Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

Why not drop the minimum wage back to 7.25 per hour and see if people apply?
Min. wage in Idaho is 7.25 hr. No-one get that. Fast food is between 11 and 14 hr..rising to 15 after a year or so.

Factory work..of which there is plenty in Twin Falls..starts at around 17...and rapidly climbs to 22--on the average.

But...groceries are 1/3 less than Cali..gas is $2 less a gal. and we have NO homeless. At all.

1 bedroom apt 550-650 a month.

No social services the fed does not mandate. Some of the worst schools in the nation.

A paradise for a retired outdoor type.
Not gonna happen.

$17+ is already the norm.

10 years ago when Brown raised the minimum wage to $10 an hour... Here was the response.

That same worker just got laid off because the resturant he works in is shutting down because it had to raise its prices to pay its workers. Everyone loses. Dumbass
Since there are still fast food restaurants in California...one can surmise that the prophecies of doom that went with a $10 minimum wage were not accurate.

I think $20 is too high myself but the “we’re screwed” caucus is full of shit.
Why aren't you making what you were when you were 16, moron? Its called ambition. This isn't communism. He risked his money (like a bank when they loan and get interest) Are you saying that you shouldn't have advanced your lot in life. The risks and efforts that you expended weren't worth what you built them to be? Should an unskilled worker make exactly the same as you do after the number of years you expended making yourself more valuable? Your argument holds NO water. Go troll somewhere else, commie.
No body cares about this except you. I don't care what a fast food worker makes. In fact most people couldn't care less. Pay them whatever you desire. You believe a business owner should have access to labor don't you?
Min. wage in Idaho is 7.25 hr. No-one get that. Fast food is between 11 and 14 hr..rising to 15 after a year or so.

Factory work..of which there is plenty in Twin Falls..starts at around 17...and rapidly climbs to 22--on the average.

But...groceries are 1/3 less than Cali..gas is $2 less a gal. and we have NO homeless. At all.

1 bedroom apt 550-650 a month.

No social services the fed does not mandate. Some of the worst schools in the nation.

A paradise for a retired outdoor type.

Cold as hell in the wintertime though, right? And you never know when a bear will show up in your backyard.

Back to the MW discussion. I'm a believer in states rights and federalism, and if CA or any other state wants to set the MW to $20 or whatever, so be it. I don't have a dog in that fight, but I do think that some people will benefit and others will not, and still others will lose their jobs. We've been having this argument for some years now, and one might think there would be data out there that would show the truth of the matter.
No body cares about this except you.
Got a link on that, moron? I think there are a number of people on this thread that prove once again you are full of excrement. BTW, your deflection is noted. So why don't we pay burger flippers what you are earning? Maybe they can move in with you as well. No reason that you should live a better lifestyle than a person that has no skills.
Got a link on that, moron? I think there are a number of people on this thread that prove once again you are full of excrement. BTW, your deflection is noted. So why don't we pay burger flippers what you are earning? Maybe they can move in with you as well. No reason that you should live a better lifestyle than a person that has no skills.
This kind of thing really bothers you. Let it go. It's out of your control. And it's California so it doesn't affect any other state
Under what authority does a governor have the legal power to demand a business pay a certain wage? Does not sound constitutional to me???
Min. wage in Idaho is 7.25 hr. No-one get that. Fast food is between 11 and 14 hr..rising to 15 after a year or so.

Factory work..of which there is plenty in Twin Falls..starts at around 17...and rapidly climbs to 22--on the average.

But...groceries are 1/3 less than Cali..gas is $2 less a gal. and we have NO homeless. At all.

1 bedroom apt 550-650 a month.

No social services the fed does not mandate. Some of the worst schools in the nation.

A paradise for a retired outdoor type.
That's the Ho! :)

Well, outside of Boise & CDL.
10 years ago when Brown raised the minimum wage to $10 an hour... Here was the response.

Since there are still fast food restaurants in California...one can surmise that the prophecies of doom that went with a $10 minimum wage were not accurate.

I think $20 is too high myself but the “we’re screwed” caucus is full of shit.
Some good points, but keep in mind that they can't get people at $25/hr.

Post-Covid world.
This kind of thing really bothers you. Let it go. It's out of your control. And it's California so it doesn't affect any other state
Narcissist. It ain't just CA. CA and WA started it -- like most of the cockamamie shit that the democrats foist on the nation. This problem is nationwide.


It's all over our Constitution.

You might want to read about it.
Before Joe Biden's war on fossil fuels, we paid $2.30/gallon and minimum wage earners could afford to fill their tanks. BTW, if you read the thread, I was asking pknopp why he didn't pay the guy that mows his lawn $20/hr. WTF, if one unskilled worker gets $20/hr, why not pay them all $20/hr. Because it is ridiculous. It is grossly inflationary and will produce the opposite result that these shortsighted people are expecting. Welcome to the third world.
What opposite result?

McD's goes out of business?

Who cares?
Min. wage in Idaho is 7.25 hr. No-one get that. Fast food is between 11 and 14 hr..rising to 15 after a year or so.

Factory work..of which there is plenty in Twin Falls..starts at around 17...and rapidly climbs to 22--on the average.

But...groceries are 1/3 less than Cali..gas is $2 less a gal. and we have NO homeless. At all.

1 bedroom apt 550-650 a month.

No social services the fed does not mandate. Some of the worst schools in the nation.

A paradise for a retired outdoor type.
1 br in CA is 2k

It's all over our Constitution.

You might want to read about it.
Where in our United States Constitution does it provide for the federal government to regulate wages? You might want to read the document.

Further, what is wrong with the content of my meme? Do you disagree? Why?

Roughly $40K a year for some HS dropout to put your fries in a little paper bag.
Fast food places CANNOT afford that. They will automate virtually everything or close.
Newsom is a fucking idiot.
Ironic thing is that as they raise prices to accommodate the higher wages, it's lower income folks who eat at fast food joints that will be hurt.

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