Well, she certainly didn't kill McCain's chances

Kirk said:
"Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.

Guess who has to pay that debt?

You and me!"

Provide a link to back that idiotic statement up, asswad.

Oh, I forgot. It's Kirk. He can't count, he just pulls random numbers out of his ass and flings them across the board then runs and hides like the lying wuss he knows he is...

no... he'll pull out the absurd reaganbushdebt.org website which is fully blown out of the water by the actual numbers and debt statistics from the fed itself
no, that is an extreme example and a lot different than the average worker paying less in taxes. youre trying to scare people into letting the ultra rich stay rich. the housing market has crumbled, but not the market for luxury houses. hmmm, wonder why that is?
1. Show me how taxing someone else at a higher rate is fair to the individual or beneficial to the economy.
2. Prove it.
Palin strikes back at critics | The Sun |News|Columnists|Fergus Shanahan
"Democrats and their Lefty media backers had been sneering that she was a small town nobody, a hick from the Alaskan sticks put into a job way beyond an inexperienced woman.

Believe me, you will not be hearing that again.

Palin turned out to be an electrifying mix of intelligence, passion, energy, optimism and plain speaking.

Full of self-assurance and aggression, she popped Barack's balloon big-time."

Every now and then the Brits are ok.
since some people prefer pretty pictures of stale words how about this


U.S. National Debt Graph

and another site for your enjoyment


on page 5 on historical trends

The traditional pattern of running large
deficits only in times of war or economic
downturns was broken during much of the
1980s. In 1982, partly in response to a
recession, large tax cuts were enacted. However,
these were accompanied by substantial
increases in defense spending. Although reductions
were made to nondefense spending,
they were not sufficient to offset the impact
on the deficit. As a result, deficits averaging
$206 billion were incurred between 1983
and 1992. These unprecedented peacetime
deficits increased debt held by the public
from $789 billion in 1981 to $3.0 trillion
(48.1% of GDP) in 1992.
After peaking at $290 billion in 1992,
deficits declined each year, dropping to a
level of $22 billion in 1997. In 1998, the
Nation recorded its first budget surplus ($69.2
billion) since 1969.

oh I especially like this part:

As a percent of GDP,
the budget bottom line went from a deficit
of 4.7% in 1992 to a surplus of 0.8% in
1998, increasing to a 2.4% surplus in 2000.

tell us again how Regean and Bush didn't run up the National Debt and how Clinton didn't leave Bush with a budget surplus. The white houses OWN website tells the tale.
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THat's what happens when you have to rebuild a country after it's left in a shambles by socialist nutjobs.
Palin strikes back at critics | The Sun |News|Columnists|Fergus Shanahan
"Democrats and their Lefty media backers had been sneering that she was a small town nobody, a hick from the Alaskan sticks put into a job way beyond an inexperienced woman.

Believe me, you will not be hearing that again.

Palin turned out to be an electrifying mix of intelligence, passion, energy, optimism and plain speaking.

Full of self-assurance and aggression, she popped Barack's balloon big-time."

Every now and then the Brits are ok.

She tried to have books banned from the local library, and then tried to fire the librarian who wouldn't go along with her censorship. She is against abortion in the case of rape. She believe that creationism should be taught in public schools. She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. She is under investigation for abuse of power and will be indicted on Oct. 31st. She has no national of international experience. A month ago she asked a reporter, "What does the vice president do?" She should never have been picked to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
THat's what happens when you have to rebuild a country after it's left in a shambles by socialist nutjobs.

No, this is what happens when you elect tax cut and spend Republicans.

You end up in debt to Communist China.
THat's what happens when you have to rebuild a country after it's left in a shambles by socialist nutjobs.

left in a shambles? Allie are you special ed? :cuckoo:

I provided a LINK to a document which lays out the FACTS!
show now TIME is a bias source? I guess anyone who says ANYTHING remotely positive about Obama is bias. you're a jackass :cuckoo:

Well I'd be interested in how Obama could've been a black panther when the Black Panther Party collapsed in the early 1970s. Do you suppose they could claim a small child was a member?

Palin spoke at the AIP convention. She said they were doing good work. Now she may not have been a member but she certainly was showing her support for them in the video I saw.

your continued idiotic rhetoric and baseless bullshit in order to deflect away from issues that are current, while entertaining, is becoming tiresome.

i apologize for not blithely believing everything a politician says to a "news source"

gee I'd guess I'd be a lot happier if I just believed everything i was told. You know especially since all politicians are so trustworthy.

Well riddle me this, Silence; If BHO writes all his own speeches, then why oh why would he have a head speech writer??


Mr. Favreau, the campaign’s 26-year-old head speechwriter

Maybe YOU shouldn't believe everything you read in TIME
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My God, Time is one of the most biased sources in the universe.

I wouldn't wipe my ass with it.
see skull I won't dismiss yours as being a lie.

I think both can be true. I think he has a professional speech writer AND I think he writes for himself too.

Allie, that would take a lot of Time magazines since you're all ass

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