Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up


Maybe United could get into the film industry, and make a movie about Vampires on a plane.

Got a title or two for them:

"Blood Flight"

"Flight of the Living Dead"
Might make a good B flick if you are drunk I guess..........go for it...............
He looks like a character from Train to Busan

WTF is wrong with you people? If this were YOUR 69 year old father/grand father, would you be saying the same?

You know, with your fanatical preoccupation with guns, you are one sick little twitch. But to be fair, all RWNJs love to see innocent people hurt. This poor guy is lucky one of you wasn't there to shoot him.

And injury to his sinuses. He now requires several reconstructive surgeries and will suffer the rest of his life for this assault.

My parents or grandparents would have acted like an adult and would have angrily complied with the orders instead of hanging on like a spoiled three year old. They wouldn't have made a spectacle of themselves, and instead they would have looked for a remedy later.
Of course my parents or grandparents didn't believe the world revolved around them in the first place.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.

My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

WTF are you thinking?

I think anyone who is being attacked and assaulted and beat up and having bones broken, teeth knocked out --

He should have been screaming a lot louder.

Why would anyone suffer that attack silently.

What a really bizarre pile of crap that is.
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This doctor was kicked off the plane for the convenience and economic bottom line of the airline, pure and simple. They could have upped the amount of cash offers to people who would voluntarily give up their seats, but no. Hope he wins in court, but appeals would last till he's 90 years old, so he'd best go for a settlement for an undisclosed amount. I'm still surprised at the number of people who will take the side of a large and arrogant corporation over a little guy.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.


Please show the contract that says a passenger is giving permission for fake cops to come on the plane and break his nose, knock he teeth out, rupture his sinuses, knock him cold, give him brain damage.

Please show where he behaved like a violent criminal.

He wasn't.

You people are really pushing the envelope of reason with this crap.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.

Here is the contract of carriage

Contract of Carriage Document | United Airlines

You show me on what grounds United had the right to remove Dr. Dao.
Let the lawyers figure it out, but, yes they do have that right.

Now, when Dao refused to comply he violated several Federal and State laws. Sucking UAL for cash is one thing, but bribing the Feds and the State for crimes is another. I'm guessing Dao will take a plea deal and pay a lot of fines to avoid jail time.

Yes, the lawyers are going to figure it out. But no, they did not have the right to remove Dr. Dao after he took his seat. I posted the contract of carriage and have asked if someone can show me what provision gave United the right to remove Dr. Dao. Nor did Dr. Dao violate any federal or state laws. Although it is telling that you and others believe the law gives United the right to do damn near whatever they want. Just give us a couple more Republican majorities and they probably will.

Thanks for posting this.

I'm sure airplanemechanic will show where it says the airline had the right to mug this poor man.

He's lucky they didn't steal his wallet too.
You mean felons are suppose to be treated like a dog?

Apparently, some believe the rentacops can read minds and knew he had broken the law in the past.

That same excuse has been used in the past to give real cops reason to beat the crap out of a (black) man who had not broken a law at the time he was beaten or shot dead.

This is just as wrong.
He's a physician, his time is more important than everyone else on the plane.


The airline said that their profit was more important than his right to sit in the seat he bought.

I used to tell my clerks in my bookstores that they were overhead, the customer was profit and their paychecks depended on profit.

My bet is that if this had been you who was beaten up, you would be singing a very different tune. You can lie about it but that's what it would be - a lie.

There is no doubt that you RWNJs would stand up for your rights too.

Or maybe I'm wrong and you would just wimper and crawl off the plane. RWNJs do see themselves as victims. This old man did not and that's what bothers you.
If you dont like the contract of carriage, don't buy a ticket and fly.

But you can't just say "fuck the contract of carriage." Um, it doesn't work that way. In this country, you can't just say "fuck a legal contract" or else we wouldn't have a legal system because either party at either time could just say fuck it and walk away.
If you don't like losing your customer base
don't fuck them over

That is why the United CEO is grovelling
He's a physician, his time is more important than everyone else on the plane.


The airline said that their profit was more important than his right to sit in the seat he bought.

I used to tell my clerks in my bookstores that they were overhead, the customer was profit and their paychecks depended on profit.

My bet is that if this had been you who was beaten up, you would be singing a very different tune. You can lie about it but that's what it would be - a lie.

There is no doubt that you RWNJs would stand up for your rights too.

Or maybe I'm wrong and you would just wimper and crawl off the plane. RWNJs do see themselves as victims. This old man did not and that's what bothers you.

I encourage all commie pigs to behave aggressively towards sky police when they ask them to leave the plane.

Thousands of people are removed off of planes every year and none make a big scene like this moron did.

He needs to bend over and just take it in the ass.....again.

And no, it doesn't work like that. You can't say "fuck a legal document." You are bound by contract. Now, I have no clue how this will end up if it goes to court, but a contract of carriage is a legally binding document that's going to bite him in the ass. As much as he might enjoy it...
Thousands are removed because they agree to the compensation

Forcing sitting passengers off a plane because they are not as important as moving your employees is asking for trouble

They got it
He's a physician, his time is more important than everyone else on the plane.


The airline said that their profit was more important than his right to sit in the seat he bought.

I used to tell my clerks in my bookstores that they were overhead, the customer was profit and their paychecks depended on profit.

My bet is that if this had been you who was beaten up, you would be singing a very different tune. You can lie about it but that's what it would be - a lie.

There is no doubt that you RWNJs would stand up for your rights too.

Or maybe I'm wrong and you would just wimper and crawl off the plane. RWNJs do see themselves as victims. This old man did not and that's what bothers you.

I encourage all commie pigs to behave aggressively towards sky police when they ask them to leave the plane.

Dr Dao was never aggressive
What about the 70 passengers who would have been stranded in SDF the next day because there wasn't a flight crew?

Fine, let's force airlines to never, ever bump a passenger for flight crew. As in this situation, a solution would be to cancel the flight, then ferry the aircraft and extra crew to SDF without passengers.

But this guy was more important than the rest. He's a doctor you know, he has patients to see and bills to pay. The rest of us can just go fuck ourselves.
LOL. What's funnier still is this drug addict is now claiming his experience was worse than the evacuation of Saigon. I hope the jury is filled with Vietnam vets and Vietnamese refugees.

United Airlines passenger ordeal 'worse than fall of Saigon' - BBC News
You really *are* on acid, aren't you?

The Dr, and his Dr. wife ARE Vietnam refugees.
Whoooosh! LOL. Yes, they are Vietnamese refugees.

He said what HE went through, crackhead.

Who the hell are you to measure his personal experiences?
Sensitive little fella, eh? Okay, first, I'm not measuring his personal experiences; I suggested that a jury of his peers who went through the same experience sit in judgment on him.

Have a really nice day, sir!
Yes, the lawyers are going to figure it out. But no, they did not have the right to remove Dr. Dao after he took his seat. I posted the contract of carriage and have asked if someone can show me what provision gave United the right to remove Dr. Dao. Nor did Dr. Dao violate any federal or state laws. Although it is telling that you and others believe the law gives United the right to do damn near whatever they want. Just give us a couple more Republican majorities and they probably will.
Yes on lawyers, but you are wrong on laws that Dao broke. He interfered with both a flight crew and an airline operation; that's a violation of Federal law. He ran back onto an airliner without authorization, that's a violation of federal law. He refused to obey the lawful order of a police officer, resisted arrest then fled the police; all violations of state law. United might be willing to suck his dick, but the Feds and the State of Illinois might not be so forgiving of Dao's illegal activities since that only encourages others, like you, to do the same.
The good doctor will never have to work again.
All the blame is on United, throwing paying passengers off a flight so their employees can fly free!
That is no way to run an airline.
The good doctor will never have to work again.
All the blame is on United, throwing paying passengers off a flight so their employees can fly free!
That is no way to run an airline.
If the "good doctor" was on drugs and/or convicted of multiple violations of Federal and State laws, he may never work again period.
But this guy was more important than the rest. He's a doctor you know, he has patients to see and bills to pay. The rest of us can just go fuck ourselves.
LOL. What's funnier still is this drug addict is now claiming his experience was worse than the evacuation of Saigon. I hope the jury is filled with Vietnam vets and Vietnamese refugees.

United Airlines passenger ordeal 'worse than fall of Saigon' - BBC News
You really *are* on acid, aren't you?

The Dr, and his Dr. wife ARE Vietnam refugees.
Whoooosh! LOL. Yes, they are Vietnamese refugees.

He said what HE went through, crackhead.

Who the hell are you to measure his personal experiences?
Sensitive little fella, eh? Okay, first, I'm not measuring his personal experiences; I suggested that a jury of his peers who went through the same experience sit in judgment on him.

Have a really nice day, sir!
It's not sensitive to point out what a jackass you are, and point you the stupidity of your posts.

And yeah, you are measuring his personal experiences, because that's what *he* relayed.

"I suggested that a jury of his peers who went through the same experience sit in judgment on him."

This may come as a shock to you, but not everyone goes through "the same experience" in national tragic events.

Wild, huh?

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