Well, since the goal of democrats is to create more racists by pushing blm on the world...sure is working.

I agree that are trying to paint anyone who won't go along as a racist even if they are not. Also police apparently have no right to deputize or use nearby help when needed in situations like the violent riots burning businesses and such.

Keep forgetting, plus I have so many of these marxist propaganda puppets on ignore, but why again do these losers ignore....

The Barbary Coast slave trade where up to 2 million Europeans were enslaved by the Ottomans (black Christian haters) from the 15th century to the 19th century?

The Trans-Sahara slave trade which is really still going on and was a well established INDUSTRY for 700 years before Europe (Portugal) got involved?

The 10 Native American tribes that owned slaves and fought for the confederacy including the Cherokee that the skinny lying c word fake marshmallow white Native American claims she belonged to, cause of her high cheekbones?

The mass violence across America against blacks by blacks?

Why again is all of that ignored during negro history month?

Why are the 40k plus multi millionaire black Americans ignored considering it was the free market that granted them an opportunity that they didn't have in any of the 54 countries in Africa?

We all know why all of that is ignored.

Way to go leftists. Your pathetic mental slaves are right where you want them you fucking patronizing racists.
Black Lives Matter, a clever name that nobody can critisize otherwise they have a sound bite of whoever stating that Black Lives Dont Matter.

Democrats have no place in this world, for this reason alone.
Told her she had no right to be there even though it was public property; and then would not let her pass or even go around them to go to where her car was; and then attacked her and took her phone. The phone was recovered from a fountain by a maintenance worker the next morning. Phone ruined but chip with video still good. Her attackers belong in jail.

Looks like FB already blocking but here is the page https://www.facebook.com/AlphaNewsMN
edit: the video is on that page if interested in seeing it. Those are also antifa and BLM attacking her.

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I have a awesome bike and when black ppl try to ask me about it, I tell them I don’t like blacks any more because you side with democrats, have a good day
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Congrats democrats and globalists. Your Frankenstein monster is now out of control with your fucking identity politics and the world, who weren't racists, are becoming racists.


Oh look, 3-4 black dudes on one white guy and not a one can throw a punch.

Congrats democrats and globalists. Your Frankenstein monster is now out of control with your fucking identity politics and the world, who weren't racists, are becoming racists.


This is good for America in the long term. Like it or not; this nation was founded by and built for Caucasians. The reason- our founders knew all along what we are scared shitless to say now...a whiter America is a safer, more productive, more likeminded America...AND THAT’S A SCARY FACT.
Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
Hey Mac, can I get you to use this one in your quotations of racists please..full context please. Thanks in advance.

Congrats democrats and globalists. Your Frankenstein monster is now out of control with your fucking identity politics and the world, who weren't racists, are becoming racists.


This is good for America in the long term. Like it or not; this nation was founded by and built for Caucasians. The reason- our founders knew all along what we are scared shitless to say now...a whiter America is a safer, more productive, more likeminded America...AND THAT’S A SCARY FACT.
Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
Hey Mac, can I get you to use this one in your quotations of racists please..full context please. Thanks in advance.

I'm sure there's a point here.

Do you really need to keep tagging me? It gets pretty boring.

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