Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

Those "at the top" will not be the ones paying for the increased wages. They will not be the ones most affected by the new inflated prices. You, the middle-class consumer will be the ones, that will be cutting the checks to pay for the higher wages, and for the higher prices caused by those higher wages.
Just think of how good the middle class could be doing if we didn't have to pay the help at all.
I'm good with it. As I said, if some can demand and get higher earnings, all should be able to, especially when many aren't even involved in whatever the product is at all.

They are "involved" when they invest money in a product.
Just think of how good the middle class could be doing if we didn't have to pay the help at all.

Sarcasm noted.

We will raise the salaries, and then you'll have people who have worked to improve their skills and have been in the workforce longer demand more, then even more inflation will occur, and then we'll be right back where we were.
It's the cat chasing its tail.
Fast food started off decades ago.

Let me put it a way that you'll understand.

Let's say I want to start a McDonald's franchise.
The fee is $1,000,000.
I then must purchase or lease land, and pay construction costs. This is another $1,000,000.
I have $250,000 of my own money, and have a friend that will chip in another $250,000. The rest has to be financed through a bank.
I then must hire workers.

I begin operation, and after a month in business, who DESERVES to be paid first?
My friend?
My workers?
My bank?
Let me put it a way that you'll understand.

Let's say I want to start a McDonald's franchise.
The fee is $1,000,000.
I then must purchase or lease land, and pay construction costs. This is another $1,000,000.
I have $250,000 of my own money, and have a friend that will chip in another $250,000. The rest has to be financed through a bank.
I then must hire workers.

I begin operation, and after a month in business, who DESERVES to be paid first?
My friend?
My workers?
My bank?

The bank will demand to be paid first and then the workers. Without those two being paid, the owners (which isn't even who I have been discussing) get nothing.
Just think of how good the middle class could be doing if we didn't have to pay the help at all.
All this does is make every other job out there demand more $$. Inflation is a word for it. There has to be a bottom that everything else is based on. It can be $10, $30, $100 but it will always be the bottom. Then every other type of job will base their pay on that! Everything raises up including the price we all pay for everything and everyone is in the same position they were before all this stupidity. The new $10/hr is $20/Hr but your rent was increased because the cost to hire people increased and supplies increased and property taxes, insurance all increased. Your food prices increased because their employees want more. And on and on and on.
UAW, railroad, Kaiser strikes seems to prove your contention.
It might be a good time to move back to Reno. Work flipping burgers, no responsibility, no need to be anything more than a game-playing, brain-dead millennial, and take that the 20/hr out of the state where the cost of living is at least a little lower.
Reno is in Nevada. The Gruesome law is California.
The government shouldn't be bailing out businesses either. I'm not going to cut the feet out from under those at the bottom.
The feet weren't cut from anyone. Let me know the next time you pay someone $20/hr to pick up trash on your property. Are you paying the kid who mows your lawn $20/hr? Why are you cutting the feet out from under them?
The feet weren't cut from anyone. Let me know the next time you pay someone $20/hr to pick up trash on your property. Are you paying the kid who mows your lawn $20/hr? Why are you cutting the feet out from under them?

It's not about me is it? Always with the defense of corporate welfare.

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