Well, she certainly didn't kill McCain's chances

Yesterday you neg repped me and said we did not lose the war in Iraq. Well, we also didn't win it either. Because no matter how long we stay or what we do, there will always be anti American forces in Iraq for us to fight. So what was accomplished? Chaney and Bush and their buddies got rich off US tax dollars. So they may have won, but you and I did not. We took it in the ass.

Winning means getting the fuck out of there. When we leave, that's when we win.

So what happens when Mook Tada El Sadr becomes ruler of Iraq and he joins forces with Iran? That's almost inevidable. Will you consider that victory, stupid?

We got rid of Saddam. The Iranians LOVED that move and the Saudi's HATED it. So we helped our enemy. Maybe that was an olive branch? Please explain, with substance.

Diversion... because, once again, you have nothing but baseless slogan troll talking points
You don't help your argument by being on the board for five minutes and calling anybody who disagrees with you a troll. If you want an ounce of credibility argue the facts. If not, suck it up and stop whining...:eusa_boohoo::eusa_angel::cuckoo:

I've admin'd and been a long time member of a couple of boards long enough to know what a troll is... and I'll call a troll a troll

I do not call everyone who disagrees with me a troll... but I will stand up and flat out say that bobo the clown and Kirk trolls, for it is what they do and what they are

I have argued the facts... and I have argued stance.. and I have argued logic.... but when faced with the trolling absurdity of ones like that, you simply call it out for what it is... just as I call out the trolls on the other side of the fence as well
That's a fucking lie Jill. :eusa_liar:

Nice shoes Glock.

Well, not so much a lie, more like, her hubby belonged. Still, her sympathies were there......


What does Trailer Trash Palin stand for? (rhetorical). What is her experience (again rhetorical).

Think about it. January 31 2009, President John McCain drops dead. Then what.

"Er, excuse me Madam President, what about the situation with the Pushtan tribes in Pakistan supporting the Taliban?"

"Um, give em snowshoes?"

"What about the Nuclear warheads stationed on Georgia's border?"

"South Carolina is pointing nukes at Atlanta? Call out the national guard..."

You right-wing whack jobs have no idea. All you give a shit about is god, guns and old glory....
I've admin'd and been a long time member of a couple of boards long enough to know what a troll is... and I'll call a troll a troll

I do not call everyone who disagrees with me a troll... but I will stand up and flat out say that bobo the clown and Kirk trolls, for it is what they do and what they are

I have argued the facts... and I have argued stance.. and I have argued logic.... but when faced with the trolling absurdity of ones like that, you simply call it out for what it is... just as I call out the trolls on the other side of the fence as well

Fair enough
That's a fucking lie Jill. :eusa_liar:

Sarah Palin's ties to Alaskan Independence Party are played down

Tonight, Sarah Palin will be nominated as the Republican Party's choice for vice president of the United States.

But back home, she has cheered the work of a tiny party that long has pushed for a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from those same United States. And her husband, Todd, was a member of the party for seven years.

"Keep up the good work," Sarah Palin told members of the Alaskan Independence Party in a videotaped speech to their convention six months ago in Fairbanks. She wished the party luck on what she called its "inspiring convention."

The Alaskan Independence Party, founded in 1978, initially promoted "the Alaskan independence movement." But now, according to its website, "its primary goal is merely a vote on secession."

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said Tuesday that Palin did not support splitting Alaska off from the rest of the country. He sidestepped the question of whether she favored a statewide vote on secession.
Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention

By JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press Writer
Wed Sep 3, 11:48 PM ET

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her Republican supporters held back little Wednesday as they issued dismissive attacks on Barack Obama and flattering praise on her credentials to be vice president. In some cases, the reproach and the praise stretched the truth.

Some examples:

PALIN: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending ... and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere."

THE FACTS: As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist
and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. While Palin notes she rejected plans to build a $398 million bridge from Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport, that opposition came only after the plan was ridiculed nationally as a "bridge to nowhere."

PALIN: "There is much to like and admire about our opponent. But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state senate."

THE FACTS: Compared to McCain and his two decades in the Senate, Obama does have a more meager record. But he has worked with Republicans to pass legislation that expanded efforts to intercept illegal shipments of weapons of mass destruction and to help destroy conventional weapons stockpiles. The legislation became law last year.
To demean that accomplishment would be to also demean the work of Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, a respected foreign policy voice in the Senate. In Illinois, he was the leader on two big, contentious measures in Illinois: studying racial profiling by police and requiring recordings of interrogations in potential death penalty cases. He also successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform legislation.

PALIN: "The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes, raise payroll taxes, raise investment income taxes, raise the death tax, raise business taxes, and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars."

THE FACTS: The Tax Policy Center, a think tank run jointly by the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, concluded that Obama's plan would increase after-tax income for middle-income taxpayers by about 5 percent by 2012, or nearly $2,200 annually. McCain's plan, which cuts taxes across all income levels, would raise after tax-income for middle-income taxpayers by 3 percent
, the center concluded.

Obama would provide $80 billion in tax breaks, mainly for poor workers and the elderly, including tripling the Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credits for larger families.

He also would raise income taxes, capital gains and dividend taxes on the wealthiest. He would raise payroll taxes on taxpayers with incomes above $250,000, and he would raise corporate taxes. Small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year would see taxes rise.

MCCAIN: "She's been governor of our largest state, in charge of 20 percent of America's energy supply ... She's responsible for 20 percent of the nation's energy supply. I'm entertained by the comparison and I hope we can keep making that comparison that running a political campaign is somehow comparable to being the executive of the largest state in America," he said in an interview with ABC News' Charles Gibson.

McCain's phrasing exaggerates both claims. Palin is governor of a state that ranks second nationally in crude oil production, but she's no more "responsible" for that resource than President Bush was when he was governor of Texas, another oil-producing state. In fact, her primary power is the ability to tax oil, which she did in concert with the Alaska Legislature. And where Alaska is the largest state in America, McCain could as easily have called it the 47th largest state — by population.

MCCAIN: "She's the commander of the Alaska National Guard. ... She has been in charge, and she has had national security as one of her primary responsibilities," he said on ABC.

THE FACTS: (This is a good one!!!! LOL!!!)
While governors are in charge of their state guard units, that authority ends whenever those units are called to actual military service. When guard units are deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, for example, they assume those duties under "federal status," which means they report to the Defense Department, not their governors. Alaska's national guard units have a total of about 4,200 personnel, among the smallest of state guard organizations.

FORMER ARKANSAS GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE: Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States."

THE FACTS: A whopper. Palin got 616 votes
in the 1996 mayor's election, and got 909 in her 1999 re-election race, for a total of 1,525. Biden dropped out of the race after the Iowa caucuses, but he still got 76,165 votes in 23 states and the District of Columbia where he was on the ballot during the 2008 presidential primaries.

FORMER MASSACHUSETTS GOV. MITT ROMNEY: "We need change, all right — change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington — throw out the big-government liberals, and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin."

THE FACTS: A Back-to-the-Future moment. George W. Bush, a conservative Republican, has been president for nearly eight years. And until last year, Republicans controlled Congress. Only since January 2007 have Democrats have been in charge of the House and Senate
Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention - 09/03/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
you have an article in TIME that "says" he does. that is not proof. Proof would be an unbiased observer watching him write a speech and then confirming that the same exact speech was given at some point in time with no other input from any one else.

That is proof.

show now TIME is a bias source? I guess anyone who says ANYTHING remotely positive about Obama is bias. you're a jackass :cuckoo:

Originally Posted by DiamondDave
And if the Black Panthers say Obama was a member of their group, with no proof, and no history of any personal actions that lead to the conclusion that this could be true.. you would accept that as accurate

Well I'd be interested in how Obama could've been a black panther when the Black Panther Party collapsed in the early 1970s. Do you suppose they could claim a small child was a member?

Palin spoke at the AIP convention. She said they were doing good work. Now she may not have been a member but she certainly was showing her support for them in the video I saw.

your continued idiotic rhetoric and baseless bullshit in order to deflect away from issues that are current, while entertaining, is becoming tiresome.
Palin's husband was member of third party - Yahoo! News

Your selective information continues, troll

Even Obama objected to this crapola

Keep up the good work," Sarah Palin told members of the Alaskan Independence Party in a videotaped speech to their convention six months ago in Fairbanks. She wished the party luck on what she called its "inspiring convention."

Sarah Palin's ties to Alaskan Independence Party are played down - Los Angeles Times

Can't deny the video retard.
Palin's husband was member of third party - Yahoo! News

Your selective information continues, troll

Even Obama objected to this crapola

Oh, so it is her husband that hates America? I guess we can call it even on Michelle Obama then. Oh, don't forget that McCain didn't really love America until he was deprived of her as a POW. That would be 30 years before he was proud of or loved America.

I hate to play these stupid games Dave, but this is how the GOP works. You throw out there that Obama is anti American, and we can PROVE your candidates don't give a fuck about anything other than the top 1%.

They are playing you fool.
THE FACTS: The Tax Policy Center, a think tank run jointly by the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, concluded that Obama's plan would increase after-tax income for middle-income taxpayers by about 5 percent by 2012, or nearly $2,200 annually. ....
This is called "income redistribution", a socialist policy.
This is called "income redistribution", a socialist policy.

also Brookings is not an objective source, they're a Dem think tank

I know most journalists and many political analysts are bad at math, all anyone really needs to do is look at his actual proposals, because for a lot of middle income taxpayers they'll be impacted a lot more by changes to exemptions and deductions than small shifts in marginal tax rates
Oh, so it is her husband that hates America? I guess we can call it even on Michelle Obama then. Oh, don't forget that McCain didn't really love America until he was deprived of her as a POW. That would be 30 years before he was proud of or loved America.

I hate to play these stupid games Dave, but this is how the GOP works. You throw out there that Obama is anti American, and we can PROVE your candidates don't give a fuck about anything other than the top 1%.

They are playing you fool.

Again.. why don't you look at all the information.. and not just the selective pieces that fit your pre-conceived, left-wing agenda?
Oh, so it is her husband that hates America? I guess we can call it even on Michelle Obama then. Oh, don't forget that McCain didn't really love America until he was deprived of her as a POW. That would be 30 years before he was proud of or loved America.

I hate to play these stupid games Dave, but this is how the GOP works. You throw out there that Obama is anti American, and we can PROVE your candidates don't give a fuck about anything other than the top 1%.

They are playing you fool.

Yeah, that explains the 80 percent approval rating in ALASKA where 80 percent of the population is in the top 1 percent.

I love watching death twitches of lefties who know their candidate is doomed. I knew Palin would be great, and she was.

I can't wait for the debates.
Oh, so it is her husband that hates America? ....

They are playing you fool.

has been brought to our attention that there is a COUNTERFEIT SITE now up on the net. This site is a FRAUD and has infringed our copy write. We are presently seeking legal recourse.

Contrary to initial reports, Vice-President candidate Governor Sarah Palin was never a member of our party. We stand corrected. We issued a press release today. It is posted here to those members of the media who did not recieve it.

Todd Palin was registered as a member but never participated in any party activities aside from attending a convention in 1994.
Alaskan Independence Party

Who got played? :lol:
This is called "income redistribution", a socialist policy.

What is it called when the rich take from the middle class so they can make more money?

I think it would be called "income redistribution".

We are just distributing the money back to us, where it belongs. America is great because of it's strong middle class. Every country has a rich elite.

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