ourselves.
LOL. What's funnier still is this drug addict is now claiming his experience was worse than the evacuation of Saigon. I hope the jury is filled with Vietnam vets and Vietnamese refugees.

United Airlines passenger ordeal 'worse than fall of Saigon' - BBC News
You really *are* on acid, aren't you?

The Dr, and his Dr. wife ARE Vietnam refugees.
Whoooosh! LOL. Yes, they are Vietnamese refugees.

He said what HE went through, crackhead.

Who the hell are you to measure his personal experiences?
And when you're near 70 year old -- things can be more terrifying to you than when you're in your 20's.

The guy was in the hospital for three fucking days.
Rent a Cops were a bunch of danged idiots as well. I hope he nails their asses to the wall in the lawsuit.
United Airlines is gonna get reamed in court or an out of court settlement..............

For being a bunch of morons.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.

Here is the contract of carriage

Contract of Carriage Document | United Airlines

You show me on what grounds United had the right to remove Dr. Dao.
Let the lawyers figure it out, but, yes they do have that right.

Now, when Dao refused to comply he violated several Federal and State laws. Sucking UAL for cash is one thing, but bribing the Feds and the State for crimes is another. I'm guessing Dao will take a plea deal and pay a lot of fines to avoid jail time.

Yes, the lawyers are going to figure it out. But no, they did not have the right to remove Dr. Dao after he took his seat. I posted the contract of carriage and have asked if someone can show me what provision gave United the right to remove Dr. Dao. Nor did Dr. Dao violate any federal or state laws. Although it is telling that you and others believe the law gives United the right to do damn near whatever they want. Just give us a couple more Republican majorities and they probably will.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.

Here is the contract of carriage

Contract of Carriage Document | United Airlines

You show me on what grounds United had the right to remove Dr. Dao.
Let the lawyers figure it out, but, yes they do have that right.

Now, when Dao refused to comply he violated several Federal and State laws. Sucking UAL for cash is one thing, but bribing the Feds and the State for crimes is another. I'm guessing Dao will take a plea deal and pay a lot of fines to avoid jail time.

Yes, the lawyers are going to figure it out. But no, they did not have the right to remove Dr. Dao after he took his seat. I posted the contract of carriage and have asked if someone can show me what provision gave United the right to remove Dr. Dao. Nor did Dr. Dao violate any federal or state laws. Although it is telling that you and others believe the law gives United the right to do damn near whatever they want. Just give us a couple more Republican majorities and they probably will.
I'm a conservative and think this is wrong...........keep the partisan bs out of it.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.

Here is the contract of carriage

Contract of Carriage Document | United Airlines

You show me on what grounds United had the right to remove Dr. Dao.
Let the lawyers figure it out, but, yes they do have that right.

Now, when Dao refused to comply he violated several Federal and State laws. Sucking UAL for cash is one thing, but bribing the Feds and the State for crimes is another. I'm guessing Dao will take a plea deal and pay a lot of fines to avoid jail time.

Yes, the lawyers are going to figure it out. But no, they did not have the right to remove Dr. Dao after he took his seat. I posted the contract of carriage and have asked if someone can show me what provision gave United the right to remove Dr. Dao. Nor did Dr. Dao violate any federal or state laws. Although it is telling that you and others believe the law gives United the right to do damn near whatever they want. Just give us a couple more Republican majorities and they probably will.
Buncha fat-assed authoritarians.

Till it's their skull getting crush in.
Bottom line...........there would be no incident if they had not screwed up........

They could of just asked for a passenger to give up a seat for a free flight and hotel stay or something.......but instead just picked someone and said your off the plane.

It was stupid not to try a different approach and now they will pay through the nose for it.

And I really don't care.
1) It wasn't United that screwed up but the plainclothes police officer who decided to use force against Dao.

2) Republic airlines did offer passengers up to $1000 in vouchers or cash but none took the offer.

3) A better solution would have been for the police to recommend simply deplaning every passenger then reboarding it minus 3 passengers and Dao, but arrest him in the terminal.
They screwed up when they can't properly book flights for their own staff..........they screwed up not the doctor...........because Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

I wish I'd have been on that flight because I'd have taken the $1000 for a few hours delay. LOL
If that was true, I'd agree, but it looks like this was a last minute change due to either weather or a mechanical problem. The crew was rescheduled to fly the morning SDF flight to ORD.
Doesn't matter to me......at that is nothing but an excuse. The airlines overbook all the dang time..........I'm not buying into the BS here. Get your shit together and remember the 6 p's.
FTR: This wasn't a matter of overbooking, or weather problems, or mechanical.
Bottom line...........there would be no incident if they had not screwed up........

They could of just asked for a passenger to give up a seat for a free flight and hotel stay or something.......but instead just picked someone and said your off the plane.

It was stupid not to try a different approach and now they will pay through the nose for it.

And I really don't care.
1) It wasn't United that screwed up but the plainclothes police officer who decided to use force against Dao.

2) Republic airlines did offer passengers up to $1000 in vouchers or cash but none took the offer.

3) A better solution would have been for the police to recommend simply deplaning every passenger then reboarding it minus 3 passengers and Dao, but arrest him in the terminal.
They screwed up when they can't properly book flights for their own staff..........they screwed up not the doctor...........because Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

I wish I'd have been on that flight because I'd have taken the $1000 for a few hours delay. LOL
If that was true, I'd agree, but it looks like this was a last minute change due to either weather or a mechanical problem. The crew was rescheduled to fly the morning SDF flight to ORD.
Doesn't matter to me......at that is nothing but an excuse. The airlines overbook all the dang time..........I'm not buying into the BS here. Get your shit together and remember the 6 p's.
FTR: This wasn't a matter of overbooking, or weather problems, or mechanical.
It was a matter of stupidity and mismanagement.
Well it's too bad that the Chink-American Fokker did not do like the police told him to do.

He should be suing the airport and their security not UA.

And the good christian racist slime is out from under his rock again today. I'm surprised you can stand this much sunlight.

Broken nose, two teeth knocked out, concussion, needs reconstructive surgery ...

You would scream too.

Looks like time to get a lawyer

I can just see United in front of a jury justifying why their employees were so important that they needed to beat up an elderly man to get them a seat

His attorney and daughter just held a news conference. This poor man was really beat up - way beyond what was appropriate to the circumstance.

I sincerely doubt he was injured as much as you claim, and naturally the snake lawyers are going to play it up and exagerate it to the tenth degree.

And, right on cue, DigitalDrifter starts to wiggle.

I did not claim his injuries. The doctors/hospital who treated him did.

Additionally, the footage of him, very agitated, confused, half-running down the aisle, saying over and over, "I've got to got home", was, according to medical personnel, due to being knocked unconscious and having a concussion.

They were not "police". They were just Barney Fifers, cop wannabes. 2aguy understands that very well because he also has dreams of grandeur.

You RWNJs would roll over for any jack booted thug that comes along and criticize anyone who stands up against it.

Just because your grandparents would do the same does not mean everyone else would.

I know who they were, they were not actual cops. My point is simple, all things can be negotiated. A true adult would have realized that if someone didn't step forward NO ONE was going to get home on time. Once they could not get any volunteers, and names were drawn, this guy could have volunteered to leave and adked for more compensation than what was offered. Instead he held on, and made sure that everyone was going to get screwed.

Oh. So the Barney Fife types were "negotiating" when they bashed his face, broke his teeth, damaged his sinuses, knocked him cold, gave him a concussion, terrorized him, his wife and the rest of the passengers.

Why didn't you say so?

You continue to defend the indefensible.

Our corporations, their leaders paid a kings ransom every week, should be bequeathed police power, it's only natural.

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