Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

Do we need unskilled jobs done?
Nope. I can do those jobs for myself for a lot less. Maybe you should research the word "value" When someone charges too much for an item, it won't sell. Unskilled labor is selling their labor and it has exceeded its value.
Why not drop the minimum wage back to 7.25 per hour and see if people apply?
I doubt even FF restaurants would offer such a low wage, but you're probably right. Very few would take the job. But if they wanted to, should it be illegal?
I doubt even FF restaurants would offer such a low wage, but you're probably right. Very few would work for such a low wage. But if they wanted to, should it be illegal?
Don't hire. The lazy useless owner would do all the work him or her self.
Still not able to parse what you're trying to say here. Are you drunk?
So $20 is too much correct? If that's true then don't hire people just do it all yourself. If you can't understand that then you are the drunk one.
That would be awesome.
That philosophy is what makes this quote from Thomas Sowell so incredibly true.

Good. It's not a big deal. Minimum wage jobs don't need to be filled. It's a nothing burger.

Anyway, you never answered my question: If someone wants to work for less that what you think is minimal, why should that be illegal?
So why is he hiring if he can't do it all himself? He isn't entitled to employees.
Why aren't you making what you were when you were 16, moron? Its called ambition. This isn't communism. He risked his money (like a bank when they loan and get interest) Are you saying that you shouldn't have advanced your lot in life. The risks and efforts that you expended weren't worth what you built them to be? Should an unskilled worker make exactly the same as you do after the number of years you expended making yourself more valuable? Your argument holds NO water. Go troll somewhere else, commie.
I don't think the gov't should be bailing out businesses either, although maybe if national security is definitely at stake. Maybe. But it seems to me that raising the MW by as much as CA is doing will in fact cut the feet out of more people at the bottom than it will help the others who benefit from a higher wage. Because the number of jobs and/or the number of hours worked will decline. How many franchises in CA will close their doors because the profit margin is gone or is too low for the owners to continue operations? Not the bigwigs at McD's HQ but the people that run the McDs down the street. Yeah, maybe you hurt the revenue at the top but I believe you also hurt the individual employers and employees. I understand the new MW goes into effect next April? I guess we'll find out what the consequences will be next year.
That will give businesses time to mechanize.

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