Well, she certainly didn't kill McCain's chances

The Detroit Free Press held a voter focus group last night on the Palen speech. The group was comprised on Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Naturally the republicans loved her and the democrats didn't.

More surprisingly, were the reactions of the Independent voters in the focus group:

“I was completely underwhelmed. She was a Republican novelty act with a sophomoric script. It was not even a speech I would expect for a someone running for the local PTA, much less for vice president.”

-- George Lentz, 66, Southfield independent

“Who is Sarah Palin? I'm sorry but I still don't know anymore about this young lady tonight than I did last night ... The way it looks to me, she's the Republican vice presidential nominee for one reason: because Hillary wasn't selected.”

-- Mike Kosh, 38, West Bloomfield independent

"Sarah Palin is a self-described ‘pitbull with lipstick.’ She spent little time helping Americans learn who she is. She is a cool, poised speaker, but her speech contained few statements about policy or the party platform. … I am not convinced that Palin's experience as a mayor or governor in Alaska meet the qualifications to be vice president much less one stroke or heart attack away from being commander in chief.”

-- Ilene Beninson, 52, Berkley independent

“Nothing worked for me. I found her barrage of snide remarksand distortions to be a major turn off. She is not a class act. The most important point she made is that she will be an effective attack dog.”

-- Jan Wheelock, 58, Royal Oak independent

“Sarah got as much applause as Hillary did, and had a friendly, appealing appearance.
Her delivery style reminded me of a high school valedictorian who also might have been a cheerleader. I thought she would appear more professional, more stateswomanly. She's no match for Joe Biden.”

-- Joellen Gilchrist, 64, Beverly Hills independent


I thought she gave a good speech, in terms of delivery, and she proved herself and effective public speaker.

I thought the harsh tone, and lack of any policy specifics of the speech, was designed to pump up the red meat base. I don't know how this goes over with independents, and focus groups are a fairly poor sample from an empirical sense.

But, the reaction of the independents in the focus group is pretty telling.
Lol...you really are an idiot.

There's a DOCUMENT that proves Jimmy Carter didn't leave the US a mess? There's a DOCUMENT that proves all this ridiculous bs about the "debt" that comes from freaky websites, in different fonts of different colors...stuff which looks like the old ALF site, only less professional....

Somewhere in that garbage there's a DOCUMENT that proves all you have to say?:eek::cuckoo::eusa_clap:

allie, how about you give an article to back up what youve said in this thread? you cant yell at others for giving insufficient proof when you dont back yourself up
Lol...you really are an idiot.

There's a DOCUMENT that proves Jimmy Carter didn't leave the US a mess? There's a DOCUMENT that proves all this ridiculous bs about the "debt" that comes from freaky websites, in different fonts of different colors...stuff which looks like the old ALF site, only less professional....

Somewhere in that garbage there's a DOCUMENT that proves all you have to say?:eek::cuckoo::eusa_clap:

Of course you can't disprove it, because it's true.

No wonder you're so confused.
That would be a hoot- O'Rielly v. O' Bama. I saw O'Rielly debate Paul Krugman on PBS one time and poor little Paul was starting to cry. :lol:

Bill OReilly's phone call....

O'Reilly then launched into a lengthy fantasy featuring a loofah mitt.

"...you'd definitely get two wines in you, as quickly as I could get into you I would get 'em into you, maybe intravenously, get those glasses of wine into you," the complaint quotes O'Reilly as saying to Mackris. "You would basically be in the shower and then I would come in and you would have your back to me and I would take that loofah thing and kinda' soap up your back...rub it all over you, get you to relax, hot water...and um, you know, you'd feel the tension drain out of you and uh you would still be with your back to me then I would kinda' put my arm -- it's one of those mitts, those loofah mitts you know, so I got my hands in it...and I would put it around front, kinda' rub your tummy a little bit with it, and then with my other hand I would start to massage your boobs, get your nipples really hard...'cuz I like that and you have really spectacular boobs...

"So anyway I'd be rubbing your big boobs and getting your nipples really hard, kinda' kissing your neck from behind...and then I would take the other hand with the falafel (sic) thing and I'd just put it on your pussy but you'd have to do it really light, just kind of a tease business..."

"During the course of Defendant Bill O'Reilly's sexual rant, it became clear that he was using a vibrator upon himself, and that he ejaculated. Plaintiff was repulsed."

The complaint then asserts that "immediately after climaxing," O'Reilly began boasting about how good he was during a recent appearance on "The Tonight Show." He allegedly concluded the phone call by saying, "You know Mackris, in these days of your celibacy and your hibernation this is good for you to have a little fantasy outlet...I'm trying to tell you, this is good for your mental health."
Kirk, I was about to post that too!

Guess I'm stuck with only being able to post this..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tJjNVVwRCY]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Flips Out[/ame]

Bill really knows how to keep his cool. :lol:
Per Drudge:

37,244,000 WATCHED PALIN SPEECH ... [24,029,000 WATCHED BIDEN; 38,379,000 WATCHED OBAMA]... MORE...

Does that surprise you? Doesn't surprise me. Everyone who has an interest in this kind of thing wanted to see if she could string two sentences together or if she was another Dan ("potatoe") Quayle.

She passed the Dan Quayle test... at least in terms of being able to read a speech off of a teleprompter. Now she'll have her baptism by fire.
She passed the Dan Quayle test... at least in terms of being able to read a speech off of a teleprompter. Now she'll have her baptism by fire.

Apparently Biden gave the same speech at a campaign appearance this morning :lol:

I watched her gubernatorial debates. Unlike Barack Milhouse Obama, she's actually nimble on her feet and doesn't sound like a dipshit when there's no TelePrompTer™
She passed the Dan Quayle test... .

which is why the attacks against her are starting to look so desperate

and it's ironic seeing that the Dems claimed throughout the Clinton years that character doesn't matter, but now they want to criticize her over babies and state troopers, not fiscal policy or outlook on the war
Apparently Biden gave the same speech at a campaign appearance this morning :lol:

I watched her gubernatorial debates. Unlike Barack Milhouse Obama, she's actually nimble on her feet and doesn't sound like a dipshit when there's no TelePrompTer™

I'll hold judgement on that one until she debates Joe Biden. Until then, there is a huge difference between someone running for mayor in Alaska and a senator with 30+ years of experience.

And Obama doesn't sound like a dipshit. :)
which is why the attacks against her are starting to look so desperate

and it's ironic seeing that the Dems claimed throughout the Clinton years that character doesn't matter, but now they want to criticize her over babies and state troopers, not fiscal policy or outlook on the war

Just like it's ironic for the GOP that hunted Clinton like it was a mission on character issues. Now they want to criticize others for bringing up character issues, along with fiscal policy and outlook on the war.

See? It can be played both ways Swingvoter.

Besides, Sarah Palin doesn't have much of a focus on the war since she hasn't been focusing on it. :)
Apparently Biden gave the same speech at a campaign appearance this morning

have to say Biden's been a good sport through all this, he seems far more capable of having adult disputes than his running mate, who has the same, narcisstic how-dare-you-criticize-me tendencies of Bill Clinton

Biden's also been more conservative and coherent on Pakistan than Bush, so I still think a good case can be made that the Dem ticket is stronger on foreign policy than the GOP one
Typical lib- deflection and attack with something that has ever been proven. :eusa_whistle:

I don't know about you but when you have a whole huge wikipedia dedicated just to the amount of criticism alone I think there's a problem.

Criticism of Bill O'Reilly (commentator) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh and this makes it related to the topic if you like.

O'Reilly criticized the news media for addressing the matter of Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's seventeen year-old, unwed daughter's pregnancy. O'Reilly claimed it was a strictly private family matter and that Palin could not be responsible for her daughter's actions. The Atlanta Journal Constitution's Editorial page Editor Cynthia Tucker, Jon Stewart and the Huffington Post each noted that O'Reilly himself had several months earlier criticized another unwed pregnant teenager, Jamie Lynn Spears, labeling her a "pinhead" and calling her parents irresponsible.

So by "Papa Bear" standards, Bristol Palin is a "pinhead" and Sarah Palin and Todd Palin are irresponsible parents. I'm not saying these things, one of the largest voices of the GOP Media is practically saying it.

Doublethink..Doublethink..Doublethink :eusa_whistle:
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Besides, Sarah Palin doesn't have much of a focus on the war since she hasn't been focusing on it.

But like Biden, she's got a son who will be fighting in it.

Great that both VP candidates aren't hypocrites on this, but I would like more discussion on how we assess security risks. We're spending a lot of money in Korea, Germany, and Iraq to fight, protect, and establish governments at the same time that nat'l security analysts are saying the major threat is from terrorist groups, not individual nations.

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