Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

More likely, there will be very few fast food workers. Automation.

An oldie but a goldie!

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The government shouldn't be bailing out businesses either. I'm not going to cut the feet out from under those at the bottom.

I don't think the gov't should be bailing out businesses either, although maybe if national security is definitely at stake. Maybe. But it seems to me that raising the MW by as much as CA is doing will in fact cut the feet out of more people at the bottom than it will help the others who benefit from a higher wage. Because the number of jobs and/or the number of hours worked will decline. How many franchises in CA will close their doors because the profit margin is gone or is too low for the owners to continue operations? Not the bigwigs at McD's HQ but the people that run the McDs down the street. Yeah, maybe you hurt the revenue at the top but I believe you also hurt the individual employers and employees. I understand the new MW goes into effect next April? I guess we'll find out what the consequences will be next year.
I don't think the gov't should be bailing out businesses either, although maybe if national security is definitely at stake. Maybe. But it seems to me that raising the MW by as much as CA is doing will in fact cut the feet out of more people at the bottom than it will help the others who benefit from a higher wage. Because the number of jobs and/or the number of hours worked will decline. How many franchises in CA will close their doors because the profit margin is gone or is too low for the owners to continue operations? Not the bigwigs at McD's HQ but the people that run the McDs down the street. Yeah, maybe you hurt the revenue at the top but I believe you also hurt the individual employers and employees. I understand the new MW goes into effect next April? I guess we'll find out what the consequences will be next year.

As long as business get billions, I'm going to support a few extra dollars for the workers.
there still at it check out amazon there are literaly hundred racist black written hate books on whites. how bad we are like they are perfect, how it is ok to have war with us kill us. blacks are the most dangerous and racist folks now. it is scary.
I've known more racist blacks than whites.
Way back in the mid '80s, I was making $20/hr. for construction layout. I moved to CA, and was immediately paid $60/hr. It really didn't seem to go any farther, so I moved back, when all construction stopped for Bush 1's Iraq war.
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

Many FF places have to pay close to this - or more - to attract/keep workers now.

So what's the issue?
Minimum wage is populist pablum. Leftist politicians know it won't help the poor, but it will increase government power over the economy - which is their real goal. Plus, it sells well to the dummies, and that's always popular leading up to an election.
Instead of irrelevant whataboutisms, answer the question. Why are you cutting the feet out from under them?
Under who?

Thousands of corporations throughout history have built their fortunes on the backs of hard working individuals.

Gas is $6 a gallon in LA this morning.

People who work should be able to afford a tank of gas. With or without skills
Many FF places have to pay close to this - or more - to attract/keep workers now.

So what's the issue?

From what I understand, the current average MW in CA is around $15/hr. Raising that by 33% in one fell swoop is believed by many to be too difficult for many FF franchises to live with. It ain't like the corporate big-wigs are going to pay the extra costs, instead the higher costs will be paid by the small business people that own those franchises. The new law goes into effect next April I believe, and those small businesses are going to have to face some difficult choices: raises prices, cut hours and employees, automate, or close their doors and go out of business. I mean, if the lower profit margins are insufficient vis-a-vis the risk and effort required to run a franchise, then they'll hang it up and that means some employees will lose their jobs. So yeah, some people will benefit but others will not and in fact some of them will be unemployed.
From what I understand, the current average MW in CA is around $15/hr. Raising that by 33% in one fell swoop is believed by many to be too difficult for many FF franchises to live with. It ain't like the corporate big-wigs are going to pay the extra costs, instead the higher costs will be paid by the small business people that own those franchises. The new law goes into effect next April I believe, and those small businesses are going to have to face some difficult choices: raises prices, cut hours and employees, automate, or close their doors and go out of business. I mean, if the lower profit margins are insufficient vis-a-vis the risk and effort required to run a franchise, then they'll hang it up and that means some employees will lose their jobs. So yeah, some people will benefit but others will not and in fact some of them will be unemployed.
I think their biggest issue is attracting workers; I don't think this will lead to unemployment for anyone who wants to work.

$20/hr is under market in many instances.

If FF places can't attract/keep workers, it's not because of this small mandated raise.

Tempest in a teapot.
Many FF places have to pay close to this - or more - to attract/keep workers now.

So what's the issue?
Quite simply...it means that those who paid less than $20.00 an hour will now be paying that amount and those who already pay that amount will now be paying far more.

Under who?

Thousands of corporations throughout history have built their fortunes on the backs of hard working individuals.

Gas is $6 a gallon in LA this morning.

People who work should be able to afford a tank of gas. With or without skills

$20/hr is under market in many instances.
For unskilled and inexperienced workers? I don't think so. If that is your opinion, fine. But I highly doubt that is the case for an entry-level FF restaurant position. Do you have documentation (link) that supports that statement? Where is the data for $20/hr being under market for FF employees? It might be for others, but I doubt it and that ain't who we're talking about here.

If FF places can't attract/keep workers, it's not because of this small mandated raise.
First of all, a jump from $15/hr to $20/hr is not a small raise. I wouldn't doubt that a 33% raise in the MW would be an incentive to hire on or stay at a FF place, but that is NOT the problem. The problem is whether affected FF places will be able to afford to pay that much more in labor costs and stay in business without substantially raising their prices, or automating whatever they can which means employing fewer people, or cut the number of hours worked by reducing the operating hours. Or in some cases they'll just close their doors and go out of business. The profit margin for those places is/was already tight, and this legislation could be a tipping point that costs some employees to make more money but also others to lose their jobs. Interesting question: where do you think the money is going to come from to pay those employees more money? Somebody is gonna be on the hook, but who?

It will interesting and informative in a couple of years to see how it all plays out. All i know is, I won't be vacationing in CA anytime soon, but if I did I'd bring a sandwich.

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