Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

Under who?

Thousands of corporations throughout history have built their fortunes on the backs of hard working individuals.

Gas is $6 a gallon in LA this morning.

People who work should be able to afford a tank of gas. With or without skills
Before Joe Biden's war on fossil fuels, we paid $2.30/gallon and minimum wage earners could afford to fill their tanks. BTW, if you read the thread, I was asking pknopp why he didn't pay the guy that mows his lawn $20/hr. WTF, if one unskilled worker gets $20/hr, why not pay them all $20/hr. Because it is ridiculous. It is grossly inflationary and will produce the opposite result that these shortsighted people are expecting. Welcome to the third world.
Nobody is going to lose sleep over burger flipping jobs. It doesn't affect anything
Quite simply...it means that those who paid less than $20.00 an hour will now be paying that amount
Most are already paying close to that amount and more to get/keep good workers.
and those who already pay that amount will now be paying far more.
No - they'll be paying what they're paying, which is generally already close to 20USD or more.

Covid created massive worker shortages and returned bargaining power to low-wage workers.
See above.

This was just grandstanding by Newsom in preparation for his presidential run.

Nothing Burger.
For unskilled and inexperienced workers?
I don't think so.
You're wrong.
If that is your opinion, fine. But I highly doubt that is the case for an entry-level FF restaurant position.
$17+ is the minimum entry level wage in most places, with many offering much more.
Do you have documentation (link) that supports that statement?
Just go to a half dozen FF places and ask.

Or Google.
Where is the data for $20/hr being under market for FF employees?
See above.
It might be for others, but I doubt it and that ain't who we're talking about here.
See above.
First of all, a jump from $15/hr to $20/hr is not a small raise.
See above.
I wouldn't doubt that a 33% raise in the MW would be an incentive to hire on or stay at a FF place, but that is NOT the problem. The problem is whether affected FF places will be able to afford to pay that much more in labor costs and stay in business without substantially raising their prices, or automating whatever they can which means employing fewer people, or cut the number of hours worked by reducing the operating hours.
See above.
Or in some cases they'll just close their doors and go out of business.
Nonsense; they're already paying close to this or more.
The profit margin for those places is/was already tight, and this legislation could be a tipping point that costs some employees to make more money but also others to lose their jobs.
Interesting question: where do you think the money is going to come from to pay those employees more money? Somebody is gonna be on the hook, but who?
See above; $17+ is already the norm.
It will interesting and informative in a couple of years to see how it all plays out.
Nothing Burger.
All i know is, I won't be vacationing in CA anytime soon, but if I did I'd bring a sandwich.
Nonsense; Nothing Burger.
Yeah, nobody except somebody who will lose their job because the FF franchise they work for will close because the profit margin is gone and it ain't worth it to keep it open.
Not gonna happen.

$17+ is already the norm.
Which franchisees can afford to pay their workers $20/ hr.?
They will Just raise their prices you say?
Fast food prices are already very high given the crap you are buying/ eating.
Good luck with that.
I can get lunch at a sit down restaurant for the cost of fast food anymore. The only real difference in cost is the tip.
Yeah, nobody except somebody who will lose their job because the FF franchise they work for will close because the profit margin is gone and it ain't worth it to keep it open.
So then DONT HIRE. Awesome. Let the owner do the work.
Oh no a FF shuts down. Heaven forbid.

Yeah, it ain't like it was your job that got shitcanned. And we ain't talking about one FF, asshole.

OK, I'm done here. I shoulda known better.
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Most people in these debates get preoccupied with whether a given worker "deserves" a certain wage. To me, that misses the point. The important question is whether government should decide, or the market.
Most people in these debates get preoccupied with whether a given worker "deserves" a certain wage. To me, that misses the point. The important question is whether government should decide, or the market.
Nobody cares either way. I love the chaos.
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

I'm sure this will force fast food places to close, unless people like paying $10 for a happy meal.

Remember ten years ago Hardies / Carl's Jr had their $5 burger menu, and people thought that was a bit much. Now even a crappy tasting Big Mac meal is over $11.
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And it still is not a living wage... in California...
And since even a burger and fries is going to become expensive, the cost of living got even higher.

This was the joke ten years ago, "will a $10 minimum wage be enough, why not $20/hr." What was satire to illustrate the absurdity of Democrat policies, is now reality. just like the conspiracy theories of ten years ago are now real. We are clearly living during the end of times for this nation.

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